this image contains text
.:Prepare for some cool actions:.
l , 4Pp
l ,o Ss.
l 8 8 o 8 o 8
...wanna get all the latest demo releases?
...wanna spread ya group productions around the globe?
...wanna talk with nice szenedudes?
...wanna join a lamerfree area?
...than ya are right to join.... THe.CLUb
Why another Demo-Net??
Well, there are some demo-networks around, but all DN we joined were more
boring, coz full of bullshit-talking and most time fucky old file-hatches,
so we had enough about these and formed TC.
We want accept only demoszene members in the TC. So before ya apply make
sure ya are on the right way!! Our target is not to make another mega
big Demo-net. We want to bright with quality not with quantity.
-----// HiSTORy /------
* we are new so no history at all ... but surely a cool future :
----// ThE CLUb MaiL MeSSaGe ArEAs /----
TC.TEST test area for your pleasure
TC.FLAME place for your rumours
TC.DEMOS demo related talk
TC.SZENE szene related talk
TC.PARTY party invitation, results
and live statements area :
TC.CODE coding related talk
TC.GFX graphics related talk
TC.MUSIC musics Computer related talk
TC.BUGFIX previews/releases related talk
TC.REQUEST file request area . .
PLease Note: We dont want any others than Szene guys
in our Net. So all HQs/Co-HQs are ordered NOT
to give r/w access to any others or make public!
Intime the official languages are german and
english but this will reduced to english if the
net get bigger outside of germany.
----// ThE CLUb FiLE ArEAs /----
TCPARTY latest party stuph
TCDEMOS latest demo stuph
TCCODE latest Code related stuff
tools Sources
TC.PIC latest szene-pics painttools
TC.MUSIC latest sounds/samples, trackers..
TC.DM latest diskmagazine issues
TC.REQ Requested stuph
TC.BBS latest PPE/PEX/IQ stuph
Please note: - Well, one of our major reasons to create TC was the most
lamy file-hatches in the other szene orientated Networks,
we visited in the past. So if ya try to hatch some stuff
here, make sure that its new. With NEW, we mean only few
days 0-7 old.
- Fakes or oldies will be nuked.. Szeners with to many nukes
have to search another system! :
- Quality counts so hatch no bullshit!!
- We use only PKZIP as compressing
How to join us......... simple by this way....
application form for applying for THE CLUB
-------------------------- Cut Here ---------------------------------------
Real Name :
ALIAS and group :
voice number :
E-MAIL address :
Age :
Full Mail Address :
for applying as NODE/HQ
Please note that we only accept 100 Demo orientated BBS as NODE/HQ
BBS Software :
Number of nodes :
Number of users :
Number of MegaBytes :
BBS Name : BBS Phonenumbers:
BBS Modems :
Modem Speed supported : 14400 16800 19200 28800
Other, what :
HST V32bis V42bis
Tell us some Szenedudes ya personally know..
Some more notes ya wanna tell us?
---------------------------- Cut Here --------------------------------------
Now ya can send this to:
email: teasy@vegadome.ping.de
BBS: call our WHQ - Splatterpunk -
APPLY NODE: +49-2378-2627 online only between 20:00 - 06:00 cet
snailmail: Ilja Roese
Eichendorffstr. 20
58730 Frndenberg
We will recontact ya very fast!
Some fast handshakes are flying to:
AbADDoN - AbSeNcE - AcMe - AmaBLe - aNarCHy - ArKHaM - aTOm ReCoRDs
b0TToM - ByTeAm - ByTELaND - cApACaLa - cApELLa - c0bRa CrEaTiOnS
c0LoR - cONSuB - cRuSaDeRs - CuBiC TeAM - CuLTrAx - DeATH - DeCLiNe
DemEnTiA - DeVaiN - dIsToRTioN - DiViSi0n 3o3 - DuPe - EcLiPSe
eLySiUm - EniGMa - EsCaPe - ExMoRTiS - eXTrEMe - FaCT - FasCiNaTiOn
FATaL jUSTiCe - FuNk - GoLLuM - GoRe DesiGn - HeMoRoiDs - hoe
HyPeRViBe - HyPnoTizE - iCT - ImPacT StuDiOs - ImPHoBiA - ImPLaNT
iNDeX - iNzANe PC - KaOz BBS - KEen LiKe Fr0Gs - LeGenD DeSiGn
LKCC - LOoM - MM - MisT - MoON HuNTeRs - N-FaCTOr - nAiL DeSiGn
NeUTRon - NO cOMMeNT - NoNSeNSiAL PC - oBFuScATioN - oOZe! - ORaNGe
pAiN - PaRaNoiA - Pc aDVeNTURe - phn - ppps - pROGYoN - PrOXimA
pULp - pULsE - RaM JaM PC - ReSisTaNCe - rIBBoN - eEN
sLaUGHTeR HoUSe - SoC - sPiN - sURpRiSe PRoDUcTiONs - SzPoNt - TaSTe
TaQuaRt - thE DoN aRTwORk - thE gRiD - ThiTaNiUm - TSc - uNk
UriNaTe! - VoS - VaNDALs - VoODOo - YeS - ZyKLoP
l , 4Pp
l ,o Ss.
l 8 8 o 8 o 8
...wanna get all the latest demo releases?
