this image contains text
SOF - W A T C H O U T N O W -
/ 80x25 Textmode + Afs.com required to view this colly
W E L C O M E T O : : / O L D S C H O O L . .
tRUE.. / / / / // ..aSC!
True!Ascii2k....... :..: :..: Trupacilypse now.....
Blaze Celsuis Tesko Suicide Rippa Tribal Kayozz
/ United We Stand,
. WatchOutNow! ........:. :
sTARRING kAYOZZ! / / . /. / . /
: oF / / :
: Colly 01 // / / /
Released xx0099! : .......:. :
++ Requir:ed - 80x25Textmode+Afs.comrv.exe
/ ko! :
Crime Syndicate True ! Ascii 2000 :
: Welcome to my first colly for the true family!,
i , Respects to all the oldschoolers who have stuck
: with the game... Martz, Tzeen, Brane, Volatile,
Dezibel, El Nino, Mjolle, Merlin, Serial Toon!,
and to the new breed of oldschool talents, like
nasone and wackie.. khaos/ko!trueascii2k..
T h e T r u t h I s O u t T h e r e . .
Got played like a violin, in a game against me
you can never win..
T R U E ! A S C I I
The artist that has brought you hit collys such
as recently released Brooklyn Zoo under outkast
now comes out with a brand new colly for true!a
called Watch Out Now.. 1999-2000 Is mine bitch,
drnlp! / K A Y O Z Z
! / - T R U E ! A S C I I 2 0 0 0 -
No one can touch my styles.. so bizzack izzoff!
- k h a O s +tr u e!a sc i i .. . . .
/ / * tH E oL DS C H O OL
Still kicking it in // / kH!?
the oldschool ascii / / /
scene since 1996...
. Black Jack jeff has been with me since the
beginning.. /
. To the illest newschool artist ever.. / /
and my best scene friend, word!
A little history.. if you will
Black Jacks bbs Dead Lock was the very first
bulletin board system i was ever on before...
and it was his board that got me into the art
scene...that was in 1995...its 1999 now baby!
and were both still here... You run shit man,
Never change.
w h a t n o w . . .
starring khaos of the true conspiracy ..
/. .. watch out now
drn! ----/!---- .---- ..---- .---- ---- lp!
01.. Cmode 08.. Native
02.. Nurse 09.. De
03.. Mojo 10.. 2pac : :
04.. Daeron 11.. Rant : :
05.. Smoke 12.. Serial Toon : :
06.. Zmegma 13.. Tekk : :
07.. Remorse 14.. Penis : :
: D A R E T O D R A W :
I represent a small group o : . . : f individuals who are dedic
ated to bringing you nothin : : : : g but the best in ascii-art
we are unstoppable, and ind : :....: : estructible.. there is no e
scaping us, for we are best :............: we are the oldschool artist
I N A S S O C I A T I O N W I T H . . .
o u t k a s t / /
K a y o z z , D e v l i n , S q i s h . . . // / /tn.rmr
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o1. Cmode .. Joint w/ Revolution /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
/ / / / ko! /
. / / o /
: o :
...:..... . .. . . /: MODE :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o2. Nurse .. For Toot /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
............................. .... ... n .. URS . E . !
-- .:. ko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o3. Mojo .. For the Grandmaster himself /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
/ // ko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o4. Daeron .. For my low-pro pal /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
. // // // // / .. ko!
d.. a.. e.. r.. o.. n.. - l.. o.. w.. p.. r.. o.. /
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o5. Smoke .. Remix from Remorse 34 /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
/ mlnko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o6. Zmegma .. For Ssixk and Shizuma /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
: Could it possibly be Zmegma.. w0rdup to sosiopaths! :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o7. Rmrs Remorse .. Remix from Remorse 34 /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
r e m o r s e tn/ko! .
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o8. Native .. For the batti-bwoi bumbaclot /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
// ko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o9. De .. For Someone !? /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
: / ko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ 1o. 2pac .. Respects to one the best rappers /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
......:.... ... : In god we trust.
// : : : ko! :
* 2 P : A C ! -- - : . :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ i1. Rant .. For Offset /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ i2. Serial Toon .. Mad Respects to seandini! /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
: -- +s er i al t oo n -- :
: / ko! :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ i3. Tekk .. For that guy guy names tekk... /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
: . . . . . ko! . :
: Tekk! :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ i4. p3n15 .. That tekk guys group, p3n15... /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
p3n15! / /
: :: :: : / ko!/tru : :: :: :
Hey!, Faggot, Dont touch my p3n15 or ill kill you!
A s T h e W o r l d T u r n s , I S p r e a d L i k e G e r m s . . .
khaos of true presents..
..../.+01 Watch Out Now!..:
/ E x t r o d u c t i o n! / /. /
/ Thank you to everyone who views this / ko!
colly.. and if anyone would send me
some feedback i would really apprec-
iate it.. kayozz@home.com, also if u
want any asciis drawn for ya. Thanks
to cain-g! for giving me this chance
to be in a group again, i was gone 4
a little while when my cablemodem d-
ied out. Greets and Respect to Martz .
El Nino, Whodini, Daeron, Native, Tn
. Volastyle, Brane, Squish, Hiro-p, d2
: And the rest of ta oldschool society
P.s - Mimic True.. please stop this stupid fight, its pointless.
