this image contains text
wHR FRinDSHip hS nM .
-----// SMP-EQL2.ZIP /-------
GFX BY Dead Kennedy RELEASE PLAZE MekkaSymposium 97
SOUND BY - DiSKS 01/01
Squeeker SB/AdLib SB Pro GUS Midi
BBS Dos OS/2 WiN 95 WiN NT
-----// CoMMeNT /------
we license the organizers of the party to put this production on any
CD-ROM or digital media.
-----// CoMMeNT /------
-----// MeMBeRs /------
/. DeMo-CoDEr /.
/. BBS-CoDEr /.
. FAsTJaCk .
/. MuSiCiAn /.
NiGHTMaRe ANDy TeASy Mindflower
/. GrAPHiciAN /.
/. SySOPs /.
-----// SyMPaTHy 96 /------
-----// GrOUp-NeWs /------
We welcome Mindflower in our team!
-----// GrOUp-NeWs /------
-----// The CLub NeWs /-----
01.11.1996 The Club official born date
Nov. 1996 Splatterpunk become WHQ
Dez. 1996 Dark Angel become Host Germany
Jan. 1997 The Next Generation become Host Hungary
Jan. 1997 The Look BBS become Host Poland
Feb. 1997 Hyperbbs become Host Singapure
Feb. 1997 Count Zero become Host Norway
Mar. 1997 Trail Blazer become Host Yugoslavia
Mar. 1997 Skateshop become Host Canada
Mar. 1997 Mysterious Art become Host Argentina
Mar. 1997 The incredible machine become Host Canada
If ya are interested to join this scene network please ask ya local host
-----// The CLub NeWs /-----
/. ThE HQs Memberboards /.
Splatterpunk . TeASy +49-NEW-NODES .12H Germany WHQ
Downstairs . Zteel +45-9818-8132 .24H Denmark HQ
Count zero Yitzhaq +47-5512-2962 .24H Norway HQ
: The Scenet : Melan +36-1-2285921 :24H Hungary HQ .
Rage BBS . S. Keyby +39-6-52310645 .24H Italy HQ
Look BBS Sir Fux +48-94415621 .12H Poland HQ
: SL1210 : Ch:ilm +31-43-4083796 :24H Dutch HQ :
Hyperbbs Lee C.Pin +65-567-4879 .24H Singapure HQ
: Mysterious Art I : Murk +54-1-794-6797 :24H Argentina HQ :
: Mysterious Art II : Ethnic +54-1-452-0152 :24H Argentina HQ :
The Asylum . Sike +32-59-324094 .24H Belgium HQ
: A.C.E : Gandalf +33-145887548 :24H France HQ :
Sirius-B Aphex Twin +351-96-683875 .24H Portugal HQ
Dark Angle Panther +49-2331-973717 .10H Memberboard
/. Distros /.
Artifical Dope . Lizard +49-231-417584 .24H 28.8 Distro
X-Press Sinus +49-30-40632377 .24H 28.8 Distro
Dreamhold Demolux +49-xx-xxxxxx .24H 28.8 Distro
.mYSTic. Universe +49-69-514523 .24H 33.6 Distro
: Magic : Jockey +49-dontknow :24H 28.8 Distro :
Goodline BBS PsoftD +36-96-364135 .24H 28.8 Distro
The Next Generation. TR +36-96-414576 .24H 28.8 Distro
The Invaders Spookie +33-0490312244 .24H 28.8 Distro
: Szene 96 : Yogi - - - :24H DSpD CDDiST :
/* Sysop should give us an answer to stay in/
-----// cOMPo HisToRy /------
TP6: PC-DEMo cOMPo Natural Place: 22
GRaPHiC cOMPo Diogeues Place: 37
Comanet: Music Compo Wat denn das? Place: 2
Scenus97 64KIntro Compo Plastic NoisesPreview Place: 2
M-channel Compo Show ya how 2 Dance Place: 5
M-channel Compo Floodland Place: 12
-----// cOMPo HisToRy /------
If ya like to contact us for joining Sympathy, simply send something
of ya work to our organizers via email or snailmail.
We always like to get some more friends and contacts mailswapping :
TeASy/Sympathy : If ya wanna join our Szenenet The.CLuB than
Ilja Roese : please call his board for apply!
Eichendorffstr. 20 : He looks out for more cool/fast friends for
58730 Frndenberg : mailswapping!! 100 answer to everyone!
Germany : No handle on envelope please!
