this image contains text
yyyy yyyy yyyyssyyy, yyyyssyyy, yyyy yyy, : : : : : PC ll ll ll l:ll lll ------------ ::l: :l: :l: :l:+yyy, ----------- : : : : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Just a simple logo for a local board.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
SS@s,?Ss, ?,s@SSSS@s,SS@s,
----- sgggg,SS@s,t ,s@SSSS@s, ggggp -----
? ggggggP
----- P gggg, ?sSSS@s, -----
sP PSsS js, ,d pC
. , ,d sP j, , yyyyy P.
: ss@, dSS + , . :
l lP.,sP, jP,dP l
,P4S ,d,. S,d,,sSP? db
, q,s,b, db ,s, db ,
P ?. P ?
l l
l l
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---And a menu I suppose...
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PC : ,y, SSSSS i SSSS . : : yyy : yy, ? : y i yy, i S ,dyyyyyy . l : y . .,s y yyyyyyyyyyyyy : y yy, ?yyyyyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy . yyy : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---My first ascii after starting ascii again. And that would be why it sucks.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Just a simple logo for a local board.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
SS@s,?Ss, ?,s@SSSS@s,SS@s,
----- sgggg,SS@s,t ,s@SSSS@s, ggggp -----
? ggggggP
----- P gggg, ?sSSS@s, -----
sP PSsS js, ,d pC
. , ,d sP j, , yyyyy P.
: ss@, dSS + , . :
l lP.,sP, jP,dP l
,P4S ,d,. S,d,,sSP? db
, q,s,b, db ,s, db ,
P ?. P ?
l l
l l
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---And a menu I suppose...
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PC : ,y, SSSSS i SSSS . : : yyy : yy, ? : y i yy, i S ,dyyyyyy . l : y . .,s y yyyyyyyyyyyyy : y yy, ?yyyyyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy . yyy : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---My first ascii after starting ascii again. And that would be why it sucks.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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