this image contains text
/mode entropy +oo clark pointman
.sPs.Ps. .sPs.Ps. Ps. .s, s.
ds.s ,.b ,b ,b ,b
s , b sssss
b ,P b ,, b b ,,b ,.b ,
bsssssssssssssssssssbssssssd ssssss
i : i , ,
,s i ,s i
i l l
l ,s ,s i
/mode cdi +o splint
P?P P?
.,sPs..sP P.,s
P, , ,
T b T
l b ,P b ,P l
i i
: lookhardlooklongcdinyourfacesorunlikehell :
/mode tdm +o mrbigot
b b b b b b
/mode strummer +o sp
d,. .,d
P.,d,. b,. ,..,d,.
,sb,. ,.
?4s. ,.
s,.,?P, P,s?,.PP,,?
,P strummer P,
/mode pointunknown +o grimz0r gtw
.,sP?s,. .,sPYs,. .,s .,sPYs,.
s,. .,s .,sPYs,.
Ys,. .,sPYs, ,sPYs, s s .,sPYs, ss s,PY,s
/mode soap +o jt! prm gr cd bT- Ba tc p1 mSd tfix tet ju pc Lr
Ok i guess this is where my little greet/speech goes. First off i wanna
give a big thanx to s0ap for taking me in. Without the constant pushing
the s0ap doodlers give me my ascii would be at a much lower quality.
Second of all i want to welcome Lr into the group, i hope itll be
as good for you as it was for me snicker.
Another think i wanna get out is a big sorry for those of you that i
didnt get to your requests ive had wAY TOo much work this past
month i will do my best to get it done for next pak, and for those
of you that i did get reqs done for i hope you enjoy
Last little para is a time promo type thingy. ive got a great local
programmer working on a zer0 app gen. Now, half of you are thinking
zer0 ?? ... wtf is zer0 ?!? well ill let you in on the *big* secret.
Zer0 is an art net that is being started in 2o4 s0ap whq area, it is
a new that will hopefully grow to include all or a good portion or
hqs, whqs and maybe even some distros. Zer0 will feature a base for
each group for info, and to give a chance to non-internet people to
make their requests. So with any luck the net will roll over nicely
i havnt asked around too much and already have a few hqs, and distros
And who can forget greetz, ill make this short since this is too long
already hopefully youve read this far ...
Congrats, youve made it to the and of all of it ...
/kick soap bamb00z
.sPs.Ps. .sPs.Ps. Ps. .s, s.
ds.s ,.b ,b ,b ,b
s , b sssss
b ,P b ,, b b ,,b ,.b ,
bsssssssssssssssssssbssssssd ssssss
i : i , ,
,s i ,s i
i l l
l ,s ,s i
/mode cdi +o splint
P?P P?
.,sPs..sP P.,s
P, , ,
T b T
l b ,P b ,P l
i i
: lookhardlooklongcdinyourfacesorunlikehell :
/mode tdm +o mrbigot
b b b b b b
/mode strummer +o sp
d,. .,d
P.,d,. b,. ,..,d,.
,sb,. ,.
?4s. ,.
s,.,?P, P,s?,.PP,,?
,P strummer P,
/mode pointunknown +o grimz0r gtw
.,sP?s,. .,sPYs,. .,s .,sPYs,.
s,. .,s .,sPYs,.
Ys,. .,sPYs, ,sPYs, s s .,sPYs, ss s,PY,s
/mode soap +o jt! prm gr cd bT- Ba tc p1 mSd tfix tet ju pc Lr
Ok i guess this is where my little greet/speech goes. First off i wanna
give a big thanx to s0ap for taking me in. Without the constant pushing
the s0ap doodlers give me my ascii would be at a much lower quality.
Second of all i want to welcome Lr into the group, i hope itll be
as good for you as it was for me snicker.
Another think i wanna get out is a big sorry for those of you that i
didnt get to your requests ive had wAY TOo much work this past
month i will do my best to get it done for next pak, and for those
of you that i did get reqs done for i hope you enjoy
Last little para is a time promo type thingy. ive got a great local
programmer working on a zer0 app gen. Now, half of you are thinking
zer0 ?? ... wtf is zer0 ?!? well ill let you in on the *big* secret.
Zer0 is an art net that is being started in 2o4 s0ap whq area, it is
a new that will hopefully grow to include all or a good portion or
hqs, whqs and maybe even some distros. Zer0 will feature a base for
each group for info, and to give a chance to non-internet people to
make their requests. So with any luck the net will roll over nicely
i havnt asked around too much and already have a few hqs, and distros
And who can forget greetz, ill make this short since this is too long
already hopefully youve read this far ...
Congrats, youve made it to the and of all of it ...
/kick soap bamb00z
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