Nightmare/Sympathy : He looks out for more hot/fast friends for
Manfred Fischer : mailswapping. Contact him also for joining us
Fssener Str. 15a : No handle on envelope please!
87471 Durach :
Germany :
Somebody/Sympathy : He really likes to get some more contacts for
Wolfram Wiesemann : hot mailswapping only Coding orientated.
Kopernikusstrasse 15 : No handle on envelope please!
65193 Wiesbaden :
Germany :
Andy/Sympathy : He really likes to get some more contacts for
Andreas Dubois : hot mailswapping only Music orientated.
Starenweg 9 : No handle on envelope please!
89584 Ehingen :
Germany :
email is the fastest way to get in touch with us...
TeASy: teasy@vegadome.ping.de
Nightmare: 101471.435@compuserve.com
Panther: Panther@MAGIC.TOPNET.SUB.DE
Andy: McAndy1@aol.com
Visionmike: visionmike.vegadome.ping.de
/. . HoMePaGe /.
. http://members.aol.com/mcandy1/dusk.htm
Managed by AnDy!
----- oUR GrOUp GrEETiNGs -----
Abaddon - Absence - Acme - Amabee - anarchy - Arkham - Atlantic
Autumn - BCI - Beyond - Blasphemy - Bottom - Byteam - Byteland
Camorra - Capacala - Capella - Cobra Creations - Color - Consub
Contact - Coral - Crusaders - Cryonics - Cubic Team - Cultrax
Death - Decline - Dementia - Demolition - Demonic Productions
Devain - Dilemma - Dimension - Distortion - Division 3o3 - Dolphin
Dupe - Eclipse - Elysium - Emporer - Enigma - Escape - Esteem
Exmortis - Exobit - Explizit - Extreme -Fascination - Fatal Justice
Fedcon - Fortress - Fresstyle - Fudge - Funk - Garbage - gasp inc
Grinders - Gollum - Gore Design - Guild - Hatha - Hellcore
Hemoroids - Himbeereis - Hypervibe - Hypnotize - ICT - Impact Studios
Imphobia - Implant - Index - Interamnia - Intricate Design
Inzane PC - Jinx - Just for fun - Kaoz - Keen Like Frogs
Legend Design - Light Society - Lkcc - Loom - MM - Maak - Mist
Mistery - Moon Hunters - N-Factor - Nail Design - Neutrom
No Comment - Nonsensial PC - Obfuscation - Ooze! - Orange - Pain
Paranoia - Pc Adventure - Phn - Picasso Point - Plasm - Progyon
Project Gabbangelion - Proxima - Pulp - Pulse - PWP - Ram Jam PC
Relentless - Ribbon - Ritual - Scorpio Division - Seen - SHC
Slaughter House - Spirit of Crime - Spirit New Style - Substance
Surprise Productions - Synthetic Minds - SzPoNt - Talent - TasTe
Taquart - The Black Fate - The Don Artworx - The Grid - Thitanium
TNG Team - Trash - T-Matic - UNk - Urinate! - Vos - Vandals Finland
Vandals Portugal - Vision - Voodoo - Warm inside - Weird Magic
X-Treme - Yes - Yoe - Zyklop
Yep... Teasy wants to send some hihos to following friends and
partners in the scene No Order!:
CybereagleEsteem - CSSk dunforgivenGasp inc - DemoluxNo Comment
VampireBlasphemy - Ch:ilmExplizit - QuickWarm inside - WeedCoral
JasperSubstance - JochijaShc - InterceptorShc - OutcastNC
JavaCyronics - PyromaniaBeyond - BraceConsub - MafCamorra
YitzhaqMaakDr. Dyregod Ko - TRContractTNG Team - Sir Fux
SaffronDolphin - HugoSpirit New Style - Papst - Jupp
SeppeHathaWeird Magic - Mr LogicWeird Magic - FugazByteland
Magnum - InsaneWho Knows? - YogiZyklop - BrachAbsence
ScoundrelEmperor - PsoftDEmperor - SnibbleDa Cheez Brigade
LizardSpirit of Crime - CmosSpirit of Crime - VelvetAmable
McFLyThitanium - St Stofi - BlalaByteam - AvranExmortis
Dead KennedyEscape - JE-ManFinesse - SinusFunk - ExecomRealtech
Time RiderThe Realtime Crew - Underexposure???
