this image contains text
may i present to you: SMELL OF INCENSE
this one was drawn for THORAX...
COUNT DRAKULA, thnx again for explaining me
some things and for helping me out with this one...
greetz fly out to: all tly members and
ofcourse YOU...
...the dreamer/TLY...
dR.tLy picfont
Ok, youve already seen some vgas of the dreamer in the previous
pack, but now hes into ansi too, and hes very promising, I
helped him out a bit with the shading and some minor touchups of
the outlines, but most of the work was done by him...so watch out
for more!
some touchups
this one was drawn for THORAX...
COUNT DRAKULA, thnx again for explaining me
some things and for helping me out with this one...
greetz fly out to: all tly members and
ofcourse YOU...
...the dreamer/TLY...
dR.tLy picfont
Ok, youve already seen some vgas of the dreamer in the previous
pack, but now hes into ansi too, and hes very promising, I
helped him out a bit with the shading and some minor touchups of
the outlines, but most of the work was done by him...so watch out
for more!
some touchups
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