,.P, P.,y,: ...P,,?P,d, ,db,P.dP,.P?P? b,,yy,,,b,?P,db ?P,d,?P .. b,l,,,,,,dP,?P.,yd P,,,,y,,?b,,d P,d ,l yd , P,dP ?,,,,,P ,yd ,d .. . l d ?P?b, ?yP?.? ,.b.,,b@dl ,y P?b,./l ? b,?P , l ob ? , ,/ db.?,y,,d,,d?y,. P ,y ybyydP d ,,? dP d,d./,,,,b, *? ,P. d/ /./l . P.dbd.,,,dP?b P,by,.l .,l l ,b,?b,..,yP,, P?b,?P,dl, ,yyy, b, .,ydyyyPsnip snip---------------------------------------------------------------------this was for a blender entry from serial that one, even though I never saw the
entry itself. notice there is NO SIG ON THIS PIC. RIP IT, PLEASE!!!
if your board is called like... the jungle... then this is perfect for you.
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