AtomantPicasso Point - OrthodoxRed Power - SolonFudge - CrunchYoe
DJ DaschBlack Fate - SauraxT-Matic - IncarnateGuild
GenmaDemolition - ViznutPwP - KenetRibbon - CortexIndex
ManiacVandals - Super KeybyRitual - ZteelDiffusion - HandoCraCk
MelanAstroidea - GandalfPulse - ShadowScorpio Division
CamelIntricate Design - JeaProject Gabbangelion - RobiusByteam
AssassinDimension - BaldrickJinx - EHASBR - UniverseInfinite
Splash - Manix - Shaman - Interceptor - KezoomerThe Lost Souls
HybrisBeam - StatixPsychic Link - ChoodakAutumn - MrockHellcore
BooTalent - TrinitySHC - Gonzo - HaTHa - OmaX-Treme
Aphex TwinVandals Portugal - CyborgMistery - DarkTowerPLASM
SikeTrashGarbage - EthnicFedcon Group - AragonVision - Spookie
ReejiiSynthetic Minds and all Sympathy members and friends/contacts
I forgot here Sorry!
PaNThER sends personal greets to following guys No oRDEr...
LizardSpirit of Crime - CmosSpirit of Crime - OutcastNo Comment
GoDNo Comment - DemoluxNo Comment - SCHAMANESocPainDh - Scorpion
Angel of Paradies - Papst - OniX-Treme - SliderSCG - Guybrush
All Sympathy Members - CenobiteSpirit of Crime - TigerPain - T4000
Ignaz - CrusaderVos - Universe - SinusFunk! - PussyLoverFact
Interceptor - Mirco - Micro - Julie - Firefox - Copkiller! - Ray
Case/Chiba-City BBS - Jocky/Magic BBS - Judge - StardustBCI -Slash
Turso/Paisly-Park BBS - All Members of SHC Net !!! - Jackman - Eha
JackDanielz - Merlin/Ex-Space BBS - TrinityShc - JoshiaShc -Shaman
Bukaroo - Edda - Macgyer - DjDASCH -Timo/Ex-Xover BBS - DodgerSoc
All Coma Net Dudes !!! - Donald/Substrade BBS - Manix - Splash
And all other friends ive forgotten !!!
Excess greets: to all Sympathy members, Striker, Gott, Bob Rooney,
Batman, Ranger, Corpse, Schlingel, TJ, Tommy,
Interceptor, Timo, Ice and all ITAs,TC-Net- Magic
BBS guys...
Andy greets: all Sympathy members, Raven, KilloByte, Blade, Finix
Thomas and all the forgotten ones
Somebody prays every night for the following people no real order
The whole magic Sympathy crew - BandeeAbaddon - RoboAbsence
CortezAbsenceBottom - WarlockAbsence - AkiraPulse - AxHell
BalooLoop - GoofyLoop - FlapCapacala - CaseObfuscation
CivaxMoon Hunters - DracoDivision 303 - DoseIteramnia
Light ShowEclipse - ExodusElysium - DariusEnigmaOoze
VoyagerEnigmaOoze - BumbleBeeEnigmaOoze - HellfireFJDeath
InsanityFJDeath - TraderPulp - FlexRelentless - SleveFortress
FortuneFascination - FlynnGore Design - RavemaxHimbeereis
ToolyHibeereis - ChronosHimbeereis - GolemHimbeereis - RazzInzane
Izax Da Grin - ExocetJFF - FaxeKaoz Team - EartoasterConsub
MedicusK.L.F - KwasiorSlaughter House - BrakerLKCC - SamaelMist
MosesLight Society - Kim AsmussenConsub - Raptornearlyall
SineNonsensial PC - ExlRam Jam - SubmissiveCubic Team Seen
ShadeDilemma - Stephan Kraus - YarpenSubstance - DeltaNeutron
Torture - T. Hilden - Underexposure - ProUrinate! - ToasterAtlantic
The DonTDA - SpeedyFunk and of course all the nice guys I forgot
big sorry, please give me a message !!
Access would like to send hihos to following contacts and friends:
sinusfunk - bladephat - cosmicrr - cirionmean schemepost morten
potibmphatxps-stingraysimple - universeinfinity - gandalfpulse
distanceorange - kimble - yogizyklop - lizardspirit of crime
xtecjaktudpotvdo - tim - peter - my girlfriend andrea
and all members of sympathy
We are looking for distribution sites all over the world, to spread
and handle all of our productions. To become one of our glory HQs or
distro sites please send a short email with ya bbs-stats to Teasy
Please note that we only accept 100 Demo orientated BBS
-----// SMP-EQL2.ZIP /-------
GFX BY Dead Kennedy RELEASE PLAZE MekkaSymposium 97
SOUND BY - DiSKS 01/01
Squeeker SB/AdLib SB Pro GUS Midi
BBS Dos OS/2 WiN 95 WiN NT
-----// CoMMeNT /------
we license the organizers of the party to put this production on any
CD-ROM or digital media.