...wanna spread ya group productions around the globe?
...wanna talk with nice szenedudes?
...wanna join a lamerfree area?
...than ya are right to join.... THe.CLUb
Why another Demo-Net??
Well, there are some demo-networks around, but all DN we joined were more
boring, coz full of bullshit-talking and most time fucky old file-hatches,
so we had enough about these and formed TC.
We want accept only demoszene members in the TC. So before ya apply make
sure ya are on the right way!! Our target is not to make another mega
big Demo-net. We want to bright with quality not with quantity.
-----// HiSTORy /------
* we are new so no history at all ... but surely a cool future :
----// ThE CLUb MaiL MeSSaGe ArEAs /----
TC.TEST test area for your pleasure
TC.FLAME place for your rumours
TC.DEMOS demo related talk
TC.SZENE szene related talk
TC.PARTY party invitation, results
and live statements area :
TC.CODE coding related talk
TC.GFX graphics related talk
TC.MUSIC musics Computer related talk
TC.BUGFIX previews/releases related talk
TC.REQUEST file request area . .
PLease Note: We dont want any others than Szene guys
in our Net. So all HQs/Co-HQs are ordered NOT
to give r/w access to any others or make public!
Intime the official languages are german and
english but this will reduced to english if the
net get bigger outside of germany.
----// ThE CLUb FiLE ArEAs /----
TCPARTY latest party stuph
TCDEMOS latest demo stuph
TCCODE latest Code related stuff
tools Sources
TC.PIC latest szene-pics painttools
TC.MUSIC latest sounds/samples, trackers..
TC.DM latest diskmagazine issues
TC.REQ Requested stuph
TC.BBS latest PPE/PEX/IQ stuph
Please note: - Well, one of our major reasons to create TC was the most
lamy file-hatches in the other szene orientated Networks,
we visited in the past. So if ya try to hatch some stuff
here, make sure that its new. With NEW, we mean only few
days 0-7 old.
- Fakes or oldies will be nuked.. Szeners with to many nukes
have to search another system! :
- Quality counts so hatch no bullshit!!
- We use only PKZIP as compressing
How to join us......... simple by this way....
application form for applying for THE CLUB
-------------------------- Cut Here ---------------------------------------
Real Name :
ALIAS and group :
voice number :
E-MAIL address :
Age :
Full Mail Address :
for applying as NODE/HQ
Please note that we only accept 100 Demo orientated BBS as NODE/HQ
BBS Software :
Number of nodes :
Number of users :
Number of MegaBytes :
BBS Name : BBS Phonenumbers:
BBS Modems :
Modem Speed supported : 14400 16800 19200 28800
Other, what :
HST V32bis V42bis
Tell us some Szenedudes ya personally know..
Some more notes ya wanna tell us?
---------------------------- Cut Here --------------------------------------
Now ya can send this to:
email: teasy@vegadome.ping.de
BBS: call our WHQ - Splatterpunk -
APPLY NODE: +49-2378-2627 online only between 20:00 - 06:00 cet
snailmail: Ilja Roese
Eichendorffstr. 20
58730 Frndenberg
We will recontact ya very fast!
Some fast handshakes are flying to:
AbADDoN - AbSeNcE - AcMe - AmaBLe - aNarCHy - ArKHaM - aTOm ReCoRDs
b0TToM - ByTeAm - ByTELaND - cApACaLa - cApELLa - c0bRa CrEaTiOnS
c0LoR - cONSuB - cRuSaDeRs - CuBiC TeAM - CuLTrAx - DeATH - DeCLiNe
DemEnTiA - DeVaiN - dIsToRTioN - DiViSi0n 3o3 - DuPe - EcLiPSe
eLySiUm - EniGMa - EsCaPe - ExMoRTiS - eXTrEMe - FaCT - FasCiNaTiOn
FATaL jUSTiCe - FuNk - GoLLuM - GoRe DesiGn - HeMoRoiDs - hoe
HyPeRViBe - HyPnoTizE - iCT - ImPacT StuDiOs - ImPHoBiA - ImPLaNT
iNDeX - iNzANe PC - KaOz BBS - KEen LiKe Fr0Gs - LeGenD DeSiGn
LKCC - LOoM - MM - MisT - MoON HuNTeRs - N-FaCTOr - nAiL DeSiGn
NeUTRon - NO cOMMeNT - NoNSeNSiAL PC - oBFuScATioN - oOZe! - ORaNGe
pAiN - PaRaNoiA - Pc aDVeNTURe - phn - ppps - pROGYoN - PrOXimA
pULp - pULsE - RaM JaM PC - ReSisTaNCe - rIBBoN - eEN
sLaUGHTeR HoUSe - SoC - sPiN - sURpRiSe PRoDUcTiONs - SzPoNt - TaSTe
TaQuaRt - thE DoN aRTwORk - thE gRiD - ThiTaNiUm - TSc - uNk
UriNaTe! - VoS - VaNDALs - VoODOo - YeS - ZyKLoP
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