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Ol Dirty Bastard ShaolinsFinest presents his last ansi...
dedicated to CC
+o Aeo
n Sage
here it is, my last ansi. Its for AeonSage Berzerk, to the person that
stole the ansi i did for him before, I hope you rot and die you stealing bitch,
if you really wanted a pic you couldve just asked me :.
Big greets to all the people who have made my time in the scene fun and whom
have also supported me..
in no particular order...
Trippah - thanks for giving me my first big break in Synthetic. Thanks for the
help in art, for Decay one of the best boards ever, for your friendship and
support for both myself and Shaolins Finest and of course for all your help
to set up SF on the net hopefully youll continue it :.
Wolverine - thanks for SFs first world headquarters, for supporting SF and
for having Midian soon to be the ONLY board i call.
Isotone - thanks for being our world headquarters, for all the support and help
that youve given me and Shaolins Finest, for running Digital Utopia RIP and
giving me cosys on it, for bringing into SF your own music group D0ME - RIP,
and last but not least, for being real - youre one of the only people that i
could trust in the scene.
I would also like to greet and send my respect out to:
Vejita, KRL, Blue Apache, AeonSageberzerk, rzicus, NightStalker, Kaotic,
SQ2, Ataxia, Mr.D, Ibanez, Towser, Wooga, Stimpy, Chronix, Genocyber where are
you?, Identity Crisis, Fuck theres too many to name, you know who you are
and you know i do mean to greet you but you also know im too lazy.. just greet
yourself for me!
Once again, this ansi is dedicated to CC. Hi!
Ansi has been fun but its time for a new direction..
OlDirtyBastard - Shaolins Finest for life...
It is about 4 months after reading that shit i wrote above. I looked at it and
thought for a long time about leaving the scene completely and I realise that
it cannot be done. Now, Ive decided that it is hard to leave completely. I
have still been looking at art packs in my time of idle and I decided that
Shaolins Finest must still go on... So, Shaolins Finest is alive once again!
This time, we have a new direction and a new format refer to news file.
dedicated to CC
+o Aeo
n Sage
here it is, my last ansi. Its for AeonSage Berzerk, to the person that
stole the ansi i did for him before, I hope you rot and die you stealing bitch,
if you really wanted a pic you couldve just asked me :.
Big greets to all the people who have made my time in the scene fun and whom
have also supported me..
in no particular order...
Trippah - thanks for giving me my first big break in Synthetic. Thanks for the
help in art, for Decay one of the best boards ever, for your friendship and
support for both myself and Shaolins Finest and of course for all your help
to set up SF on the net hopefully youll continue it :.
Wolverine - thanks for SFs first world headquarters, for supporting SF and
for having Midian soon to be the ONLY board i call.
Isotone - thanks for being our world headquarters, for all the support and help
that youve given me and Shaolins Finest, for running Digital Utopia RIP and
giving me cosys on it, for bringing into SF your own music group D0ME - RIP,
and last but not least, for being real - youre one of the only people that i
could trust in the scene.
I would also like to greet and send my respect out to:
Vejita, KRL, Blue Apache, AeonSageberzerk, rzicus, NightStalker, Kaotic,
SQ2, Ataxia, Mr.D, Ibanez, Towser, Wooga, Stimpy, Chronix, Genocyber where are
you?, Identity Crisis, Fuck theres too many to name, you know who you are
and you know i do mean to greet you but you also know im too lazy.. just greet
yourself for me!
Once again, this ansi is dedicated to CC. Hi!
Ansi has been fun but its time for a new direction..
OlDirtyBastard - Shaolins Finest for life...
It is about 4 months after reading that shit i wrote above. I looked at it and
thought for a long time about leaving the scene completely and I realise that
it cannot be done. Now, Ive decided that it is hard to leave completely. I
have still been looking at art packs in my time of idle and I decided that
Shaolins Finest must still go on... So, Shaolins Finest is alive once again!
This time, we have a new direction and a new format refer to news file.
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