-----// CoMMeNT /------
-----// MeMBeRs /------
/. DeMo-CoDEr /.
/. BBS-CoDEr /.
. FAsTJaCk .
/. MuSiCiAn /.
NiGHTMaRe ANDy TeASy Mindflower
/. GrAPHiciAN /.
/. SySOPs /.
-----// SyMPaTHy 96 /------
-----// GrOUp-NeWs /------
We welcome Mindflower in our team!
-----// GrOUp-NeWs /------
-----// The CLub NeWs /-----
01.11.1996 The Club official born date
Nov. 1996 Splatterpunk become WHQ
Dez. 1996 Dark Angel become Host Germany
Jan. 1997 The Next Generation become Host Hungary
Jan. 1997 The Look BBS become Host Poland
Feb. 1997 Hyperbbs become Host Singapure
Feb. 1997 Count Zero become Host Norway
Mar. 1997 Trail Blazer become Host Yugoslavia
Mar. 1997 Skateshop become Host Canada
Mar. 1997 Mysterious Art become Host Argentina
Mar. 1997 The incredible machine become Host Canada
If ya are interested to join this scene network please ask ya local host
-----// The CLub NeWs /-----
/. ThE HQs Memberboards /.
Splatterpunk . TeASy +49-NEW-NODES .12H Germany WHQ
Downstairs . Zteel +45-9818-8132 .24H Denmark HQ
Count zero Yitzhaq +47-5512-2962 .24H Norway HQ
: The Scenet : Melan +36-1-2285921 :24H Hungary HQ .
Rage BBS . S. Keyby +39-6-52310645 .24H Italy HQ
Look BBS Sir Fux +48-94415621 .12H Poland HQ
: SL1210 : Ch:ilm +31-43-4083796 :24H Dutch HQ :
Hyperbbs Lee C.Pin +65-567-4879 .24H Singapure HQ
: Mysterious Art I : Murk +54-1-794-6797 :24H Argentina HQ :
: Mysterious Art II : Ethnic +54-1-452-0152 :24H Argentina HQ :
The Asylum . Sike +32-59-324094 .24H Belgium HQ
: A.C.E : Gandalf +33-145887548 :24H France HQ :
Sirius-B Aphex Twin +351-96-683875 .24H Portugal HQ
Dark Angle Panther +49-2331-973717 .10H Memberboard
/. Distros /.
Artifical Dope . Lizard +49-231-417584 .24H 28.8 Distro
X-Press Sinus +49-30-40632377 .24H 28.8 Distro
Dreamhold Demolux +49-xx-xxxxxx .24H 28.8 Distro
.mYSTic. Universe +49-69-514523 .24H 33.6 Distro
: Magic : Jockey +49-dontknow :24H 28.8 Distro :
Goodline BBS PsoftD +36-96-364135 .24H 28.8 Distro
The Next Generation. TR +36-96-414576 .24H 28.8 Distro
The Invaders Spookie +33-0490312244 .24H 28.8 Distro
: Szene 96 : Yogi - - - :24H DSpD CDDiST :
/* Sysop should give us an answer to stay in/
-----// cOMPo HisToRy /------
TP6: PC-DEMo cOMPo Natural Place: 22
GRaPHiC cOMPo Diogeues Place: 37
Comanet: Music Compo Wat denn das? Place: 2
Scenus97 64KIntro Compo Plastic NoisesPreview Place: 2
M-channel Compo Show ya how 2 Dance Place: 5
M-channel Compo Floodland Place: 12
-----// cOMPo HisToRy /------
If ya like to contact us for joining Sympathy, simply send something
of ya work to our organizers via email or snailmail.
We always like to get some more friends and contacts mailswapping :
TeASy/Sympathy : If ya wanna join our Szenenet The.CLuB than
Ilja Roese : please call his board for apply!
Eichendorffstr. 20 : He looks out for more cool/fast friends for
58730 Frndenberg : mailswapping!! 100 answer to everyone!
Germany : No handle on envelope please!
