this image contains text
/ . ./o-
oO------ basic!ascii presents a collie by biOgenesis..
/ bob dole, owning you like ascii -cn
squish : : : :
: : biogen
by biOgenesis of basic produkshuz?!
dole likes this stuff. dole is oldage style
index info.. dole says its time for some for more whores l ::::::
logo title.. requestor.. group.. ::::::::::
drop zone someone something :::::
mass distortion biOgenesis something :::::
soft machine someone something :::::
moslem emmjay something :::::
mystical descent someone something :::::
singe someone something :::::
black hole iceman- food.coder :::
black hole iceman- food.coder :::
black hole iceman- food.coder :::
sneakers lordnito food.coder :::
sneakers lordnito food.coder :::
earth bound melfarr bbs boy :::
mass distortion biOgenesis basic!food :::::
tek autosig tk- serial!more ::::::
drop zone menu someone something ::::::
blank someone something :::::::::::
jagoff land/2 hiro-p remorse!qd-p!food :::::::::::
they all talk like dole.. ::::::::::
l ::::::
-+- drop zone logo dole need depends -+-
d ro p?!
/ //l/ / -
/ // /biO!/ / /
-+- mass distortion dole is plain -+-
l :
/ /b10! : / : /
l +o biogen
-+- soft machine menu dole has menu? -+-
:::.. ..::...... s oft machi ne ...::.::::.
-+- moslem dole wants icecream -+-
/:: m oS l e+ m
-+- mystical descent dole has been there -+-
:...: /llBIO
..........: : mYSTICAL dESCENT?!
-+- singe new age dole uses dope -+-
s in g+ e
l l /
-+- black hole no. 1 dole is a nig -+-
::::::::::: black hOle. / /
::::::/ / /bio!/
::::::::::: / +o iceman-
-+- black hole no. 2 dole likes whores -+-
: : biO
:........: blAck Ho le .............:
+o iceman-
-+- black hole no. 3 dole rules -+-
/---------/ bl aC k+ ho le /
node 1: you-want sop: iceman -- expand boxx
node 2: you-need affils: stuff / dogs / fish
nup: fishie-wh0rd more stats, elite infoz.
-+- sneakers no. 1 dole@hotmail.com -+-
/ // + erZ::::
biO-/------/ /:::::::
sneaKErs +o lordnitrO!? node 1: way2-fst ::::::
hell no we are fabricy freSH! node 2: foo-fght ::::::
fOod mbr / artz / etc ::::::
l ::::::
-+- sneakers no. 2 dole wears nikes -+-
+o lordnitro
3 /
/ mE aND BOBZ wE wORe sNEAKERS, wH0rd
/biO? /--------/
2 1
-+- earth bound dole is from mars -+-
-+- mass distortion dole likes mess -+-
/l / /
-+- tek autosig dole likes birds -+-
// // . tk@hotmail.com : ....
-+- drop zone dole will drop you -+-
/ // /biO!/ /
a alter flagged files l list users w write user settings
b bulletins m color On/Off x expert On/Off
c comment to staff n new files z zippy file search
d download files o page SysOp fr reverse file list
e enter a message p read messages rl re-Logon
f file listings q user statistics olm online message
g goodbye logoff r local time who who is online
i desire info s upload files chat multinode chat
j join a conference t view a textfile open external doors
-+- blank dole is always blank -+-
b la n+ k
/bio!/ // /
-+- modem land vote for dole -+-
/ m o / /
l e /l
d m //
// +o hiro biomj /
/ l d //
a / n
-+- dole really needs some dope now -+-
greets section... dole likes little boys. dole also likes little girls
cain, blind man, mjay, mso, eweat juarez, squish, necrom, black jack
hiro-p, drax, pariahFAT, bds, deathnite, discyple, crash, ack, mhz
empty, enig, lethal injection, catharis, mekong, mess, spinn, shamen,
psyko, crash, drax, sodom, tEk, cannabis, prodigy, serial2n, black dawn
sleep, insight, kelthar-, hstate, holocuast, wh0re, d2-Rn, infect, omi,
endless, spear, flame, xavii, souljah, ur-hex, revert, and g0at.
credits.. dole likes to thank people for sexual donations
ascii niggah bitch -- blindmanbsc
biogenesis ascii -- squishsrl
mass distortion ad -- cainkwst
dole quotes -- bob doleoldage
m a s s d is t / o r t i o n
//cn ---------------/ /
/ +o biOgenesis---------/
dole says time to go. dole would like to see you again?
* best viewed in edit.com..
