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-words of wisdom :: chronicc/saga.productions
another month, another group. this month i went through alot of changes,and puberty wasnt the only one.., i turned 15, and i got invited into SAGA.
when ellisdee asked me, i asked him for a pack. he gave it to me, i was surpri-sed... when i was into the scene last january, i saw that same pack, and i wish-ed i could be part of a cool group like that. now i am. so...when i joined, i d-ecided to quit 2 wicked groups FUEL, and ECHO. so here i am, im gonna stick wi-th saga for awhile. lets all face it, SAGA ROCKS! well same rules apply, ill
be a little tardy from my requests... this month wasnt good. so email me, we
can talk, or you can request a free ansi : wasylecz@mb.sympatico.ca or on irc:
204, ansi, saga. OR on a local bbs. have fun, and keep on doodlin. PS: i also discovered a thing called 100 original ansi.WOW!
maligore--pOOf--pOOffor his bbs--pOOf--pOOfsmalscale RULES!-pOOfcc
luke-sky--pOOf--pOOfthe rebel --pOOf--pOOflittle font..hA -pOOfcc
:tHE rebel base:sysop:lukesky:
im gone, till next month, hope you liked my fonts, pics...crap like that...BLA
another month, another group. this month i went through alot of changes,and puberty wasnt the only one.., i turned 15, and i got invited into SAGA.
when ellisdee asked me, i asked him for a pack. he gave it to me, i was surpri-sed... when i was into the scene last january, i saw that same pack, and i wish-ed i could be part of a cool group like that. now i am. so...when i joined, i d-ecided to quit 2 wicked groups FUEL, and ECHO. so here i am, im gonna stick wi-th saga for awhile. lets all face it, SAGA ROCKS! well same rules apply, ill
be a little tardy from my requests... this month wasnt good. so email me, we
can talk, or you can request a free ansi : wasylecz@mb.sympatico.ca or on irc:
204, ansi, saga. OR on a local bbs. have fun, and keep on doodlin. PS: i also discovered a thing called 100 original ansi.WOW!
maligore--pOOf--pOOffor his bbs--pOOf--pOOfsmalscale RULES!-pOOfcc
luke-sky--pOOf--pOOfthe rebel --pOOf--pOOflittle font..hA -pOOfcc
:tHE rebel base:sysop:lukesky:
im gone, till next month, hope you liked my fonts, pics...crap like that...BLA
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