[SOF]                  - W A T C H  O U T  N O W -

         __                                                      __
        _)/ 80x25 Textmode + Afs.com required to view this colly \(_
         /                                                       _\

                                .______  ______.
                               _| .....||..... |_
           W E L C O M E  T O  \  :    ||    :  / O L D S C H O O L . .
            ___________________.\ :    ||    : /,_____________________
           |                   |_\:   _||_   :/_|                     |
           |        .____.     |  :________  :__|__  ________         |
           | tRUE.. |    |__   | /___     /__\    / /  _____// ..aSC! |
           |       _|   ___/___|/  |/    /\  \\    \\  __\_____       |
  .........|.. .   \    \|    //    \   /__   _\    \  \|     /   . ..|......
  :        |       _\     _    \_    \_____\         \_        \_     |     :
  :        |       |____  /_____/_____\  |____________/_________/     |     :
  :        |        ___ \/ ___ ||     ___      ||  __.    .__         |     :
  :        |       / _ \  / _/______ / _/____  ___\\ |____| //___     |     :
  :........|. .  _/  \  \_\____    /_\ \|    /_\   _\¡_  _¡/_   /  . .|.....:
           |     \____\  \_  |/   /_|         \_      \  /_    /_     |
           |        |_____/________\|__________/_______\//______| ko! |
           |                   |  :  ..  ..  :  |      \/             |
           |___________________|| :  : __ :  : ||_____________________|
                                | :  : || :  : |
           True!Ascii2k....... _|_:..: || :..:_|_ Trupacilypse now.....
                               _ /_____||_____\¡