Nightmare/Sympathy : He looks out for more hot/fast friends for
Manfred Fischer : mailswapping. Contact him also for joining us
Fssener Str. 15a : No handle on envelope please!
87471 Durach :
Germany :
Somebody/Sympathy : He really likes to get some more contacts for
Wolfram Wiesemann : hot mailswapping only Coding orientated.
Kopernikusstrasse 15 : No handle on envelope please!
65193 Wiesbaden :
Germany :
Andy/Sympathy : He really likes to get some more contacts for
Andreas Dubois : hot mailswapping only Music orientated.
Starenweg 9 : No handle on envelope please!
89584 Ehingen :
Germany :
email is the fastest way to get in touch with us...
TeASy: teasy@vegadome.ping.de
Nightmare: 101471.435@compuserve.com
Panther: Panther@MAGIC.TOPNET.SUB.DE
Andy: McAndy1@aol.com
Visionmike: visionmike.vegadome.ping.de
/. . HoMePaGe /.
. http://members.aol.com/mcandy1/dusk.htm
Managed by AnDy!
----- oUR GrOUp GrEETiNGs -----
Abaddon - Absence - Acme - Amabee - anarchy - Arkham - Atlantic
Autumn - BCI - Beyond - Blasphemy - Bottom - Byteam - Byteland
Camorra - Capacala - Capella - Cobra Creations - Color - Consub
Contact - Coral - Crusaders - Cryonics - Cubic Team - Cultrax
Death - Decline - Dementia - Demolition - Demonic Productions
Devain - Dilemma - Dimension - Distortion - Division 3o3 - Dolphin
Dupe - Eclipse - Elysium - Emporer - Enigma - Escape - Esteem
Exmortis - Exobit - Explizit - Extreme -Fascination - Fatal Justice
Fedcon - Fortress - Fresstyle - Fudge - Funk - Garbage - gasp inc
Grinders - Gollum - Gore Design - Guild - Hatha - Hellcore
Hemoroids - Himbeereis - Hypervibe - Hypnotize - ICT - Impact Studios
Imphobia - Implant - Index - Interamnia - Intricate Design
Inzane PC - Jinx - Just for fun - Kaoz - Keen Like Frogs
Legend Design - Light Society - Lkcc - Loom - MM - Maak - Mist
Mistery - Moon Hunters - N-Factor - Nail Design - Neutrom
No Comment - Nonsensial PC - Obfuscation - Ooze! - Orange - Pain
Paranoia - Pc Adventure - Phn - Picasso Point - Plasm - Progyon
Project Gabbangelion - Proxima - Pulp - Pulse - PWP - Ram Jam PC
Relentless - Ribbon - Ritual - Scorpio Division - Seen - SHC
Slaughter House - Spirit of Crime - Spirit New Style - Substance
Surprise Productions - Synthetic Minds - SzPoNt - Talent - TasTe
Taquart - The Black Fate - The Don Artworx - The Grid - Thitanium
TNG Team - Trash - T-Matic - UNk - Urinate! - Vos - Vandals Finland
Vandals Portugal - Vision - Voodoo - Warm inside - Weird Magic
X-Treme - Yes - Yoe - Zyklop
Yep... Teasy wants to send some hihos to following friends and
partners in the scene No Order!:
CybereagleEsteem - CSSk dunforgivenGasp inc - DemoluxNo Comment
VampireBlasphemy - Ch:ilmExplizit - QuickWarm inside - WeedCoral
JasperSubstance - JochijaShc - InterceptorShc - OutcastNC
JavaCyronics - PyromaniaBeyond - BraceConsub - MafCamorra
YitzhaqMaakDr. Dyregod Ko - TRContractTNG Team - Sir Fux
SaffronDolphin - HugoSpirit New Style - Papst - Jupp
SeppeHathaWeird Magic - Mr LogicWeird Magic - FugazByteland
Magnum - InsaneWho Knows? - YogiZyklop - BrachAbsence
ScoundrelEmperor - PsoftDEmperor - SnibbleDa Cheez Brigade
LizardSpirit of Crime - CmosSpirit of Crime - VelvetAmable
McFLyThitanium - St Stofi - BlalaByteam - AvranExmortis
Dead KennedyEscape - JE-ManFinesse - SinusFunk - ExecomRealtech
Time RiderThe Realtime Crew - Underexposure???