/ . ./o-
oO------ basic!ascii presents a collie by biOgenesis..
/ bob dole, owning you like ascii -cn
squish : : : :
: : biogen
by biOgenesis of basic produkshuz?!
dole likes this stuff. dole is oldage style
index info.. dole says its time for some for more whores l ::::::
logo title.. requestor.. group.. ::::::::::
drop zone someone something :::::
mass distortion biOgenesis something :::::
soft machine someone something :::::
moslem emmjay something :::::
mystical descent someone something :::::
singe someone something :::::
black hole iceman- food.coder :::
black hole iceman- food.coder :::
black hole iceman- food.coder :::
sneakers lordnito food.coder :::
sneakers lordnito food.coder :::
earth bound melfarr bbs boy :::
mass distortion biOgenesis basic!food :::::
tek autosig tk- serial!more ::::::
drop zone menu someone something ::::::
blank someone something :::::::::::
jagoff land/2 hiro-p remorse!qd-p!food :::::::::::
they all talk like dole.. ::::::::::
l ::::::
-+- drop zone logo dole need depends -+-
d ro p?!
/ //l/ / -
/ // /biO!/ / /
-+- mass distortion dole is plain -+-
l :
/ /b10! : / : /
l +o biogen
-+- soft machine menu dole has menu? -+-
:::.. ..::...... s oft machi ne ...::.::::.
-+- moslem dole wants icecream -+-
/:: m oS l e+ m
-+- mystical descent dole has been there -+-
:...: /llBIO
..........: : mYSTICAL dESCENT?!
-+- singe new age dole uses dope -+-
s in g+ e
l l /
-+- black hole no. 1 dole is a nig -+-
::::::::::: black hOle. / /
::::::/ / /bio!/
::::::::::: / +o iceman-
-+- black hole no. 2 dole likes whores -+-
: : biO
:........: blAck Ho le .............:
+o iceman-
-+- black hole no. 3 dole rules -+-
/---------/ bl aC k+ ho le /
node 1: you-want sop: iceman -- expand boxx
node 2: you-need affils: stuff / dogs / fish
nup: fishie-wh0rd more stats, elite infoz.
-+- sneakers no. 1 dole@hotmail.com -+-
/ // + erZ::::
biO-/------/ /:::::::
sneaKErs +o lordnitrO!? node 1: way2-fst ::::::
hell no we are fabricy freSH! node 2: foo-fght ::::::
fOod mbr / artz / etc ::::::
l ::::::
-+- sneakers no. 2 dole wears nikes -+-
+o lordnitro
3 /
/ mE aND BOBZ wE wORe sNEAKERS, wH0rd
/biO? /--------/
2 1
-+- earth bound dole is from mars -+-
-+- mass distortion dole likes mess -+-
/l / /
-+- tek autosig dole likes birds -+-
// // . tk@hotmail.com : ....
-+- drop zone dole will drop you -+-
/ // /biO!/ /
a alter flagged files l list users w write user settings
b bulletins m color On/Off x expert On/Off
c comment to staff n new files z zippy file search
d download files o page SysOp fr reverse file list
e enter a message p read messages rl re-Logon
f file listings q user statistics olm online message
g goodbye logoff r local time who who is online
i desire info s upload files chat multinode chat
j join a conference t view a textfile open external doors
-+- blank dole is always blank -+-
b la n+ k
/bio!/ // /
-+- modem land vote for dole -+-
/ m o / /
l e /l
d m //
// +o hiro biomj /
/ l d //
a / n
-+- dole really needs some dope now -+-
greets section... dole likes little boys. dole also likes little girls
cain, blind man, mjay, mso, eweat juarez, squish, necrom, black jack
hiro-p, drax, pariahFAT, bds, deathnite, discyple, crash, ack, mhz
empty, enig, lethal injection, catharis, mekong, mess, spinn, shamen,
psyko, crash, drax, sodom, tEk, cannabis, prodigy, serial2n, black dawn
sleep, insight, kelthar-, hstate, holocuast, wh0re, d2-Rn, infect, omi,
endless, spear, flame, xavii, souljah, ur-hex, revert, and g0at.
credits.. dole likes to thank people for sexual donations
ascii niggah bitch -- blindmanbsc
biogenesis ascii -- squishsrl
mass distortion ad -- cainkwst
dole quotes -- bob doleoldage
m a s s d is t / o r t i o n
//cn ---------------/ /
/ +o biOgenesis---------/
dole says time to go. dole would like to see you again?
* best viewed in edit.com..
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