this image contains text
ho ho ho, as usual, I have the least submissions in the whole pack. except
maybe for blackdawn. anyway, here goes. 2 logos. woop dee fuckin doo. there IS
a reason, though -- I have this 100 page paper that Im working on. so there.
fuck off.
spilled entrails-for: malformed--------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
. s p i l l e d
,ydb@y,yy,. .. ?P
,//?,?b l , ,db, ?P
P ?b,,,,dy ?P
?.,yd@y,?b,dl , .,yy,.
,d,.., bd
,,,,?P?P P ?.
,d ll b,?P ,dP,dP ? ,d,,?, ,dP,d ,ydby, ,b,?y,.,dP,d ,, bi.?P.? /
? P?,?
?P./P,yy,?b,? /yyyyyyyyyyyyy7y
?P.,yPdb ?b ?, ,l
b.?.?ll , ?P ,,
+,b.,,b, ,db
,bP,by,. .,ydb
. . ?
. *?P* P ?
?P mp.
e n t r a i l s ?P
soldiers of fortune-average------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
mp. ,y@@y,
,y@@y, ll ll
,db, :
,,,y@@y :by
ll l l
lbyl l
ll ,?P,
,?P,y,..,y soldiers of fortune.
?y,..,yP!?P! ....
:: ?P,d
the end-of-meatpods colly------------------------ - - - -- fuck you -----
no specific greets this month... except for sargon.
the rest of you know who I like.
aND iTS nOT yOU!!! sO fuCk oFf!U*!!
maybe for blackdawn. anyway, here goes. 2 logos. woop dee fuckin doo. there IS
a reason, though -- I have this 100 page paper that Im working on. so there.
fuck off.
spilled entrails-for: malformed--------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
. s p i l l e d
,ydb@y,yy,. .. ?P
,//?,?b l , ,db, ?P
P ?b,,,,dy ?P
?.,yd@y,?b,dl , .,yy,.
,d,.., bd
,,,,?P?P P ?.
,d ll b,?P ,dP,dP ? ,d,,?, ,dP,d ,ydby, ,b,?y,.,dP,d ,, bi.?P.? /
? P?,?
?P./P,yy,?b,? /yyyyyyyyyyyyy7y
?P.,yPdb ?b ?, ,l
b.?.?ll , ?P ,,
+,b.,,b, ,db
,bP,by,. .,ydb
. . ?
. *?P* P ?
?P mp.
e n t r a i l s ?P
soldiers of fortune-average------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
mp. ,y@@y,
,y@@y, ll ll
,db, :
,,,y@@y :by
ll l l
lbyl l
ll ,?P,
,?P,y,..,y soldiers of fortune.
?y,..,yP!?P! ....
:: ?P,d
the end-of-meatpods colly------------------------ - - - -- fuck you -----
no specific greets this month... except for sargon.
the rest of you know who I like.
aND iTS nOT yOU!!! sO fuCk oFf!U*!!
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