AtomantPicasso Point - OrthodoxRed Power - SolonFudge - CrunchYoe
DJ DaschBlack Fate - SauraxT-Matic - IncarnateGuild
GenmaDemolition - ViznutPwP - KenetRibbon - CortexIndex
ManiacVandals - Super KeybyRitual - ZteelDiffusion - HandoCraCk
MelanAstroidea - GandalfPulse - ShadowScorpio Division
CamelIntricate Design - JeaProject Gabbangelion - RobiusByteam
AssassinDimension - BaldrickJinx - EHASBR - UniverseInfinite
Splash - Manix - Shaman - Interceptor - KezoomerThe Lost Souls
HybrisBeam - StatixPsychic Link - ChoodakAutumn - MrockHellcore
BooTalent - TrinitySHC - Gonzo - HaTHa - OmaX-Treme
Aphex TwinVandals Portugal - CyborgMistery - DarkTowerPLASM
SikeTrashGarbage - EthnicFedcon Group - AragonVision - Spookie
ReejiiSynthetic Minds and all Sympathy members and friends/contacts
I forgot here Sorry!
PaNThER sends personal greets to following guys No oRDEr...
LizardSpirit of Crime - CmosSpirit of Crime - OutcastNo Comment
GoDNo Comment - DemoluxNo Comment - SCHAMANESocPainDh - Scorpion
Angel of Paradies - Papst - OniX-Treme - SliderSCG - Guybrush
All Sympathy Members - CenobiteSpirit of Crime - TigerPain - T4000
Ignaz - CrusaderVos - Universe - SinusFunk! - PussyLoverFact
Interceptor - Mirco - Micro - Julie - Firefox - Copkiller! - Ray
Case/Chiba-City BBS - Jocky/Magic BBS - Judge - StardustBCI -Slash
Turso/Paisly-Park BBS - All Members of SHC Net !!! - Jackman - Eha
JackDanielz - Merlin/Ex-Space BBS - TrinityShc - JoshiaShc -Shaman
Bukaroo - Edda - Macgyer - DjDASCH -Timo/Ex-Xover BBS - DodgerSoc
All Coma Net Dudes !!! - Donald/Substrade BBS - Manix - Splash
And all other friends ive forgotten !!!
Excess greets: to all Sympathy members, Striker, Gott, Bob Rooney,
Batman, Ranger, Corpse, Schlingel, TJ, Tommy,
Interceptor, Timo, Ice and all ITAs,TC-Net- Magic
BBS guys...
Andy greets: all Sympathy members, Raven, KilloByte, Blade, Finix
Thomas and all the forgotten ones
Somebody prays every night for the following people no real order
The whole magic Sympathy crew - BandeeAbaddon - RoboAbsence
CortezAbsenceBottom - WarlockAbsence - AkiraPulse - AxHell
BalooLoop - GoofyLoop - FlapCapacala - CaseObfuscation
CivaxMoon Hunters - DracoDivision 303 - DoseIteramnia
Light ShowEclipse - ExodusElysium - DariusEnigmaOoze
VoyagerEnigmaOoze - BumbleBeeEnigmaOoze - HellfireFJDeath
InsanityFJDeath - TraderPulp - FlexRelentless - SleveFortress
FortuneFascination - FlynnGore Design - RavemaxHimbeereis
ToolyHibeereis - ChronosHimbeereis - GolemHimbeereis - RazzInzane
Izax Da Grin - ExocetJFF - FaxeKaoz Team - EartoasterConsub
MedicusK.L.F - KwasiorSlaughter House - BrakerLKCC - SamaelMist
MosesLight Society - Kim AsmussenConsub - Raptornearlyall
SineNonsensial PC - ExlRam Jam - SubmissiveCubic Team Seen
ShadeDilemma - Stephan Kraus - YarpenSubstance - DeltaNeutron
Torture - T. Hilden - Underexposure - ProUrinate! - ToasterAtlantic
The DonTDA - SpeedyFunk and of course all the nice guys I forgot
big sorry, please give me a message !!
Access would like to send hihos to following contacts and friends:
sinusfunk - bladephat - cosmicrr - cirionmean schemepost morten
potibmphatxps-stingraysimple - universeinfinity - gandalfpulse
distanceorange - kimble - yogizyklop - lizardspirit of crime
xtecjaktudpotvdo - tim - peter - my girlfriend andrea
and all members of sympathy
We are looking for distribution sites all over the world, to spread
and handle all of our productions. To become one of our glory HQs or
distro sites please send a short email with ya bbs-stats to Teasy
Please note that we only accept 100 Demo orientated BBS
log in to add a comment.