        Blaze  ·  Celsuis  ·  Tesko Suicide  ·  Rippa  ·  Tribal  ·  Kayozz

     _____________________/__                         United We Stand,
    _\  __               /
    |   \               /__                     .............:........
    | .   WatchOutNow! __ |             ........:.           :       _______
    | :                 | |                     :            :       |    _/
    | :                   | _____   _______ ____:      ______: ______|    |
    | sTARRING kAYOZZ! _____\    / /  ._  /.\  _ |_   / .    /_\_    |    |
    | :               _\   /\     \\  \/   ||  \ _/__/_ |_____\_|         |
    | :    [ oF ]     (____/\      \_ |\   |_   \(    \_\(     /_    :    |
    | :                _ __/\\______/ |_____\ _________/ _______|    |    |
    | tRUE mATHEMATICS .  _  \__ _  _____ ____  :            : /_____|    |_
    | :                |  \|   .____\   / \ _ |_: _  ____    : ._____|_____\
    | :                |  _\   |\   \\   \_ \ _/:_\ /  _ \ __:_|  _  \ ______
    | : [ Colly #01 ] _|       |_ _______//  \(    \\   \ \\   | |/  /_\    /
    | .               \\________//       |__________\____\ \_    /_   /\   /_
    | .                                         :   _\    \___________/\\___\
    |                   : |                     :            :       /_
    | Released xx0099!  : |              .......:.           :
    | .                 : |                     :............:........
    |                   . |                                  ·
    |                     |        ++ Requir:ed - 80x25Textmode+Afs.com(rv.exe)
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    |                _  _ _        _  _ _ _
    |               |_|| |_       | || | | | ------------------------
    |               | ||_  |      |  | | | | AFS.COM REQUIRED TO VIEW
    |               | ||   | .    | || | | | THIS INTENSE ASCII COLLY
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    |         ## #  B R O U G H T  T O  Y O U  B Y  T H E  I N F A M O U S
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    |         .__         |                 ...........:..
    |  ._  ._||_ _        |                 :        ..:......
    |  |__)| ||__|        |                 :        : :     :
   __       ______    _ _____  _____ _______:        : :     :
 _/_/_____ / _   /._\\/_\    \/ _  //  ____/:        :.:.....:
_\ \|    //  /  /_|         _  /       __\_____ _      :
|_________\  \___\_______    \/_____\  \|     /_\      :
        /_____\         |_____\    |___________\\\ ko! :
    |                                       .   _\     :
  ___   _____.     ______ |     ____     ___:   ___     ____ .___.   ______
 / _/___\    |___  \    / ______\   \  _(__/_  / _/___ / _ / |   |_ /  ____/
_\___  /_\   |  /___\    \\     _\   \|     /__\ \|  /_  \  \|  __\_\  __\_____
|  |/     \___ /_\  _\    \\    |/   /_      ||       \___\  \  \(  _\ \|      ||_          |/   _\  \\_   \_         |      |_        \_     \_       _       |\/____________________\_ ___//________| _____// ________/\_____/ ____  /_______|/_                                          .          .             \/
    |                                                  :             \/
    |        Crime Syndicate True ! Ascii 2000         :
    |                                       .       ...:..
    |                     |                 :       :  : :
    | .                   |                 :       :  : :
    |                     |                 :.......:..: :
    |                     |                         :....:
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    | .            _      |
    |              \      |
    | .              _    |
    | :              \ ______ _  _ . __._ _ _  _|    _   ._   .  _____  ______
    | :     _  _ _____\\     ,, ,, || /|_| |_||_||_||___||____|||_____||      |
    | :                _\  __|____________________________________ ___ __ _   _
    | :                      |
    | :                  _\  | Welcome to my first colly for the true family!,
    | :                      ;
    | i                      , Respects to all the oldschoolers who have stuck
    | |                      ,
    | |                      : with the game... Martz, Tzeen, Brane, Volatile,
    | |                      i
    | |                      | Dezibel, El Nino, Mjolle, Merlin, Serial Toon!,
    | |                      |
    | |                      | and to the new breed of oldschool talents, like
    | |                      |
    | |                      | nasone and wackie.. khaos/ko!trueascii2k..
    | |                      |
    | |______________________|__________________________ _____ ____ ___ __
   _|                        |
   \/_                    _  |
    \                    _|__|__    _
    _\                    |  |
    /_\                   |  |
    | _\                  |  | T h e  T r u t h  I s  O u t  T h e r e  . .
    |   _                 |  :
    |  \_\                |  .
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    |                     |   `` Got played like a violin, in a game against me
    |                     |      you can never win.. ''
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 [[[ [ [[ [  [[[ [T R U E ! A S C I I ]] ] ]    ] ]]  ] ]         ]      ]
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    |                     | The artist that has brought you hit collys such
    |                     | as recently released Brooklyn Zoo under outkast
    |                     |
    |                     | now comes out with a brand new colly for true!a
    |                     | called Watch Out Now.. 1999-2000 Is mine bitch,
    |                     |
    |            _        |
    |           :\     ________________,._
    |   drn\lp! ¡   ___\ __     ________ /_ K  A  Y  O  Z  Z
    |       _   !  /    \ /  ___\ __    /_ _ _ ________    .____     .____
    |      \\---:-/   __ /___\_  \ /   //  \ /  ._ __ /____| _ /_____|   /
    |      _\    /    \ /     _   /   _/    /   !/ \ /   _.___/    _.___//_
    |      ,____.\      ___   /_______)  _____  /   ___  /!  ____  /!  ___,
    |           |     -'   `----'  `----'     `----'   `----'    `----'
    |          _!            \_   ·/      - T R U E ! A S C I I 2 0 0 0 -
    |          /:------------ (  //-------------------------------------- >
    |                          \/
    |                     |
    |                     | No one can touch my styles.. so bizzack izzoff!
    |                     |
    |                     | - k h a O s   +tr u  e!a sc i      i .. .     . .
    |                     |
    |                     |
    |          _:____:_   |
    |          _|    |_   |  _
(   ( (( (     \_    _/ _____/______ ______  * tH E(( oL D)S  C H O  O)L )
    |           |    _/  _  // _   // _   /_
    |           |    |  \/_ /_ /___   /____\
    | ++------- |____|___________\ \    \ --
    |                           ____\    \  ______  ______    ______
    | Still kicking it in |     \    _   /_/  _  / _\ _   \  _\ _   \ kH!?
    |                     |     _\   /    |  \/ /_ /____  /_ /____  /_
    | the oldschool ascii |     /__________| ____|    |/   |    |/   |
    |                     |     --------------- |__________|_________|  ---
    | scene since 1996... |
    |                     |
    |                     |
    |                     |  .:... .   .:.  . . . .     .
    |                     | ..::. .     :.. .       .           .
    |                     |   :
    |                     |   . Black Jack (jeff) has been with me since the
    |                     |     beginning..                            _  /
    |                     |                                            / /_
                          |                                             /_/
                          |                                              /
 ......   ···             |   .                                         /
 :       .:::._____      _______ _______ _____    _______ _____ _____  /______
......:.. .::/ ___//_  ./_     //_     // ___/___/ __   // ___// ___/ /_.    /_
..:::::   ::_\ __\____ | /_____\ / ____\  \(   //  |/  /_\ __\_\ __\ / \|_____\
.::::::.. :::. \|   _ |   _\  |   _\   |       \_   \___\  \|    \| /   \_
.::::::...:::_______\ ____|  |____|   |_________/    \ |___________/_____/
 :    :             _\                       |________\           /
 :  |                   _ |                                      / _
 .  |                  )\ To the illest newschool artist ever.. /  /(
    |                     |                                    /_
    |                     |  and my best scene friend, word!
    |                     |
    |           A little history.. if you will
    |                    Black Jack's bbs Dead Lock was the very first
    |                    bulletin board system i was ever on before...
    |                    and it was his board that got me into the art
    |                    scene...that was in 1995...its 1999 now baby!
    |                    and were both still here... You run shit man,
    |                    Never change.
    |                     |
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    |                     :
    |                     :
    |                     .
    :                     .
    .                     ·





