this image contains text
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synthetic organization 1998 members list
Synthetic Organization was founded with four digital artist living
in melbourne, australia. we began releasing our artwork during september
1996, and have been releasing packs at the end of each month!
- --- -- feel the fucking krunch! --- -- -
If you would like to join in all the fun or just want to draw graphics,
for your further releasing group. if you feel like joining us, please
run SC-APP.EXE included in this pack, and upload the application form to
via email: trippah@midian.apana.org.au
via bbs: mur systems on 61-3-9844-2185
alien base 3 will never exist! www soon.
we will garantee that you will not regret it!
tr Trippah -- founder/hi.res/low.res/code/sysop
syd SydWaters -- co-ord/sysop/hi.res
wrp WaRP! -- ascii/vga/sysop/web
* tax Ataxia -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* ct Colt -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop * frg Frg -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
m52 Mez52 -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
odb Ol dirty bastard -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* ph Phoenix -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
rp Rippa -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* syd SydWaters -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
tr Trippah -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
wrp WaRP! -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* w4 Waste -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* znx Zenix -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* geno Genocyber -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* BeefBurger -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* Moonbreaker -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
pfx ProFixX -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* Wooga -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* IdentityCrisis -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* cad Caddy -- pascal/c++/asm/basic/sysop
* ess Essence -- pascal/c++/asm/basic/sysop
* gen Genocide -- pascal/c++/asm/basic/sysop
* ib iCeBuRG -- web:ftp/boards/other/sysop
* RadioAct. Couriers -- web:ftp/boards/other/sysop
Position Board Name Nodes Board Number Operators
World Headquarters soon to be changed to the NEW cheese factory BBS!
Member Board Site Digital Utopia 1 node 61-3-9795-3803 Isotone
Member Board Site Pschyotic Rev. 1 node 61-3-9558-7366 Rippa
Member Board Site No End Australia 2 nodes 0055-Phone!Sex Sikko
Belgium Headquarters The Asylum 2 nodes 32-59-324-094 Sike/Kriz
Brazilian Headquarters Sliced Mutation 1 node 0055-Phone!Sex Awakening
Croatian Headquarters Matter Pound 1 node 385-1-215-132 Matter
Finland Headquarters Haciend E.B. X node 0055-Phone!Sex //. h7
German Headquarters Brain Damage 2 nodes 49-221-4994017 WarHawk
Italian Headquarters Midnight Scream 1 node 39-552-855-716 Technolord
Swiss Headquarters Burning Desire 1 node 41-62-8274118 Cockroach
UK Headquarters Chronic Organism 1 node 44-161-4278214 Poison
German Outpost Morales 3 nodes 49-2233-935001 soing
isdn!- 49-2233-935000
isdn!- 49-2233-935002
Vic/Oz Outpost Midian 1 node 61-3-9527-5873 Wolverine
Vic/Oz Outpost Cheese Factory 3 nodes 61-3-9801-0614 Fluff
Syd/oz Outpost Staesis 2+nodes 61-2-983-2403 Cyntax
NOTE!: If your board is listed as a Headquarter of Synthetic, please
Download all Synthetic Packs from either:
ftp -- ftp.cdrom.com
bbs -- Cheese Factory, Midian
Home Page -- notresponding:@synthetic.ml.org
Ftp Site -- notresponding:@synthetic.ml.org/pub/synthetic
Member Sites -- http://members.tripod.com/tr1p/
Members Email alphabetically
* Caddy -- caddy@axs.com.au
* Cronik -- cronik@hotmail.com
* Frg -- webmaster@8i.com
* Genocide -- genocide@axs.com.au
* Genocyber -- genocyber@innocent.com
* iCeBuRG -- kcastelein@unicall.be
* Isotone -- isotone@netspace.net.au
Mez52 -- Mez52@hotmail.com
* Phoenix -- jwinx@bigpond.com
Rippa -- rippa@hotmail.com
* SydWaters -- sydwaters@hotmail.com
Trippah -- trippah@synthetic.ml.org
WaRP! -- warpdude@hotmail.com
* Zenix -- haisu@sci.fi
c Synthetic Members 1998
weve just updated the members list at last. if you think you need to be
on this, you should know what to do . . .
email someone :
Dudes with a * next to there name must email Trippah or myself to notify
us of your current status. eg. active, sleeping, crippled, dead, etc. :
synthetic organization 1998 members list
Synthetic Organization was founded with four digital artist living
in melbourne, australia. we began releasing our artwork during september
1996, and have been releasing packs at the end of each month!
