this image contains text
drol - the triloxy inpho file
My suffering -
As you all know - I guess - Speed Freak is the rough macho kinda
guy in our lill cybertribe named tly, and so he was talking to me
once about his...erm, 1..2...erm, damn...435th girlfriend, and I
was thinking...damn Im without a girl, the only thing that comes
near sex is getting drunk - Ive had a lot of sex lately - so it
was time to change...and then it happened...I was at a party and
a was having a lot of sex, er beer...and I saw a girl...well I saw
a lot of girls but that one drew my attention, and I drew hers and
...YYeaah!...Splatter, I almost hit her instead of kissing her, as
a result of the beer overload, but after a couple of tries I got it
right ever kissed a girl in the nose? yucky...but anyway, I was
very happy and drunk...I went to the toilet caus
my dick felt like exploding, I looked at my watch...damn time to go
home, but I forgot that I had a girlfriend.oOps.So Im back without
a girl and 5f still didnt die of AiDS...so back to the regular
kinda sex...but then 5f - the lill fuckha - told me to draw him
a menu set Im his slave on which I spent all my precious time!
So he steals my money, shrinks the pack Im not going to release
a shit load of headers for every fucking conference hes got
and prevents me from having sex with my beloved beer! Also he prevents
me from finishing the layouts for all kinda releases of our coding
division...COORDINATORS SUCK! damn...erm Im coordinator too...well
they suck anyway...but then again you probably dont care.
neither do I...so I went to the EASTER PARTY instead of spending
my night dumping some ansi codes into a file. But Speed Freaks revenge
was sweet...he hired some easter bunnies and they have been jumping
on my head when I was asleep It must have been a lot of bunnies
because altough I didnt get much sleep my head felt like it needed
brain surgery..Yaah...We lose brain...erm...Speedy got very mad
and punished me...I liked it very much. But then we got arrested
cause the cops didnt like our public performance! The fuckups put
us in jail with the intention to fry our ass...but before our
execution we were examined by the mad Dr.K-ass and he described
our mental condition as...insane. So we were taken to a mental
institution with no computers at all. After a three week period it
seemed that we were cured and K-ass got a patent on his
de-cyber treatment.
Since we were now normal people we decided to do the things that
normal people do, we had only one problem...it was our first time
as normal human being instead of the mutations we were before.
We wandered around in the city and passed a cafe with a strange name
that reminded us of something...it was like a deja vu...the name
was triloxy. We decided to enter, because normal people go to pubs
too. Unfortunately, this was no normal pub. There were computers
installed. We connected - what was left of - our brain to the net
and logged in, and here I am again...eyes red...gazing at green
characters that cause instant headaches, typing a file that
has absolutely no purpose because no one reads it anyway. Face it
the life of an artist sucks...I know now...
and somehow I still found some time to draw ansi...sigh
After reading the crap Count Drakula wrote you probably dont want
to read anymore, but hell heres Sp33d FR3ak! PH3aR! Oh boy were
eleet g
it was a great month for triloxy, and weve got several new members
in every division, but our artdivision was the one that got the
highest amount of new members, and i think theyre all cool
anyway, i want to welcome the new guys first, and i want them to
know that if theyre having problems with something, they can always
comtact me and ill do my best to help you out. so, we all did
our best to come up with a fine pack, and i think it worked out
quite good... and about the previous pack, im glad that we got some
comments on the pack, i didnt receive anything bad about it.
but i know the pack was somehow a kickoff to the internes-scene
because untill a few months, we were only known via boards
n stuff, so people in the us or a bit too far from our little
home-country called belgium didnt know too much or nothing about us.
and so far, everything is going just fine, we doubled our artists
this month, so thats cool so, if you took a look at
the pack, and if youre thinking yeah, nice.. maybe Ill join it...
... dont hesitate ... you can contact us by writing to
speedfrk@glo.be with some information about yourself, and at
least 3 of your latest works. were not that kinda group
that puts pressure upon our members, were all doing it because we like yeah rite ed.
it, and we dont expect you to put all your time in it. but we want
quality, the quantity doesnt matter, you can even do only one
ansi/ascii/whatever a month.
thats it for this month, you know where to find us,
just check the contacts topic somewhere in this info file
doin fine, but in need of more artists...
so contact me for more info.
