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Thats Dracula f00l
c Dracula97
--------- Reproduction of this ansi is subject to search and seige -----------
Alright another one by da! whew fucking tired now...
Special shouts 2 Twisted and all the members!!!!! Shaman,Bdemon, props!
Group Greetz 2 rCa/and Extacy.. Whoop!
And a special mad prop to Lady Dracula, Ripper, Messiah, and ALL my users on
If your interested in a request simply email me at Guars95@ix.netcom.com and
for a minimal fee I might do something haha
c Dracula97
--------- Reproduction of this ansi is subject to search and seige -----------
Alright another one by da! whew fucking tired now...
Special shouts 2 Twisted and all the members!!!!! Shaman,Bdemon, props!
Group Greetz 2 rCa/and Extacy.. Whoop!
And a special mad prop to Lady Dracula, Ripper, Messiah, and ALL my users on
If your interested in a request simply email me at Guars95@ix.netcom.com and
for a minimal fee I might do something haha
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