this image contains text
P ? ll P.,yy,.?l l?P.yP**?y,?,, ,,y y,,.?P,byd,, ,,y,..,y/ yy .,db,. db ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, / ,,,,, **,, ,,?,..,P. .,.*? P,. ./,P.,. ./dby,. P.yy. byyd,/ .,ydby,..,db. P ,,ydby,*?P* .,by,...,ydby. .,yd
skizzors----------------------------------------------------------------------this was for the serial executable blender entry, but just didnt end up making
the cut this month. in case ya couldnt tell, its a graveyard. I finally
managed to rip off the * thing! yay!
your mom sucks
skizzors----------------------------------------------------------------------this was for the serial executable blender entry, but just didnt end up making
the cut this month. in case ya couldnt tell, its a graveyard. I finally
managed to rip off the * thing! yay!
your mom sucks
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