Speed Freak
Ok so far for the reliable information, back to cd :
Happy Birthday -
Happy Happy Joy Joy! This month weve been annoying you for two
years...I still remember our initial meeting, somewhere in Hasselt
a belgian city and most of us were drinking fruit juice...ahhh
times have changed. And now Im going to cut the part where I tell
you more about triloxys history, because its boring.
Im the editor, I can do anything! ed.
Oh I still remember something, when the meeting was
over, I jumped on the wrong train, had to pay some 30 for a cab
and when I arrived at the station of my merry lill town, my bike
was stolen...some start eh! I ask money caus otherwise I cant
afford the tly meetings
Like I said coordinators suck! -
What I actually mean, Appolygon one of our global coords is
kicked, because he released some unfinished stuff which should
be finished by thorax and paladin! And on top of that he said
some things in BSR10 that he shouldnt have said. The court
has found him guilty of treason and has excluded Appolygon from
the triloxy castle.
Hey! - Have you ever tried a salto mortale while riding a bicycle?
I did...Cd
Now its time to have phun! -
Speed Freak broke up with his girlfriend, 5f: mang, theres a
party tonite and I wanna pick up sum others otherwise it would be
to be continued
Correction of the previous - scandals in triloxy
Speedfrk drf: I love you!
Drfreeze sf:
Speedfrk changed nick to Seedfrk
Im sorry I wasnt aware of this secret affair.
Quick news flash! -
Something else happend this month, one of our members, Black Dragon,
went in hibernation a couple of months ago, but article 311.b of
the triloxian law says: triloxians are forbidden to hibernate
without prior written permission. The Jury found Black Dragon guilty
of violating article 311.b and the court has excommunicated him.
My mom is a real wizz in the kitchen, she can actually make patatoes
look black. Cd
Triloxys wicked! -
Dr.Freeze: Im staying in triloxy because perhaps its the only
group I really like...
go freeze! ice ice baby
Speed Freaks quest for the holy art -
Once upon a time, in a little country somewhere on the mainland,
there was a brave knight called Speed Freak. His braveness exceeded
the braveness of any knight that ever existed on the face of the
earth editors note: we havent been able to verify if there were
any brave worm-knights on Mars, his fame went beyond the borders
of the mainland and his wit broke every girls heart. He operated
from the castle of triloxy which was owned by the count of triloxy,
count drakula, and his second degree mage, dr k-os. Due to a plague
called inactivity, most of our soldiers died and therefor our brave
knight, speed freak, was send on a quest. His mission was to find
some soldiers, and find the holy art. So Speed Freak took of on
his centaur half man half pony-tail, cyclops. Their path was
dark and full of danger. Watch that car! Speed Freak yelled as
Cyclops crossed a red light. Luckyly no one got hurt and Speed Freak
and Cyclops continued their heroic journy. They followed a narrow
mountain path and when the night had come they ran into...an ambush!
The fight was terrible, there was blood and gore all over the place
and 5f and Cs were about to lose the fight...but then Groove
recognized the famous knight and fortunately he chose our side.
he took his ascii sword and plunged it into several foes.
Now we were on the winning side and we were driving the ambush back,
and finally they surrendered. ODELAY! odelay odelay Groove yelled
while replacing his victorious sword . Why did you yell
that three times? Cyclops asked...It was his echo, you dumbass
Speed Freak said. Hey may I join you? Groove asked. Groovy
5f Answered and the three continued the voyage...considerably slower
because Groove had no horse and now Cyclops had to carry two heros.
They travelled north and speed freak already regretted that he only
put his triloxy t-shirt on as it was freezing minus 30 degrees.
They met some orcs and trolls...Hi one of the trolls said. Hi
Groove said and the three merrymen had dinner with the group of trolls
and orcs. Tasty cyclops growled...is there any Troll steak left?
When they had finished dinner they saw a mysterious knight approaching
Woe! the knight commanded his horse and the horse stopped instantly.
