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Synthetic Digital Artpack 18
synthetic pack eighteen
respected fellow art lovers . . .
thanks for the interest in our latest
digital artpack, comming straight from the same place where we ride our own
kangaroos to school each morning. thats right you mindless fools, were from
australia! and we hope you enjoy this months delicious art.
btw, sorry for the delayed release dudes! stay tuned for pack 19 being back
on our regular schedule for release at the end of July!
Decaying Bbs / Offline
decaying bbs, the official synthetic whq, went offline sometime during march
98. this decision has left us with the conclusion of having no public board
to organize/communicate on, well that was until i scanned madnet and saw
that fluff sysop of cheese factory needed a new setup for his new 3 node
art board.
so to cut the story short, we came to an agreement that in exchange of my
pcb setup, that synthetic will have a private file conference/message area
so that we can get on with our work.
so thanks fluff, the whq would probably run better on 3 nodes than 1 :!
Submitting your works..
Due to the fact of Decay being offline and having no perm dump site for our
work to be compiled from, it is neccessary for any wanting to submit any art
to email attach it when emailing Trippah or myself, or DCCing it to us on
IRC which is more convenient. You can find us in such channels as sf98
uprise hirez frc kac or clearfire
Just be sure to remember that Trippah is trippah on IRC and I am KE !!
Soap emagazine!!!
Due to Decaying BBS going offline, the future issues of soap emags will be
organized on rippas board, psychotic revolution, which is online p/t every-
also, we need your help in making soap 3 an improvement to the last issues!
so get on your asss and type up an article, interview someone, or just whip
up some nice art for us to use! we await for your contribution!
rumours? or just wtf
It seems that a lot of people have been confused as to who theyre talking to
on irc when some weird dude called KE starts chatting with you and they
seem to know a bit about you. I, WaRP!, am KE!! Strange but true. So if
you wanna find me on irc, Im KE. The reason for this is that some fuckstik
has the nick of warp and WaRP on irc and they have a perm account. Im
considering renaming myself on irc to WRPKE or WaRPDuDe. Tell me what
you think - just remember KE IS WaRP!!
For those of you interested, KE is my old alias from 4 or 5 years ago and KE
means Killah Energy. ok!?
- WRP aka KE
synth member changes
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
stimpy has joined the art division, merging/moving from? inflicted. since he
as been doing heaps of art for them, you can see the different style of art
which i know some will enjoy.
waste, formally known as skunk has as you have probably guessed, has changed
his alias. just keeping you informed.
welcome, to synthetic. we hope you enjoy your life!
Were sorry to say that some members have left us. Towser, one of our emerging
hi-res and animation dudes has left and also some other dude sorry i cant
remember who you are!. Well miss you.
weve finally cleaned up the members list, well actually i just took the off
the people who i havnt spoken/mailed to for over a few months.
if you think your still alive with your imaginative artwork, mail me and ill
chuck you back on immediatly :
synth music departmnt
genocyber has released the 3rd music disk for synthetic not long ago. well
its the most recent ones, and thats what im here to tell you.
you can judge the music yourself.
and finally, we have decided to release individual music tunes instead of
keeping them and releasing on a monthly basis. we think this would improve
the distrobution, as well as get more audiences because of their choice.
contacting synthetic
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- warpdude@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- notresponding@synthetic.ml.org
ftp site on the net -- notresponding@synthetic.ml.org
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
Synthetic Organization,
digital artists, australia.
shout outs to sf, mdn, frc, av,
odb, ph, gen, syd, rp.
and to any other vic crews!
News written/layout by Trippah
Edited/Updated by WaRP! aka KE
remember it bitch!
synthetic pack eighteen
respected fellow art lovers . . .
thanks for the interest in our latest
digital artpack, comming straight from the same place where we ride our own
kangaroos to school each morning. thats right you mindless fools, were from
australia! and we hope you enjoy this months delicious art.
btw, sorry for the delayed release dudes! stay tuned for pack 19 being back
on our regular schedule for release at the end of July!
Decaying Bbs / Offline
decaying bbs, the official synthetic whq, went offline sometime during march
98. this decision has left us with the conclusion of having no public board
to organize/communicate on, well that was until i scanned madnet and saw
that fluff sysop of cheese factory needed a new setup for his new 3 node
art board.
so to cut the story short, we came to an agreement that in exchange of my
pcb setup, that synthetic will have a private file conference/message area
so that we can get on with our work.
so thanks fluff, the whq would probably run better on 3 nodes than 1 :!
Submitting your works..
Due to the fact of Decay being offline and having no perm dump site for our
work to be compiled from, it is neccessary for any wanting to submit any art
to email attach it when emailing Trippah or myself, or DCCing it to us on
IRC which is more convenient. You can find us in such channels as sf98
uprise hirez frc kac or clearfire
Just be sure to remember that Trippah is trippah on IRC and I am KE !!
Soap emagazine!!!
Due to Decaying BBS going offline, the future issues of soap emags will be
organized on rippas board, psychotic revolution, which is online p/t every-
also, we need your help in making soap 3 an improvement to the last issues!
so get on your asss and type up an article, interview someone, or just whip
up some nice art for us to use! we await for your contribution!
rumours? or just wtf
It seems that a lot of people have been confused as to who theyre talking to
on irc when some weird dude called KE starts chatting with you and they
seem to know a bit about you. I, WaRP!, am KE!! Strange but true. So if
you wanna find me on irc, Im KE. The reason for this is that some fuckstik
has the nick of warp and WaRP on irc and they have a perm account. Im
considering renaming myself on irc to WRPKE or WaRPDuDe. Tell me what
you think - just remember KE IS WaRP!!
For those of you interested, KE is my old alias from 4 or 5 years ago and KE
means Killah Energy. ok!?
- WRP aka KE
synth member changes
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
stimpy has joined the art division, merging/moving from? inflicted. since he
as been doing heaps of art for them, you can see the different style of art
which i know some will enjoy.
waste, formally known as skunk has as you have probably guessed, has changed
his alias. just keeping you informed.
welcome, to synthetic. we hope you enjoy your life!
Were sorry to say that some members have left us. Towser, one of our emerging
hi-res and animation dudes has left and also some other dude sorry i cant
remember who you are!. Well miss you.
weve finally cleaned up the members list, well actually i just took the off
the people who i havnt spoken/mailed to for over a few months.
if you think your still alive with your imaginative artwork, mail me and ill
chuck you back on immediatly :
synth music departmnt
genocyber has released the 3rd music disk for synthetic not long ago. well
its the most recent ones, and thats what im here to tell you.
you can judge the music yourself.
and finally, we have decided to release individual music tunes instead of
keeping them and releasing on a monthly basis. we think this would improve
the distrobution, as well as get more audiences because of their choice.
contacting synthetic
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- warpdude@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- notresponding@synthetic.ml.org
ftp site on the net -- notresponding@synthetic.ml.org
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
Synthetic Organization,
digital artists, australia.
shout outs to sf, mdn, frc, av,
odb, ph, gen, syd, rp.
and to any other vic crews!
News written/layout by Trippah
Edited/Updated by WaRP! aka KE
remember it bitch!
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