this image contains text
P ,s ,sb, ?b, .?P , P ,sP,sb, ?b, .? Messages P ,d
l Caustic lP ,sP,sP,s, ?b, .?ggggggggggP ,dgggggggggg P ,sP ,,sb, ?b, . ,d P ,sP,sb,?b,?P ?b, T ,dPCP ,sP,sP,?P ,sP ,d ,P ,sP,sP,sb,?P ,sP ,sPT ,P ,sP ,P,sPb,? ,sP ,sP , ,sP ,sb,?sP,sP ,sP ,sP .,ssP b,?P,sP ,sP ,sP .,sS ,sb,,sP ,sP ,sP ,sSS,?b,? ,sP ,sP ,P,sssss,..T ?b, ?P ,sP ,sP ,sP,d,dP TPb, ?b, ,sP ,sP ,sP,d Read messages Y ?b, ?P ,sP ,sP ,s d Write message l ?b, ? ,sP ,sP ,s Area change l :b, ?b,,sP ,sP ,s Join conference l: lb, ?P ,sP ,s T New mail l lb, ,sP ,s b, SS -Main menu : :P ,s b, ,gg Goodbye lb, ?? l ll lb, ,b.,db, ? Command: P P ,,TSggggggggggSb, sssssssssss ,sP,sSSs, ?PYP
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!--
Abstract? Who knows... All I DO know is that its almost 3 the morning and my
ass is falling asleep. That must be the reason this turned out so weird. Only
Pestiferous can use this. I go sleep now...
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
l Caustic lP ,sP,sP,s, ?b, .?ggggggggggP ,dgggggggggg P ,sP ,,sb, ?b, . ,d P ,sP,sb,?b,?P ?b, T ,dPCP ,sP,sP,?P ,sP ,d ,P ,sP,sP,sb,?P ,sP ,sPT ,P ,sP ,P,sPb,? ,sP ,sP , ,sP ,sb,?sP,sP ,sP ,sP .,ssP b,?P,sP ,sP ,sP .,sS ,sb,,sP ,sP ,sP ,sSS,?b,? ,sP ,sP ,P,sssss,..T ?b, ?P ,sP ,sP ,sP,d,dP TPb, ?b, ,sP ,sP ,sP,d Read messages Y ?b, ?P ,sP ,sP ,s d Write message l ?b, ? ,sP ,sP ,s Area change l :b, ?b,,sP ,sP ,s Join conference l: lb, ?P ,sP ,s T New mail l lb, ,sP ,s b, SS -Main menu : :P ,s b, ,gg Goodbye lb, ?? l ll lb, ,b.,db, ? Command: P P ,,TSggggggggggSb, sssssssssss ,sP,sSSs, ?PYP
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!--
Abstract? Who knows... All I DO know is that its almost 3 the morning and my
ass is falling asleep. That must be the reason this turned out so weird. Only
Pestiferous can use this. I go sleep now...
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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