                             w h a t   n o w . . .


                   '' starring khaos of the true conspiracy ..
                                ______ ¡     /_.   .. watch out now ''
                      _       ._\     ¡|       |
          ___________ //_____ | _     ||     _ | ________________,.__
         ¡.-        //        |       !!       |                   -.¡
         !                    |      ________. !    _______.         !
  __ ___ ___ _________        !  ____\ __    |______\ __   !______ ___ ___
_\\_\\__\\__\\       /___ _______\_   \ / _ _!_  ._  \ /  ._     //__//__//
         .   _\     /¡    \       _      \\\\:/  !/___(   !/    /_   .
         |   /_    / .     ____   /_____      __  \   ____/     _\   |
    drn! |     `----/!----'   .`----' ..`----' .`----'    `----'     | lp!
         !            _______,!       |!       !                     |
    ________ _ _ __. _\ __    ¡       | _________ _ _ ____ _ _ _____ !
    \    ._  \ /   !/  \ / _ _!_      | \    ._   \ /  ._  \ /     /______
    _\   !/   /    /    / \\\\:/_     | _\   !/    /   !/   /     /¡     /_
    /__  /   ____ /    __     :_\     | /____/     __  /   __    / .     _\
       `----'    `----'  `----:       |.     `----'  `----'  `----/!----'
         |                    |       ||       |                     |
         |                    |       ||       |                     |
      ( ((               ((   I N  (( DD ))  E X   ))                )) )
         |                    |       ||       |                     |
         |                    |       ||       |                     |
         | 01.. Cmode         |       ||       | 08.. Native         |
         |                    |       ||       |                     |
         | 02.. Nurse         |       ||       | 09.. De             |
         |                    |       ||       |                   ..|........
         | 03.. Mojo          |       ||       | 10.. 2pac         : |       :
         |                    |       ||       |                   : |       :
         | 04.. Daeron        |       ||       | 11.. Rant         : |       :
         |                    |       ||       |                   : |       :
         | 05.. Smoke         |       ||       | 12.. Serial Toon  : |       :
         |                    |       ||       |                   : |       :
         | 06.. Zmegma        |       ||       | 13.. Tekk         : |       :
         |                    |       ||       |                   : |       :
         | 07.. Remorse       |       ||       | 14.. Penis        : |       :
     ....|................    |       ||       |                   :.|.......:
     :   |               :    |       ||       |                     |
     :   !__________:____:___ |       ||       | ____________________!
     :              :    :    |       ||       |
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                              |       ||       |
      ............................    ..    ............................
      :                       _       ||       _                       :
      :   D    A    R    E   _|   T   ||   O   |_   D    R    A    W   :
      :                      \(       ||       )/                      :
      :.............................. || ..............................:
                              _       ||       _
 _____________________________|__ ... || ... __|_____________________________
|                             | ....: || :.... |                             |
| I represent a small group o | :   . || .   : | f individuals who are dedic |
| ated to bringing you nothin | :   : || :   : | g but the best in ascii-art |
|                             | :   : || :   : |                             |
| we are unstoppable, and ind | :   :....:   : | estructible.. there is no e |
| scaping us, for we are best | :............: | we are the oldschool artist |
|_____________________________|_      __      _|_____________________________|
                              ¡       ||       ¡
                              | _     ||      _!
                              !_      |!______\:_
                              :/______!_       :

                 I N   A S S O C I A T I O N   W I T H . . .