- --- -- feel the fucking krunch! --- -- -
If you would like to join in all the fun or just want to draw graphics,
for your further releasing group. if you feel like joining us, please
run SC-APP.EXE included in this pack, and upload the application form to
via email: trippah@midian.apana.org.au
via bbs: mur systems on 61-3-9844-2185
alien base 3 will never exist! www soon.
we will garantee that you will not regret it!
tr Trippah -- founder/hi.res/low.res/code/sysop
syd SydWaters -- co-ord/sysop/hi.res
wrp WaRP! -- ascii/vga/sysop/web
* tax Ataxia -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* ct Colt -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop * frg Frg -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
m52 Mez52 -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
odb Ol dirty bastard -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* ph Phoenix -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
rp Rippa -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* syd SydWaters -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
tr Trippah -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
wrp WaRP! -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* w4 Waste -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* znx Zenix -- ansi/ascii/rip/vga/sysop
* geno Genocyber -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* BeefBurger -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* Moonbreaker -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
pfx ProFixX -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* Wooga -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* IdentityCrisis -- mod/s3m/it/xm/mp3/sysop/other
* cad Caddy -- pascal/c++/asm/basic/sysop
* ess Essence -- pascal/c++/asm/basic/sysop
* gen Genocide -- pascal/c++/asm/basic/sysop
* ib iCeBuRG -- web:ftp/boards/other/sysop
* RadioAct. Couriers -- web:ftp/boards/other/sysop
Position Board Name Nodes Board Number Operators
World Headquarters soon to be changed to the NEW cheese factory BBS!
Member Board Site Digital Utopia 1 node 61-3-9795-3803 Isotone
Member Board Site Pschyotic Rev. 1 node 61-3-9558-7366 Rippa
Member Board Site No End Australia 2 nodes 0055-Phone!Sex Sikko
Belgium Headquarters The Asylum 2 nodes 32-59-324-094 Sike/Kriz
Brazilian Headquarters Sliced Mutation 1 node 0055-Phone!Sex Awakening
Croatian Headquarters Matter Pound 1 node 385-1-215-132 Matter
Finland Headquarters Haciend E.B. X node 0055-Phone!Sex //. h7
German Headquarters Brain Damage 2 nodes 49-221-4994017 WarHawk
Italian Headquarters Midnight Scream 1 node 39-552-855-716 Technolord
Swiss Headquarters Burning Desire 1 node 41-62-8274118 Cockroach
UK Headquarters Chronic Organism 1 node 44-161-4278214 Poison
German Outpost Morales 3 nodes 49-2233-935001 soing
isdn!- 49-2233-935000
isdn!- 49-2233-935002
Vic/Oz Outpost Midian 1 node 61-3-9527-5873 Wolverine
Vic/Oz Outpost Cheese Factory 3 nodes 61-3-9801-0614 Fluff
Syd/oz Outpost Staesis 2+nodes 61-2-983-2403 Cyntax
NOTE!: If your board is listed as a Headquarter of Synthetic, please
Download all Synthetic Packs from either:
ftp -- ftp.cdrom.com
bbs -- Cheese Factory, Midian
Home Page -- notresponding:@synthetic.ml.org
Ftp Site -- notresponding:@synthetic.ml.org/pub/synthetic
Member Sites -- http://members.tripod.com/tr1p/
Members Email alphabetically
* Caddy -- caddy@axs.com.au
* Cronik -- cronik@hotmail.com
* Frg -- webmaster@8i.com
* Genocide -- genocide@axs.com.au
* Genocyber -- genocyber@innocent.com
* iCeBuRG -- kcastelein@unicall.be
* Isotone -- isotone@netspace.net.au
Mez52 -- Mez52@hotmail.com
* Phoenix -- jwinx@bigpond.com
Rippa -- rippa@hotmail.com
* SydWaters -- sydwaters@hotmail.com
Trippah -- trippah@synthetic.ml.org
WaRP! -- warpdude@hotmail.com
* Zenix -- haisu@sci.fi
c Synthetic Members 1998
weve just updated the members list at last. if you think you need to be
on this, you should know what to do . . .
email someone :
Dudes with a * next to there name must email Trippah or myself to notify
us of your current status. eg. active, sleeping, crippled, dead, etc. :
log in to add a comment.