The knight hit the ground about 10 feet further. He should have
bought a horse with an abs system Speed Freak laughed. The knight
stood up and said Howdy, Im misty!...Im not Groove said.
Say, do you know where Holland is? Cyclops asked. Its about 200
miles south. Damn we must have past it Speed Freak said.
Cyclops replied I told you it was the place with all the freaks!
Shut up! Speed Freak and Groove yelled. Its quite easy to find
Misty explained, X marks the spot. But hey, Ill show you guys the
way!. Ok, you can join us, Speed Freak said.
And they got on the move again...although Misty had a horse they
travelled even slower than before...Cyclops got some trouble with
his hormones Mistys horse was female. The four friends decided
not to sleep that night and they travelled whole night. Suddenly
they came across some Black Pyramids. Egypt at night? Speed Freak
asked. I dont know misty replied. Listen Cyclops said.
Someones weeping over there... When they came closer Groove said
to the guy boy you must be sad!. Nice to meet you Sad said how
do you know my name?. Im a psychic Groove answered. Well ok,
but Im feeling kinda lonely, do you want to keep me company?
Do you know the way to holland? Cyclops asked while fucking Mistys
horse. yep Sad replied. Ok, take us there Speed Freak ordered.
So they set forth to Holland to kick some serious party ass. And
our scouts describe the party as powerless. Speed Freak who was
carrying an holy artifact: Count Drakulas first handrawn vga,
handed in the picture, but it didnt get any prizes. After the
party Speed Freak said: I dont want to go home yet. Me neither
Groove replied, Lets go west!, Misty proposed. WWWwwhHhAaa
Cyclops cried, I dont want to walk anymore Oh fine with me,
Speed Freak said, you wont have to walk...youll have to swim.
Lets make a raft cyclops said. and they made a raft from the
orc bones that they had gathered. A few weeks later they all got
very hungry and the sun was killing them. Land! Misty cheered.
This must be India Speed Freak said. That cant be Groove
replied this continent isnt on the map. Yippie, Sad yelled,
Weve discovered a continent. be quiet Speed Freak said I
think were not alone They searched the area and met a native
named Roadrash. Ik trek nog rapper me men linker als gij met uw
rechter hand Roadrash said. I dont understand Speed Freak said,
My name is Speed Freak, and Ive been send by Count Drakula to
search for the holy art, do you know where it is?. I dont know
where it is, but there are some other tribes who might know the
location. Roadrash answered, Lemme take you there Roadrash
joined our forces and he took the group to some other tribes and
several natives were the guest of our heros. As they were running
out of food Speed Freak decided to return to the castle of triloxy
You can stay at our castle he said to his friends and later that
night Cyclops was in overdrive they were partying at the castle
with all other members of our tribe. Well continue our quest
next month... Speed Freak said, puking his guts out, When Im
sober... Super88, one of the guests, said hey, dont puke on
me!, Its a ritual, speed freak replied, removing some of
spaghetti from yesterday from his mouth, youre now a triloxy
drol editor:..count drakula
drol writers:.count drakula
..............speed freak..
the art division memberlist
Count Drakula.cd..ans/asc/vga/rip.....count.drakula@genesis.be.
Speed Freak...5f..ans/asc/vga/rip.....speedfrk@glo.be..........
Super88.......s88 ans/asc/vga/rip.....Super88@hotmail.com......
The Dreamer...td..ans/asc/vga/rip.....not@yet.be...............
This month Groove odelay/echo/ambush joined us as well as Misty
woe and Sad black piramids inc.. Roadrash fuel also joined
our forces. Super88 noname also entertains us with his presence
Black Dragon is kicked due to inactivity.
artists marked with are new artists
artists marked with are belgian artists and can also be reached
via the art requester at sacred grounds
artists marked with are coordinators theyre belgian too
the others arent...
applying -
If you think youre stunning at ansi, a wizz at ascii or just
awesome with vgas...then youre always welcome to apply for
the triloxy art-division. The apply HQ is Sacred Grounds, but
if you cant reach it, then fill out an apply form using the
apply-generator included in the triloxy releases and mail the
form to 5f, together with some of your work, so we can judge
wether youre in or out...