      _      _____      __               \  /    ____ ___       __
    __\\_____\   //____/ //__        ___/  / ____\_ // _//___ _/ //__
   _\  _\  /____/   /__  ___//_____ _\ /  /__\  _   _\___   /__  ___//______
   /______\\  //_____\\_/         //___\     \ ____\\   /    \/__\|        /_
   _________________  //         /  ___ \_____\\ __ /    _____\ /          /
 //________________// /_________/ //_____________  /    \\ __ //          /
                                                 //_______\  //          /
   o        u        t        k        a        s        t   /          /
              ____________ ___ _____ ___ _/\\               /          /
  -  - ---/--\\___________\\__\\____\\__\\  \        _____ /_ ____ ___/__ _
                                             \      /____//_//___//__//_//_
  K a y o z z , D e v l i n , S q i s h . . . \    //    /          /tn.rmr
                                               \  //    /          /
                                                \//   //__________//

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o1. Cmode .. Joint w/ Revolution              /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.

             ___            ______ ______._____\   \  _______
            / _/_________  /   _.//  _   |\    /_  /_/_     /_           _
           _\ \(         \/    \|   \\/  __\   \/   | /______\ ko!    _  /___
           |_____  /\____\/     \________\|______|_   \(    )    _    /___   \
            .    \/      /_______\               |__________|_o_ /___     \ _|_
            :                     _o_                         |      \ ___|_ :
            |  .                  _|_            .            | _____|_   :
           .|..:..... . .. .   .  \\/____________:_  MODE    _|_     :
            |__:________ __ _      /_  _        _:___________\//
               :                                 :           _\
               :                                 :
               :                                 .

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o2. Nurse .. For Toot                         /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.

              ............................. .... ... n .. URS  .  E   .  !
            ..:. .
              :______     _____  ___.____   ____     _______
            __:\    / ____\    \\\__|_   \ / __/___ /  ____/
   ___. _ _(  _\\    \\   \\    \   |/_  // _____  \\  __\_____
  _\  | / /___:\ \_   \_   _\    \_  \|____)   \|  _|_ \( _   /_ _ .___
   |\_|/___   :.\______/-.________/___\..|________.\//____\  __\.\.|  /_... .
   |  __      .                                   |_\      \/  ___\|_/|
   `--'      .:.                                                  __  | ko!
              .                                                    `--'

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o3. Mojo .. For the Grandmaster himself       /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.
                    _ ____
                     _ ___\
                          \\  _            .__
                           \\/______  ____ |  /   ______
                   _        \/  _  /__\   )|   \_/  _  /_
                  \||_______   \/   ||__________/  \/   | _
                  _\       /__________         /_________)/ ko!
                                    ``                 ``/_

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o4. Daeron .. For my low-pro pal              /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.

            .                                                     .
            |.________ ______  _______ ______  ______ ____        |
        ___.||    _  //  _  /_/   _  //  _  /_/  _  /_\   \ _____.|.___    ko!
    _ _(   |||    / //   \   |    / //   / /_   // /_|  _  \\    |||   )_ _
  _ \||    |||     /_ ____\  |_   _/_    \__\  /_   |____\  \_   |||    ||/ _
 _\_)||____|||______\  \_____//_____\ ____\ |_______//    \______|||____||(_/_
   \_\_                                                                 _/_/
     _\    d.. a.. e.. r.. o.. n..   -   l.. o.. w..   p.. r.. o..     /_

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o5. Smoke .. Remix from Remorse #34           /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.
                                                  _  /_
                _____            _____       ___ /    / ___
        _____  / ___/_____      /_   /_____    |/    / / _/__  _________
         _ ____\_____    /___  //   _/ _  /_       _/__\   /____       /
                   |/   //  _\//   /  \/   |__|      \_ __/    /      /
      _________        //____\/   /_ ______// |_______/ \|    /_ ____/
                      /_     |_____\                |__________\
            |_         /                                          mlnko!

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o6. Zmegma .. For Ssixk and Shizuma           /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.