/ 80x25 Textmode + Afs.com required to view this colly
W E L C O M E T O : : / O L D S C H O O L . .
tRUE.. / / / / // ..aSC!
True!Ascii2k....... :..: :..: Trupacilypse now.....
Blaze Celsuis Tesko Suicide Rippa Tribal Kayozz
/ United We Stand,
. WatchOutNow! ........:. :
sTARRING kAYOZZ! / / . /. / . /
: oF / / :
: Colly 01 // / / /
Released xx0099! : .......:. :
++ Requir:ed - 80x25Textmode+Afs.comrv.exe
/ ko! :
Crime Syndicate True ! Ascii 2000 :
: Welcome to my first colly for the true family!,
i , Respects to all the oldschoolers who have stuck
: with the game... Martz, Tzeen, Brane, Volatile,
Dezibel, El Nino, Mjolle, Merlin, Serial Toon!,
and to the new breed of oldschool talents, like
nasone and wackie.. khaos/ko!trueascii2k..
T h e T r u t h I s O u t T h e r e . .
Got played like a violin, in a game against me
you can never win..
T R U E ! A S C I I
The artist that has brought you hit collys such
as recently released Brooklyn Zoo under outkast
now comes out with a brand new colly for true!a
called Watch Out Now.. 1999-2000 Is mine bitch,
drnlp! / K A Y O Z Z
! / - T R U E ! A S C I I 2 0 0 0 -
No one can touch my styles.. so bizzack izzoff!
- k h a O s +tr u e!a sc i i .. . . .
/ / * tH E oL DS C H O OL
Still kicking it in // / kH!?
the oldschool ascii / / /
scene since 1996...
. Black Jack jeff has been with me since the
beginning.. /
. To the illest newschool artist ever.. / /
and my best scene friend, word!
A little history.. if you will
Black Jacks bbs Dead Lock was the very first
bulletin board system i was ever on before...
and it was his board that got me into the art
scene...that was in 1995...its 1999 now baby!
and were both still here... You run shit man,
Never change.
w h a t n o w . . .
starring khaos of the true conspiracy ..
/. .. watch out now
drn! ----/!---- .---- ..---- .---- ---- lp!
01.. Cmode 08.. Native
02.. Nurse 09.. De
03.. Mojo 10.. 2pac : :
04.. Daeron 11.. Rant : :
05.. Smoke 12.. Serial Toon : :
06.. Zmegma 13.. Tekk : :
07.. Remorse 14.. Penis : :
: D A R E T O D R A W :
I represent a small group o : . . : f individuals who are dedic
ated to bringing you nothin : : : : g but the best in ascii-art
we are unstoppable, and ind : :....: : estructible.. there is no e
scaping us, for we are best :............: we are the oldschool artist
I N A S S O C I A T I O N W I T H . . .
o u t k a s t / /
K a y o z z , D e v l i n , S q i s h . . . // / /tn.rmr
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o1. Cmode .. Joint w/ Revolution /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
/ / / / ko! /
. / / o /
: o :
...:..... . .. . . /: MODE :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o2. Nurse .. For Toot /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
............................. .... ... n .. URS . E . !
-- .:. ko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o3. Mojo .. For the Grandmaster himself /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
/ // ko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o4. Daeron .. For my low-pro pal /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
. // // // // / .. ko!
d.. a.. e.. r.. o.. n.. - l.. o.. w.. p.. r.. o.. /
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o5. Smoke .. Remix from Remorse 34 /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
/ mlnko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o6. Zmegma .. For Ssixk and Shizuma /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
: Could it possibly be Zmegma.. w0rdup to sosiopaths! :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o7. Rmrs Remorse .. Remix from Remorse 34 /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
r e m o r s e tn/ko! .
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o8. Native .. For the batti-bwoi bumbaclot /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
// ko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ o9. De .. For Someone !? /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
: / ko!
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ 1o. 2pac .. Respects to one the best rappers /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
......:.... ... : In god we trust.
// : : : ko! :
* 2 P : A C ! -- - : . :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ i1. Rant .. For Offset /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ i2. Serial Toon .. Mad Respects to seandini! /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
: -- +s er i al t oo n -- :
: / ko! :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ i3. Tekk .. For that guy guy names tekk... /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
: . . . . . ko! . :
: Tekk! :
/ Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now /
/ i4. p3n15 .. That tekk guys group, p3n15... /
ko! / /
/ 1999.
p3n15! / /
: :: :: : / ko!/tru : :: :: :
Hey!, Faggot, Dont touch my p3n15 or ill kill you!
A s T h e W o r l d T u r n s , I S p r e a d L i k e G e r m s . . .
khaos of true presents..
..../.+01 Watch Out Now!..:
/ E x t r o d u c t i o n! / /. /
/ Thank you to everyone who views this / ko!
colly.. and if anyone would send me
some feedback i would really apprec-
iate it.. kayozz@home.com, also if u
want any asciis drawn for ya. Thanks
to cain-g! for giving me this chance
to be in a group again, i was gone 4
a little while when my cablemodem d-
ied out. Greets and Respect to Martz .
El Nino, Whodini, Daeron, Native, Tn
. Volastyle, Brane, Squish, Hiro-p, d2
: And the rest of ta oldschool society
P.s - Mimic True.. please stop this stupid fight, its pointless.
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