You can also try to catch 5f on iRC try channels TRILOXY and
If youre in youll get a file containing what you have to do
as a triloxy artist.
requests -
If you want art from a belgian artist you can make a request with
the art requester at sacred grounds. The artist will get the request
as soon as he calls Sg.
If you cant call Sacred Grounds or if you want art of a foreign
member then you can write him some e-mail.
If the member has a board it will be in the boards list, so you can
also write a request at his board.
You can also try to catch us at iRC, try EUROSCENE and TRILOXY
If youve made a request then wait for the next pack. Itll probably
be in there...if its not then either
- the work isnt finished yet
- the artist forgot it
- or you didnt pay for it.
In the future I hope the finished ansis can be downloaded from our
homepage and from an art gallery at sacred grounds. Sacred grounds
is on telnet, so you can access it from i-net to download your
art. mail 5f for more info
where to get our releases -
You can get our releases from any descent scene board at least in
homepage, from our foreign hqs or ask 5f to put you on his mailing
speed freak -
personal greetings/respect alfabetical
blue adonis/traxx
count drakula/triloxy
death rider/triloxy
dirty harry/triloxy
doctor k-os/triloxy
dr freeze/triloxy
dr vibe/xs!
lone runner/aegis
lord cyrix/beans
lord ice/triloxy
mell far/drop
night daemon/fuel
number six/aegis
radio 24/blacktron
rink rat/drop
rotting christ/bdp
screamager/radical rythms
the dreamer/triloxy
the knight/fuel
count drakula -
personal greets alfabetical
cereal killer
death rider/triloxy
dirty harry/triloxy
lord cyrix/beans
lord ice/triloxy
lord satan
plutonium boy/imagine
rotting christ/bdp
speed freak/triloxy
spiritual steven/imagine
the knight/fuel
and also the other triloxy, fuel and plan9 members and anyone I
from the whole triloxy-clan -
group greetings alfabetical
toxic krystal
last but not least, a very special thx/peace to all guys in
triloxy - fuel - plan9
the end.
My suffering -
As you all know - I guess - Speed Freak is the rough macho kinda
guy in our lill cybertribe named tly, and so he was talking to me
once about his...erm, 1..2...erm, damn...435th girlfriend, and I
was thinking...damn Im without a girl, the only thing that comes
near sex is getting drunk - Ive had a lot of sex lately - so it
was time to change...and then it happened...I was at a party and
a was having a lot of sex, er beer...and I saw a girl...well I saw
a lot of girls but that one drew my attention, and I drew hers and
...YYeaah!...Splatter, I almost hit her instead of kissing her, as
a result of the beer overload, but after a couple of tries I got it
right ever kissed a girl in the nose? yucky...but anyway, I was
very happy and drunk...I went to the toilet caus
my dick felt like exploding, I looked at my watch...damn time to go
home, but I forgot that I had a girlfriend.oOps.So Im back without
a girl and 5f still didnt die of AiDS...so back to the regular
kinda sex...but then 5f - the lill fuckha - told me to draw him
a menu set Im his slave on which I spent all my precious time!
So he steals my money, shrinks the pack Im not going to release
a shit load of headers for every fucking conference hes got
and prevents me from having sex with my beloved beer! Also he prevents
me from finishing the layouts for all kinda releases of our coding
division...COORDINATORS SUCK! damn...erm Im coordinator too...well
they suck anyway...but then again you probably dont care.
neither do I...so I went to the EASTER PARTY instead of spending
my night dumping some ansi codes into a file. But Speed Freaks revenge
was sweet...he hired some easter bunnies and they have been jumping
on my head when I was asleep It must have been a lot of bunnies
because altough I didnt get much sleep my head felt like it needed
brain surgery..Yaah...We lose brain...erm...Speedy got very mad
and punished me...I liked it very much. But then we got arrested
cause the cops didnt like our public performance! The fuckups put
us in jail with the intention to fry our ass...but before our
execution we were examined by the mad Dr.K-ass and he described
our mental condition as...insane. So we were taken to a mental
institution with no computers at all. After a three week period it
seemed that we were cured and K-ass got a patent on his
de-cyber treatment.
