this image contains text
------------- : ------------- : ------------- --------------------------g, : :SSS ll SSSSl ll lP ?,P l ll lP ggglg : : l ,dP : P,gS: : : : ,?: 1commands l?P,gS: j,d ll :: ,gS: ll lb, 2commands :,? j,d ll ? : ll :j,d ll : 3commands .b, ? ::b,,d: : ll ? : : : 4commands
b,b..,: ll ,ll: :b,,d ll l : : 5commands
b,, : : g: : ll: ll l: 6commands P?b :., ,d,,d: l ll P: :: : i 7commands : ?P lb.SPll : ,gS: l : : ll .,ds, ..., : : j,d ll : : P , ,d , : :Sg, ? : : ,dS gggSP
,gP.. 4l ll lb,L b,,d: llSg,?P ?b,
dP,db, : : ?i ll : b,L , lP : : . :: : ?i SSs, ,d: . .S .dgS,d,,dP ,.l 4 ?, . Pdb.SP,d,b, ,ds,. ..,d,dP SP,P- d i g i t a l - ,S?P ?: ,db - h i g h - pC ?b, ,gSb, P . . SS jP
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Yet another request for a local board. At this rate every board in 403 is gonnalook the same. :
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
b,b..,: ll ,ll: :b,,d ll l : : 5commands
b,, : : g: : ll: ll l: 6commands P?b :., ,d,,d: l ll P: :: : i 7commands : ?P lb.SPll : ,gS: l : : ll .,ds, ..., : : j,d ll : : P , ,d , : :Sg, ? : : ,dS gggSP
,gP.. 4l ll lb,L b,,d: llSg,?P ?b,
dP,db, : : ?i ll : b,L , lP : : . :: : ?i SSs, ,d: . .S .dgS,d,,dP ,.l 4 ?, . Pdb.SP,d,b, ,ds,. ..,d,dP SP,P- d i g i t a l - ,S?P ?: ,db - h i g h - pC ?b, ,gSb, P . . SS jP
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Yet another request for a local board. At this rate every board in 403 is gonnalook the same. :
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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