this image contains text
.a. .l.
.h. .i.
.s. -we NEVER die-
Shaolins Finest 1998 and on and on and on and on........
Were back! The artwork in this pack is somewhat out dated but I hope you can
still enjoy it. Shaolins Finest will now be releasing under a new format...
We will now release whenever the hell we want, and we will release art by anyonethat
can start up aciddraw.. I dont give a fuck if youre the best artist or ifyoure th
e most untalented, retarded bastard in the world... I dont care if we
are ridiculed for our shit artwork, I just want to give a chance for artists
whatever their artistic abilities to release art in a well established group.
I am also not concerned with the international scene, I am only looking at
Australian artists, but if you are not from Australia feel free to apply and
release art with us because I will still accept your artwork and release it withthe
same enthusiasm as i will release my own.
All artwork as usual may be sent to me Ol Dirty Bastard at:
1 Email: oldirtybastard@rocketmail.com
2 BBS: Midian
3 IRC: Austnet or OzORG - OlDirty sf98 on efnet is dead i think
We have 2 new members that have joined us...
* Rain - From Victoria, hes a great new ascii artist that in my opin
will be able to improve his art to a very high level. Welcome!
* AeonSageBerzerk - From Sydney, he is a very talented ascii artist
who has a style that i really like. Look forward to joints with him and
I in the future.
There is also a new distribution board, Atomix run by Cope, Im not sure if
it is up yet. There is also no WHQ nor do I have any intentions on creating one.The new WHQ
will be email, so if you do not have an email address, please find
a way to get one because all our communication will be done through email or
maybe through Midian, though i dont think i will have much time to call it
Will all members please contact me? I need to know who is still with us and
who has left. Thank you.
.a. .l.
.h. .i.
.s. -we NEVER die-
Shaolins Finest 1998 and on and on and on and on........
Were back! The artwork in this pack is somewhat out dated but I hope you can
still enjoy it. Shaolins Finest will now be releasing under a new format...
We will now release whenever the hell we want, and we will release art by anyonethat
can start up aciddraw.. I dont give a fuck if youre the best artist or ifyoure th
e most untalented, retarded bastard in the world... I dont care if we
are ridiculed for our shit artwork, I just want to give a chance for artists
whatever their artistic abilities to release art in a well established group.
I am also not concerned with the international scene, I am only looking at
Australian artists, but if you are not from Australia feel free to apply and
release art with us because I will still accept your artwork and release it withthe
same enthusiasm as i will release my own.
All artwork as usual may be sent to me Ol Dirty Bastard at:
1 Email: oldirtybastard@rocketmail.com
2 BBS: Midian
3 IRC: Austnet or OzORG - OlDirty sf98 on efnet is dead i think
We have 2 new members that have joined us...
* Rain - From Victoria, hes a great new ascii artist that in my opin
will be able to improve his art to a very high level. Welcome!
* AeonSageBerzerk - From Sydney, he is a very talented ascii artist
who has a style that i really like. Look forward to joints with him and
I in the future.
There is also a new distribution board, Atomix run by Cope, Im not sure if
it is up yet. There is also no WHQ nor do I have any intentions on creating one.The new WHQ
will be email, so if you do not have an email address, please find
a way to get one because all our communication will be done through email or
maybe through Midian, though i dont think i will have much time to call it
Will all members please contact me? I need to know who is still with us and
who has left. Thank you.
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