this image contains text
:!bm --- - - baseeeeek askeeee babee! - - ---
:::::::: , Oo / wOOP
l1 :il1S8, //
11 :1lS
ggggg . .,,. .,,. gggg .,,.
S11l ba, . ,:ill. ,al11SSba, gggg ,adSba,
l1P 71l: 7i:i1lP7::l11P711l
i11l ,88 :11i: ,8: :l1:i-- - Sl111 8888::
:i 8 : S11l 88 S11l1ii:: 88 ...
88 :: : :: l1Sl1i 11li::: ::
:: - -- :- i11lSl1- ---i:: -
massmkwest -- - - basic ascii info
blindmans words of wisdom
Yep, its true, were back and were ready to kick once more!
Basic!ascii is back in da nine seven, brought back to you by /
epidemic, hOlocaust me. Theres been alot of talk about /
this pack, a couple of delays but its finally here, and it
/ simply blows your mind : Some missfortunes left us without :
: hOlocausts work for this pack, hes gone underground and
I sure hope he pops up in the near future.
Now for some personal beliefs n shit, Ive recently had about
one years break from the scene. This because I felt drawin
wasnt as fun as it used to be, then about 1 month ago I
started drawing some again for some local boards and I started
/ getting my inspiration back. I decided to give the iRC scene :
/ another shot and met epidemic holocaust n we revived basic!
: Theres been alot of bull going around about us having a war // /
: with serial, well this is plain bull. Theres no war, there
. were a few bad words flung at eachother but weve put that
shit behind.
I have no beef with anyone, and Ive said it before and Ill :
say it again, wars are a fucking waste of time and plain lame.
I just want to be in the scene, draw have fun and this I hope /
pretty much concludes the general idea of basic!ascii.
Im really sad were releasing this pack without the presence
of hOlocausts newskool work. And hope that hell be back
qith us again next month.
/ Basic!ascii isnt invite only so you can go ahead n apply if
oo / you think you have the skills. We dont have distros or hqs
// the only thing close to that is memberboards, so dont ask. :
That pretty much concludes it for this info, if ya wanna .
reach us we hang on basic, ascii or you can e-mail : .
/ blindman -- blindman@algonet.se :
hOlocaust -- mother@funland.com
. *!BM . .
ooo 00 ---------
/ /o/ oOo / /
/-------/-------- sQuish
---: --.-.-. dont violate or u get violated. . -.-/----
: basic!ascii -97 /
:::::::: , Oo / wOOP
l1 :il1S8, //
11 :1lS
ggggg . .,,. .,,. gggg .,,.
S11l ba, . ,:ill. ,al11SSba, gggg ,adSba,
l1P 71l: 7i:i1lP7::l11P711l
i11l ,88 :11i: ,8: :l1:i-- - Sl111 8888::
:i 8 : S11l 88 S11l1ii:: 88 ...
88 :: : :: l1Sl1i 11li::: ::
:: - -- :- i11lSl1- ---i:: -
massmkwest -- - - basic ascii info
blindmans words of wisdom
Yep, its true, were back and were ready to kick once more!
Basic!ascii is back in da nine seven, brought back to you by /
epidemic, hOlocaust me. Theres been alot of talk about /
this pack, a couple of delays but its finally here, and it
/ simply blows your mind : Some missfortunes left us without :
: hOlocausts work for this pack, hes gone underground and
I sure hope he pops up in the near future.
Now for some personal beliefs n shit, Ive recently had about
one years break from the scene. This because I felt drawin
wasnt as fun as it used to be, then about 1 month ago I
started drawing some again for some local boards and I started
/ getting my inspiration back. I decided to give the iRC scene :
/ another shot and met epidemic holocaust n we revived basic!
: Theres been alot of bull going around about us having a war // /
: with serial, well this is plain bull. Theres no war, there
. were a few bad words flung at eachother but weve put that
shit behind.
I have no beef with anyone, and Ive said it before and Ill :
say it again, wars are a fucking waste of time and plain lame.
I just want to be in the scene, draw have fun and this I hope /
pretty much concludes the general idea of basic!ascii.
Im really sad were releasing this pack without the presence
of hOlocausts newskool work. And hope that hell be back
qith us again next month.
/ Basic!ascii isnt invite only so you can go ahead n apply if
oo / you think you have the skills. We dont have distros or hqs
// the only thing close to that is memberboards, so dont ask. :
That pretty much concludes it for this info, if ya wanna .
reach us we hang on basic, ascii or you can e-mail : .
/ blindman -- blindman@algonet.se :
hOlocaust -- mother@funland.com
. *!BM . .
ooo 00 ---------
/ /o/ oOo / /
/-------/-------- sQuish
---: --.-.-. dont violate or u get violated. . -.-/----
: basic!ascii -97 /
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