Since we were now normal people we decided to do the things that
normal people do, we had only one problem...it was our first time
as normal human being instead of the mutations we were before.
We wandered around in the city and passed a cafe with a strange name
that reminded us of something...it was like a deja vu...the name
was triloxy. We decided to enter, because normal people go to pubs
too. Unfortunately, this was no normal pub. There were computers
installed. We connected - what was left of - our brain to the net
and logged in, and here I am again...eyes red...gazing at green
characters that cause instant headaches, typing a file that
has absolutely no purpose because no one reads it anyway. Face it
the life of an artist sucks...I know now...
and somehow I still found some time to draw ansi...sigh
After reading the crap Count Drakula wrote you probably dont want
to read anymore, but hell heres Sp33d FR3ak! PH3aR! Oh boy were
eleet g
it was a great month for triloxy, and weve got several new members
in every division, but our artdivision was the one that got the
highest amount of new members, and i think theyre all cool
anyway, i want to welcome the new guys first, and i want them to
know that if theyre having problems with something, they can always
comtact me and ill do my best to help you out. so, we all did
our best to come up with a fine pack, and i think it worked out
quite good... and about the previous pack, im glad that we got some
comments on the pack, i didnt receive anything bad about it.
but i know the pack was somehow a kickoff to the internes-scene
because untill a few months, we were only known via boards
n stuff, so people in the us or a bit too far from our little
home-country called belgium didnt know too much or nothing about us.
and so far, everything is going just fine, we doubled our artists
this month, so thats cool so, if you took a look at
the pack, and if youre thinking yeah, nice.. maybe Ill join it...
... dont hesitate ... you can contact us by writing to
speedfrk@glo.be with some information about yourself, and at
least 3 of your latest works. were not that kinda group
that puts pressure upon our members, were all doing it because we like yeah rite ed.
it, and we dont expect you to put all your time in it. but we want
quality, the quantity doesnt matter, you can even do only one
ansi/ascii/whatever a month.
thats it for this month, you know where to find us,
just check the contacts topic somewhere in this info file
doin fine, but in need of more artists...
so contact me for more info.
Speed Freak
Ok so far for the reliable information, back to cd :
Happy Birthday -
Happy Happy Joy Joy! This month weve been annoying you for two
years...I still remember our initial meeting, somewhere in Hasselt
a belgian city and most of us were drinking fruit juice...ahhh
times have changed. And now Im going to cut the part where I tell
you more about triloxys history, because its boring.
Im the editor, I can do anything! ed.
Oh I still remember something, when the meeting was
over, I jumped on the wrong train, had to pay some 30 for a cab
and when I arrived at the station of my merry lill town, my bike
was stolen...some start eh! I ask money caus otherwise I cant
afford the tly meetings
Like I said coordinators suck! -
What I actually mean, Appolygon one of our global coords is
kicked, because he released some unfinished stuff which should
be finished by thorax and paladin! And on top of that he said
some things in BSR10 that he shouldnt have said. The court
has found him guilty of treason and has excluded Appolygon from
the triloxy castle.
Hey! - Have you ever tried a salto mortale while riding a bicycle?
I did...Cd
Now its time to have phun! -
Speed Freak broke up with his girlfriend, 5f: mang, theres a
party tonite and I wanna pick up sum others otherwise it would be
to be continued
Correction of the previous - scandals in triloxy
Speedfrk drf: I love you!
Drfreeze sf:
Speedfrk changed nick to Seedfrk
Im sorry I wasnt aware of this secret affair.
Quick news flash! -
Something else happend this month, one of our members, Black Dragon,
went in hibernation a couple of months ago, but article 311.b of
the triloxian law says: triloxians are forbidden to hibernate
without prior written permission. The Jury found Black Dragon guilty
of violating article 311.b and the court has excommunicated him.