           ..  . . ... . ...... . ... .   . .     .. . .....  .    .
           :                                                       :
           _______                                                 :
           \    _ \    ____  ___________   _______  ____  ____ _____   ko!
           _\___\  \  _\   \/    _ ____/  _\ _   /__\   \/   /.\ _  \    _
     _    /   _____/__|          | __\____/_____  ||          |  /   \_  /
     \  _/    \|      /_   \/____| \(    /_   |/  |_    \/____| /_____/// /  /
 \  \ \\\______________\____\   |_________\ _______\ ____\  /_____\   /_
       _\  :                                                       :
           :                                                       :
           : Could it possibly be Zmegma.. w0rdup to sosiopaths!   :
           :                                                       .
         ..:........... . . . .     .

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o7. Rmrs (Remorse) .. Remix from Remorse #34  /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.

        :                                                              .
    ....:..............       ............. . . .................
    ....:............ :   ....:............ . . ................:......:.
        :    ______ :.:...:.  : ........... . . ............... :      :
           _/ _   /   :   :   : :         ___________  _____  : :     .:.
         //_  /  /___      _____         _\  _      / / ___/____       :
    ___ __   /      //_ __\\    \  ____ /    /  ___/__\____    /  ____ __
   /__//_/ //_______ _ __ __ ____\/    /____/            |/   /_//___//_//
                              __ \/____\   /______  __  _|     |
     r  e  m  o  r  s  e    //_//                  \\_\\_______| tn/ko! .
                    ...      ....... .....    . .:......................:.. .
    ................:  ............:........   ..:.... ....   ... .  . .:.
     ...............:..:           :             :                      :
                    :..............:             :
                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o8. Native .. For the batti-bwoi bumbaclot    /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.

     \              .___.                .__________
   _  \ ___  ______ |   |_        _  ____|    _____// ko!
  _\   \\  )/  _  /_|  __/____ _\\/__\   |    __\___________..______.......
  (___\ \     _\   |_  \|    /|      /\  |    \|            ||      |:    :
       \______||____/ ________\  _____|\____________________||______|:....:

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / o9. De .. For Someone !?                      /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.

                              :         ____:_
                              :  _____ / ___:/
                         _   ____\   /   __\:_____
                         \  _\   _\   \_ \| :    / ko!
                          \\/__________/    :     \_
                          _\         |______:______//
                              :             :
                              :             :
                              :             :

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / 1o. 2pac .. Respects to one the best rappers  /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.
                         ......:....    ... :       In god we trust.
                         :     :   :      : :
                ________ :.....:...:        :
                \      /_     _:_____  ____ :____    _
              _/   _.   \   _/__    /_/   /_/ __/____\
            __\____\|    \_ |  /_____\ /\  \\ \|     \\
            \    _________/__    \  /   _\   _        \_ ...........
           /     \|         /_ ___\/         \_ _______/  ........ :
          /                  | : \_____/\_____/                  : :
        //___________________| :    :       :                ko!   :
       /__                     :    :.......:......................:
           * 2 P : A C ! --  - : .          :
                               : :..        :

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / i1. Rant .. For Offset                        /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.
                 .__________ .________ ................
                 |          ||        |:              :
                 |  ________  __ ______:         ____ :
                 | /___    / /  \\     \ _____ _/   /_:
                 _/  |/   / / /\ \    _ \\   / |  ___/:___
                 |   /   /_/  /\   ___\  \    \|  \|     /
                 |   \____\    _\  \   \  \    \          \
                 |    \ _/          \_ :\  \_   \_         \_
  || | |    |  |||_____\\_____/\_____/ : \_______/ _________/// / /    /      /
                                       :              :
                 |_________||_________|:              :
                          .::.. .      :              :
                            :          :              :
                                       :              :
                                       :              :

