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-ROC Standards of Excellance-
by: Galahad/Zealot
-General Rules-
- If you have a problem with the management or feel you have a better
sugestion, then let us know. We are a group, not a dictatorship. We
wil listen and try to compromise the best we can.
- Try not to start group wars. Dont drag the whole group in against
another group, it is a stupid and lame thing to do. Just dont do it.
- Members of ROC are allowed to be in more than one group at a time, so
long as it does not interfere with your work with ROC. If for some
reason, your productivity decreases because of your involvement with
another group, you will be notified of our concern and appropriate
actions will follow.
ROC packs are planned to be sent out every month on the 1st.
This means all work that members would like to submit to the pack need
to be uploaded to the ROC World Headquarters by the 28th of each month.
To continue to be a member of ROC, you do need to be productive. We
expect that you do call the WHQ and find out what is going on with the
group and get your assignments.
Each member of ROC is required to submit AT LEAST one piece of
work to each monthly pack. This piece must be of high quality. However,
we do understand that some months certain things will come up and
there wont be time to get a piece of work done that meets the quality
standards for the pack, or maybe you wont even submit a piece at all.
either way, the first time this happens, its not a problem. You will be
put under probation, for a lack of better words. The senior staff will
make sure that the next pack you give something of higher quality. If
the next month rolls around and still no work has been recieved or that
which meets the standards you will be thrown out of the group. There are
certain exceptions. These measures are just to ensure that members keep
Distribution sites are required to have the latest pack online at all
times. You must also keep a board of good quality. We dont think that
this is asking too much. Most times, when things go well, the pack will
be delivered by our couriering staff. There may be times where you need
to call and pick up the pack. Failure to keep updated with the packs will
result in the termination of your distribution site. Generally, We accept
only one distribution site per area code. As with all rules there are
certain exemptions.
Couriers arent asked to do too much. Once a month they do however
need to call their assigned boards and upload the newest ROC pack. Or in
other cases, call artists and pick up their work for the pack.
by: Galahad/Zealot
-General Rules-
- If you have a problem with the management or feel you have a better
sugestion, then let us know. We are a group, not a dictatorship. We
wil listen and try to compromise the best we can.
- Try not to start group wars. Dont drag the whole group in against
another group, it is a stupid and lame thing to do. Just dont do it.
- Members of ROC are allowed to be in more than one group at a time, so
long as it does not interfere with your work with ROC. If for some
reason, your productivity decreases because of your involvement with
another group, you will be notified of our concern and appropriate
actions will follow.
ROC packs are planned to be sent out every month on the 1st.
This means all work that members would like to submit to the pack need
to be uploaded to the ROC World Headquarters by the 28th of each month.
To continue to be a member of ROC, you do need to be productive. We
expect that you do call the WHQ and find out what is going on with the
group and get your assignments.
Each member of ROC is required to submit AT LEAST one piece of
work to each monthly pack. This piece must be of high quality. However,
we do understand that some months certain things will come up and
there wont be time to get a piece of work done that meets the quality
standards for the pack, or maybe you wont even submit a piece at all.
either way, the first time this happens, its not a problem. You will be
put under probation, for a lack of better words. The senior staff will
make sure that the next pack you give something of higher quality. If
the next month rolls around and still no work has been recieved or that
which meets the standards you will be thrown out of the group. There are
certain exceptions. These measures are just to ensure that members keep
Distribution sites are required to have the latest pack online at all
times. You must also keep a board of good quality. We dont think that
this is asking too much. Most times, when things go well, the pack will
be delivered by our couriering staff. There may be times where you need
to call and pick up the pack. Failure to keep updated with the packs will
result in the termination of your distribution site. Generally, We accept
only one distribution site per area code. As with all rules there are
certain exemptions.
Couriers arent asked to do too much. Once a month they do however
need to call their assigned boards and upload the newest ROC pack. Or in
other cases, call artists and pick up their work for the pack.
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