this image contains text
b /
m : : :
m e m b e r s
..bASiC!aSCii Mai97 mEMbRlISTing..
-- seniors ...
: blindman ---------------- -- blindman@algonet.se
. holocaust ------------ --- thecharmer@funland.com :
holocaust@sns.gryn.org .
/ revivor --
epidemic ------------------ delavall@worldnet.att.net
--- Illumni ---
acidjack ---------------- kaleidas@packbell.net
- ---/ guest artists /--- - -
mass murderer / tzeentch / volatile
-/ artists /-//
biogen ---------------- --- no email address
cain --------------------- -- still need 2 get it..
desperado ---------------- -- desperad@hotmail.com
gravedancer ------------ gravey@juno.com
martz ------------------ - martz@lqd.org
mjay ---------------------- -- mj@ftn.net
mortify ------------------ - mortify@hotmail.com
. mso ---------------------- msoascii@hotmail.com
: polymorph ---------------- - polymorph@cryogen.com
squish --------------- - squish@hotmail.com .
.. mess with the best, die like the rest .. /
// //,oOoo0/oOo.
/ U
m : : :
m e m b e r s
..bASiC!aSCii Mai97 mEMbRlISTing..
-- seniors ...
: blindman ---------------- -- blindman@algonet.se
. holocaust ------------ --- thecharmer@funland.com :
holocaust@sns.gryn.org .
/ revivor --
epidemic ------------------ delavall@worldnet.att.net
--- Illumni ---
acidjack ---------------- kaleidas@packbell.net
- ---/ guest artists /--- - -
mass murderer / tzeentch / volatile
-/ artists /-//
biogen ---------------- --- no email address
cain --------------------- -- still need 2 get it..
desperado ---------------- -- desperad@hotmail.com
gravedancer ------------ gravey@juno.com
martz ------------------ - martz@lqd.org
mjay ---------------------- -- mj@ftn.net
mortify ------------------ - mortify@hotmail.com
. mso ---------------------- msoascii@hotmail.com
: polymorph ---------------- - polymorph@cryogen.com
squish --------------- - squish@hotmail.com .
.. mess with the best, die like the rest .. /
// //,oOoo0/oOo.
/ U
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