My mom is a real wizz in the kitchen, she can actually make patatoes
look black. Cd
Triloxys wicked! -
Dr.Freeze: Im staying in triloxy because perhaps its the only
group I really like...
go freeze! ice ice baby
Speed Freaks quest for the holy art -
Once upon a time, in a little country somewhere on the mainland,
there was a brave knight called Speed Freak. His braveness exceeded
the braveness of any knight that ever existed on the face of the
earth editors note: we havent been able to verify if there were
any brave worm-knights on Mars, his fame went beyond the borders
of the mainland and his wit broke every girls heart. He operated
from the castle of triloxy which was owned by the count of triloxy,
count drakula, and his second degree mage, dr k-os. Due to a plague
called inactivity, most of our soldiers died and therefor our brave
knight, speed freak, was send on a quest. His mission was to find
some soldiers, and find the holy art. So Speed Freak took of on
his centaur half man half pony-tail, cyclops. Their path was
dark and full of danger. Watch that car! Speed Freak yelled as
Cyclops crossed a red light. Luckyly no one got hurt and Speed Freak
and Cyclops continued their heroic journy. They followed a narrow
mountain path and when the night had come they ran into...an ambush!
The fight was terrible, there was blood and gore all over the place
and 5f and Cs were about to lose the fight...but then Groove
recognized the famous knight and fortunately he chose our side.
he took his ascii sword and plunged it into several foes.
Now we were on the winning side and we were driving the ambush back,
and finally they surrendered. ODELAY! odelay odelay Groove yelled
while replacing his victorious sword . Why did you yell
that three times? Cyclops asked...It was his echo, you dumbass
Speed Freak said. Hey may I join you? Groove asked. Groovy
5f Answered and the three continued the voyage...considerably slower
because Groove had no horse and now Cyclops had to carry two heros.
They travelled north and speed freak already regretted that he only
put his triloxy t-shirt on as it was freezing minus 30 degrees.
They met some orcs and trolls...Hi one of the trolls said. Hi
Groove said and the three merrymen had dinner with the group of trolls
and orcs. Tasty cyclops growled...is there any Troll steak left?
When they had finished dinner they saw a mysterious knight approaching
Woe! the knight commanded his horse and the horse stopped instantly.
The knight hit the ground about 10 feet further. He should have
bought a horse with an abs system Speed Freak laughed. The knight
stood up and said Howdy, Im misty!...Im not Groove said.
Say, do you know where Holland is? Cyclops asked. Its about 200
miles south. Damn we must have past it Speed Freak said.
Cyclops replied I told you it was the place with all the freaks!
Shut up! Speed Freak and Groove yelled. Its quite easy to find
Misty explained, X marks the spot. But hey, Ill show you guys the
way!. Ok, you can join us, Speed Freak said.
And they got on the move again...although Misty had a horse they
travelled even slower than before...Cyclops got some trouble with
his hormones Mistys horse was female. The four friends decided
not to sleep that night and they travelled whole night. Suddenly
they came across some Black Pyramids. Egypt at night? Speed Freak
asked. I dont know misty replied. Listen Cyclops said.
Someones weeping over there... When they came closer Groove said
to the guy boy you must be sad!. Nice to meet you Sad said how
do you know my name?. Im a psychic Groove answered. Well ok,
but Im feeling kinda lonely, do you want to keep me company?
Do you know the way to holland? Cyclops asked while fucking Mistys
horse. yep Sad replied. Ok, take us there Speed Freak ordered.
So they set forth to Holland to kick some serious party ass. And
our scouts describe the party as powerless. Speed Freak who was
carrying an holy artifact: Count Drakulas first handrawn vga,
handed in the picture, but it didnt get any prizes. After the
party Speed Freak said: I dont want to go home yet. Me neither
Groove replied, Lets go west!, Misty proposed. WWWwwhHhAaa
Cyclops cried, I dont want to walk anymore Oh fine with me,
Speed Freak said, you wont have to walk...youll have to swim.
Lets make a raft cyclops said. and they made a raft from the
orc bones that they had gathered. A few weeks later they all got
very hungry and the sun was killing them. Land! Misty cheered.
