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--- This ansi has been brought to you by the letter T..for Twisted Fool -----
Yeh twisted fools...Anutha pik by the Drac himself!...damn tired...
oh well enough pity I have work 2 do!
SHoutz to rCa and Extacy.
Mad Props to Lady Dracula, Ripper, Messiah, all my users on RavenLoft!
If you want a request....send check or money order to hahaha just playing.
email me at Guars95@ix.netcom.com And well see what happens
--- This ansi has been brought to you by the letter T..for Twisted Fool -----
Yeh twisted fools...Anutha pik by the Drac himself!...damn tired...
oh well enough pity I have work 2 do!
SHoutz to rCa and Extacy.
Mad Props to Lady Dracula, Ripper, Messiah, all my users on RavenLoft!
If you want a request....send check or money order to hahaha just playing.
email me at Guars95@ix.netcom.com And well see what happens
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