this image contains text
dPTTs, ,P ,sSSs, P ,sSSs, b
l P ,ss, ?P,ss, ,T l ,b,,lb Tb lP? PT, ll , P ,sSSSs, l,sSSs,? g,P, :l l g, ll l, ,P :l T, ,l l ?, T, l,.,sP l b ?b TSgggS ?SSSS .dP,b,S, TP b, TP ,d,dg,Ts, . ,Ss, .,*,sPls,Ts,SYggss*+,db,*aggggggggggS,gP,g.?bs.TSg,.,s*dP .,,,,,gP,Pb ?P,b,gP ,dSSgSSSSSSSSSSSSSggs, ,dP ,d ,P, gP,d SggggSb,TPP,g,TP
PTP..,,,,, ?b,S
Sg,T ,g,g,S
Sg, ,gb,?SP .,gggg,
PCP ?b,P ,db
TS,. .,gSSgPTg
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!--
This was originally a windows icon I drew. I Screen Thiefd it to a bmp, then
I converted it to ansi. After that I went through it changing it everything to
either , g, and . Then I just fixed it up a little, and tada! Instant cool
pic! : I think Ill do this more often. : BTW, download myicons.zip and
myicons2.zip to check out my icon work.
If anybody out there has an old shitty ansi drawing program full of bugs called
The Brush...I need it...BAD. If you have it or know where to get it PLEASE
let me know somehow so I can convert more bmps to ansis. Other programs just
dont do it properly.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
l P ,ss, ?P,ss, ,T l ,b,,lb Tb lP? PT, ll , P ,sSSSs, l,sSSs,? g,P, :l l g, ll l, ,P :l T, ,l l ?, T, l,.,sP l b ?b TSgggS ?SSSS .dP,b,S, TP b, TP ,d,dg,Ts, . ,Ss, .,*,sPls,Ts,SYggss*+,db,*aggggggggggS,gP,g.?bs.TSg,.,s*dP .,,,,,gP,Pb ?P,b,gP ,dSSgSSSSSSSSSSSSSggs, ,dP ,d ,P, gP,d SggggSb,TPP,g,TP
PTP..,,,,, ?b,S
Sg,T ,g,g,S
Sg, ,gb,?SP .,gggg,
PCP ?b,P ,db
TS,. .,gSSgPTg
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!--
This was originally a windows icon I drew. I Screen Thiefd it to a bmp, then
I converted it to ansi. After that I went through it changing it everything to
either , g, and . Then I just fixed it up a little, and tada! Instant cool
pic! : I think Ill do this more often. : BTW, download myicons.zip and
myicons2.zip to check out my icon work.
If anybody out there has an old shitty ansi drawing program full of bugs called
The Brush...I need it...BAD. If you have it or know where to get it PLEASE
let me know somehow so I can convert more bmps to ansis. Other programs just
dont do it properly.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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