This must be India Speed Freak said. That cant be Groove
replied this continent isnt on the map. Yippie, Sad yelled,
Weve discovered a continent. be quiet Speed Freak said I
think were not alone They searched the area and met a native
named Roadrash. Ik trek nog rapper me men linker als gij met uw
rechter hand Roadrash said. I dont understand Speed Freak said,
My name is Speed Freak, and Ive been send by Count Drakula to
search for the holy art, do you know where it is?. I dont know
where it is, but there are some other tribes who might know the
location. Roadrash answered, Lemme take you there Roadrash
joined our forces and he took the group to some other tribes and
several natives were the guest of our heros. As they were running
out of food Speed Freak decided to return to the castle of triloxy
You can stay at our castle he said to his friends and later that
night Cyclops was in overdrive they were partying at the castle
with all other members of our tribe. Well continue our quest
next month... Speed Freak said, puking his guts out, When Im
sober... Super88, one of the guests, said hey, dont puke on
me!, Its a ritual, speed freak replied, removing some of
spaghetti from yesterday from his mouth, youre now a triloxy
drol editor:..count drakula
drol writers:.count drakula
..............speed freak..
the art division memberlist
Count Drakula.cd..ans/asc/vga/rip.....count.drakula@genesis.be.
Speed Freak...5f..ans/asc/vga/rip.....speedfrk@glo.be..........
Super88.......s88 ans/asc/vga/rip.....Super88@hotmail.com......
The Dreamer...td..ans/asc/vga/rip.....not@yet.be...............
This month Groove odelay/echo/ambush joined us as well as Misty
woe and Sad black piramids inc.. Roadrash fuel also joined
our forces. Super88 noname also entertains us with his presence
Black Dragon is kicked due to inactivity.
artists marked with are new artists
artists marked with are belgian artists and can also be reached
via the art requester at sacred grounds
artists marked with are coordinators theyre belgian too
the others arent...
applying -
If you think youre stunning at ansi, a wizz at ascii or just
awesome with vgas...then youre always welcome to apply for
the triloxy art-division. The apply HQ is Sacred Grounds, but
if you cant reach it, then fill out an apply form using the
apply-generator included in the triloxy releases and mail the
form to 5f, together with some of your work, so we can judge
wether youre in or out...
You can also try to catch 5f on iRC try channels TRILOXY and
If youre in youll get a file containing what you have to do
as a triloxy artist.
requests -
If you want art from a belgian artist you can make a request with
the art requester at sacred grounds. The artist will get the request
as soon as he calls Sg.
If you cant call Sacred Grounds or if you want art of a foreign
member then you can write him some e-mail.
If the member has a board it will be in the boards list, so you can
also write a request at his board.
You can also try to catch us at iRC, try EUROSCENE and TRILOXY
If youve made a request then wait for the next pack. Itll probably
be in there...if its not then either
- the work isnt finished yet
- the artist forgot it
- or you didnt pay for it.
In the future I hope the finished ansis can be downloaded from our
homepage and from an art gallery at sacred grounds. Sacred grounds
is on telnet, so you can access it from i-net to download your
art. mail 5f for more info
where to get our releases -
You can get our releases from any descent scene board at least in
homepage, from our foreign hqs or ask 5f to put you on his mailing
speed freak -
personal greetings/respect alfabetical
blue adonis/traxx
count drakula/triloxy
death rider/triloxy
dirty harry/triloxy
doctor k-os/triloxy
dr freeze/triloxy
dr vibe/xs!
lone runner/aegis
lord cyrix/beans
lord ice/triloxy
mell far/drop
night daemon/fuel
number six/aegis
radio 24/blacktron
rink rat/drop
rotting christ/bdp
screamager/radical rythms
the dreamer/triloxy
the knight/fuel
count drakula -
personal greets alfabetical
cereal killer
death rider/triloxy
dirty harry/triloxy
lord cyrix/beans
lord ice/triloxy
lord satan
plutonium boy/imagine
rotting christ/bdp
speed freak/triloxy
spiritual steven/imagine
the knight/fuel
and also the other triloxy, fuel and plan9 members and anyone I
from the whole triloxy-clan -
group greetings alfabetical
toxic krystal
last but not least, a very special thx/peace to all guys in
triloxy - fuel - plan9
the end.
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