this image contains text
.sss. .sss. .sss..sfss.
bssssss. .sssssssb
sP.,PsP,Ps sP,
bsssssssss.sssssssssssssssssssssSsssssssssssssssssd sssss
7 ,P
b 7 sS.ssssd
7 S soap washin away da competition in oh-tree-ninety-6 S
7 d and so came the prophecy ... 7
SsssS7 back again , and we sOap! proudly present our 7
SSY fifth package to date . Which actually seems 7 ,
7 like a long time . We have had good response . ,
b from our art , which makes us produce more and , ,
Ss. , more quality paks for your viewing pleasure . : SsssS7
S this month in sOap! sS
well , i guess youve found out by now that we s
released a little bit late. truth is , its all . ,
S my fault : really , too much work , not enuff
sleep , not enuff time , simple : .. but its SSs
out , and i can now rest : S
new additions kinda/sorta to the sONS. ,
, well , we had a few join this month .. and had sssS
, a few leave :.. so we basically came out even. SSY
ssS7 sOap! welcomed another 2 additions , one by the 7
name of Lord regulator .. an artist who showed b
Ss talent , and in return , was accepted. another s. ,
Sss artist we got was creaping death . a 90 ascii . ,
s pic drawer , which brings a welcome change ...
. , so now its not all ascii phonts , we have more s7
pics too : thanks to msd and cd : b ,
7 cOming ... and goiNG... 7 S
s well , it was real fast like , irOnman came and ,
, went .. had a little turmoil over it .. but , ,
SsssS got over the little ordeal and seems like were SsssS
S gonna live. we also saw cannibal go .. our first
and only oldschool artist .. so no olschool in
sOap anymore . wewp and tetanus.. he quit...
t7 S what can i say .. he will be membered . sOn. S
sOap also had to let tcr0w go .. it wasnt
7 d something we wanted to do .. but i guess i 7
, , pretty much had to do .
SsssS7 7
S infra ASCII COMPOS!! : 7 ,
what can i say .. these compos are a good idea SsssS7
S and encourage more ascii artists to enter .. congrats to bibitte for taking first in one of sS
the compos .. made the sOns in sOap proud. sOn. ssS
Sss that pretty much sums it up fer this month. . ,
s basically , ive bored you enuff , probably havent . ,
. , even read this far .. but ive had fun. the pack
is finally out. enjoy . ,
phear us. s
Sss jester big bird /chicken .. what can i say . ,
. , sOap . sons of ascii prophets . s7
SSs its a sOap thang . sOn. S
7 7 S
S whOrd.
7sS . 7 ,ssS
Ss7 , . , s
b ,SsssS, , . ,
bssssss. .sssssssb
sP.,PsP,Ps sP,
bsssssssss.sssssssssssssssssssssSsssssssssssssssssd sssss
7 ,P
b 7 sS.ssssd
7 S soap washin away da competition in oh-tree-ninety-6 S
7 d and so came the prophecy ... 7
SsssS7 back again , and we sOap! proudly present our 7
SSY fifth package to date . Which actually seems 7 ,
7 like a long time . We have had good response . ,
b from our art , which makes us produce more and , ,
Ss. , more quality paks for your viewing pleasure . : SsssS7
S this month in sOap! sS
well , i guess youve found out by now that we s
released a little bit late. truth is , its all . ,
S my fault : really , too much work , not enuff
sleep , not enuff time , simple : .. but its SSs
out , and i can now rest : S
new additions kinda/sorta to the sONS. ,
, well , we had a few join this month .. and had sssS
, a few leave :.. so we basically came out even. SSY
ssS7 sOap! welcomed another 2 additions , one by the 7
name of Lord regulator .. an artist who showed b
Ss talent , and in return , was accepted. another s. ,
Sss artist we got was creaping death . a 90 ascii . ,
s pic drawer , which brings a welcome change ...
. , so now its not all ascii phonts , we have more s7
pics too : thanks to msd and cd : b ,
7 cOming ... and goiNG... 7 S
s well , it was real fast like , irOnman came and ,
, went .. had a little turmoil over it .. but , ,
SsssS got over the little ordeal and seems like were SsssS
S gonna live. we also saw cannibal go .. our first
and only oldschool artist .. so no olschool in
sOap anymore . wewp and tetanus.. he quit...
t7 S what can i say .. he will be membered . sOn. S
sOap also had to let tcr0w go .. it wasnt
7 d something we wanted to do .. but i guess i 7
, , pretty much had to do .
SsssS7 7
S infra ASCII COMPOS!! : 7 ,
what can i say .. these compos are a good idea SsssS7
S and encourage more ascii artists to enter .. congrats to bibitte for taking first in one of sS
the compos .. made the sOns in sOap proud. sOn. ssS
Sss that pretty much sums it up fer this month. . ,
s basically , ive bored you enuff , probably havent . ,
. , even read this far .. but ive had fun. the pack
is finally out. enjoy . ,
phear us. s
Sss jester big bird /chicken .. what can i say . ,
. , sOap . sons of ascii prophets . s7
SSs its a sOap thang . sOn. S
7 7 S
S whOrd.
7sS . 7 ,ssS
Ss7 , . , s
b ,SsssS, , . ,
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