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ablindman production under the sagalabel !BM
p r o d u k t i o n z
Hello everyone.. I bet most of you dont know whothe fuck I am but uhm
Im back and err I have been back for like 3 weeks or somethin now...
neways I decided to take up a lil ansi drawing again and I heard about
sAGA being revived again, so I talked a bit to lSD the guys and
here I am.. I wont prumize any monthly pics or nething cuz it was
a while since I drew pics.. dont request any ansi shits from me since
I will only like do pics when I feel like it and then give em away to nice
people so I dedicated this one to sAGA..
btw, if you think it sux, keep it to yourself I couldnt care less
if you think its nice then by all means say so cuz I like compliments
shoutz tew
all my bros in the ascii scene,.. I could go on forever so I wont start
all my nigz in the ansi scene,.. those who are left yew gno who u are
respect to all the groups keepin it real and phear sAGAs return in 97!!
p r o d u k t i o n z
Hello everyone.. I bet most of you dont know whothe fuck I am but uhm
Im back and err I have been back for like 3 weeks or somethin now...
neways I decided to take up a lil ansi drawing again and I heard about
sAGA being revived again, so I talked a bit to lSD the guys and
here I am.. I wont prumize any monthly pics or nething cuz it was
a while since I drew pics.. dont request any ansi shits from me since
I will only like do pics when I feel like it and then give em away to nice
people so I dedicated this one to sAGA..
btw, if you think it sux, keep it to yourself I couldnt care less
if you think its nice then by all means say so cuz I like compliments
shoutz tew
all my bros in the ascii scene,.. I could go on forever so I wont start
all my nigz in the ansi scene,.. those who are left yew gno who u are
respect to all the groups keepin it real and phear sAGAs return in 97!!
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