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / i2. Serial Toon .. Mad Respects to seandini!  /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.
                             _____ \     / _____
                            |     ||     ||     |
                            |     ||     ||     |
                ___       __|____ ||_____|| _   |___    _____
 _____________ / _/_____ /  ____/ / _   /_\\/__ / _ \   \   /_________________
|  .           \____    |\  __\__/  /  /_     //  \  \ /   /____           .  |
|  :          |   |/    |   |/  /_  \___\    /_ ___\  \_  /|   /_          :  |
|  :          |         | ___________\ |______| |\_____/ _______\          :  |
|  :          |         |   |      |     ||     ||                         :  |
|  :          |___   ___|  --  +s e|r i a|l  t o|o n --                    :  |
|  :             |   |_____ |____  |   __||_    ||                         :  |
|  :             |   |\ __ \\ __ \ |___\   /    ||                         :  |
|  :             |   |  \/ /_ \/ /_\   \\   \_  ||                         :  |
|  :             |___|______| ____|___\______/ ko!                         :  |
|  :... .                   |     ||     ||     ||                   .  ...:  |
|___________________________|     ||     ||     ||____________________________|
                            |_    ||     ||    _|
                           _|/____||_   _||____\|_
                            :     _|/___\|_     :
                                   :     :

                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / i3. Tekk .. For that guy guy names tekk...    /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.
                               |             |
               ....           |   .........   |           ....
         ... ..:  :.......... | ..:.......:.. | ..........:  :.. ...
         :   : :..:           |   :       :   |           :..: :   :
         :  _._  __   ___.  ._|_____ _____.   |_____. ko! __  _._  :
         :  \¡(__)    \  |_ |  ____/ \    | __|\    | ___  (__)¡/  :
         :   |       / ___/__  __\____\   |/  /_\   |/  /      |   :
         :   |\    _/  \(    )_\(    )_  _/  /__   _/  /__    /|   :
         :   | \  \\__________/ ______/__/_____//  /_____//  / |   :
         :  _|__\             |               |             /__|_  :
         :   |                |   [ Tekk! ]   |                |   :
         :   . ....           |   :       :   |           .... .   :
         :.. :.:  :.......... | ..:.......:.. | ..........:  :.: ..:
               :..:           |   :       :   |           :..:
                              |   :       :   |
                              |   :.......:   |
                              |               |


                _                                                   __
_ _  __ _______ / Kayozz of True!Ascii Presents.. Watch Out Now _  _)/_____
        .---  //----- -- -   -                                    _ /     /_
        |     / i4. p3n15 .. That tekk guys group, p3n15...   /_  ///______)
    ko! |___ / ____________ ___  __   _                           /__
            /_                                                        ©1999.
                                 |                __    ___
                   _______  _____|_____  p3n15! _\\¡___/ _/_____
          ..:.  __/_     / /_    ·     \ _______(     /\_____  /  .:..
      ....: :   \  /      \ /    .    _ \\    /|      __   ¡/   \_ : :....
 .....:  :: : _/  /________\ ____|____\ _\     \_-----'`--.______/ : ::  :.....
 :   ::  :: : \_____¡   \_____\ _|     \________/ ko!/tru          : ::  ::   :
      :......................... ¡/ .....................................:
 .   .                           /_                                       .   .
 :...:                                                                    :...:

            " Hey!, Faggot, Don't touch my p3n15 or i'll kill you! "


  A s  T h e  W o r l d  T u r n s  ,  I  S p r e a d  L i k e  G e r m s . . .

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ          _.
khaos of true presents..  __\|_
 ____.   ______    _____ ____¡
.\   |_ /  _  /___ \   //_   |_ ...:.
|  ___//__ / //  //   /_ /____\_   :
|  \(     )_ ___/______\ \|    /_  :
|______.---'   /_    |______.---'  :
..../_______\.+#01 Watch Out Now!..:

     _)/      _
     _________/__ _  _                                      ________      _
   //____    /   __                                        |  __   /_____ /
            /_  _\(_ E x t r o d u  c  t     i     o   n!  ( _)/  /_._   /
                 _\                                           /     |/  /_
          /          Thank you to everyone who views this    / _____|\___\ ko!
         /_                                                 /_
                     colly.. and if anyone would send me

                     some feedback i would really apprec-

                     iate it.. kayozz@home.com, also if u
                     want any asciis drawn for ya. Thanks

                     to cain-g! for giving me this chance

                     to be in a group again, i was gone 4

                     a little while when my cablemodem d-
                     ied out. Greets and Respect to Martz .

                     El Nino, Whodini, Daeron, Native, Tn

                  .  Volastyle, Brane, Squish, Hiro-p, d2
                  :  And the rest of ta oldschool society
                  :                                       :
                 .:....                               ....:.
                  :                                       :
                  .                                       :

                  .                                       .

    P.s - Mimic & True.. please stop this stupid fight, its pointless.