this image contains text
r u l ers o f c h a o s
r u l er s o f c h a o s
Well, here we are, third pack.
Many doubted us and thought wed
never make it this far, but to
my pleasure, we have proved them
to be dead wrong. As of now, we Zealot just
are growing... were no longer couldnt
JUST ANOTHER local group. This quite hold
month, we have picked Ackman as in his
a low-res vga guy. Although his excitement
career with us has been short, on the 3rd uh
he has already helped out. In pack being -oh.
addition, Flair was picked up as released.
an ansi artist, a specialist in
fonts. Xylarthen was also picked
up as a writer. Yeah, yeah, I
know that lit by itself just
isnt all that great so from now
on, lit will only appear as part
of a ansi, or some other type
of graphic.
Also, a couple of distribution sites slots have been filled. Seminole
Winds, 301, is now a site, as is The Pantheon in 703. A 905 board
called the Dread Zone has also been added. The sysop, Annihaltor has
been accepted to courier for ROC. Also, the Outcast Society, in 202,
has been added.
Currently , we have already
aquired a number of musically
inclined people. However, as of
yet, we do not feel that we have
enough material to release a
music disk. So, thusly stated,
we will continue to put in
of our our talented musicians
until a time comes at which we
feel we are ready for our music
department to release their own
disk. Of course, new applicants
would speed up this process
In other news... we now have a ROC oriented network almost ready to go.
It will be called AbomNet and is currently being worked on by Equalizer.
We are looking for mostly art oriented boards to join up so if you are
interested, get in touch with us. This net will be set up to helpbring
ROC members closer together. We will try to include an application
generator in a pack as soon as possible. This net should end up
working with all software via Fido and what not. As of yet, it is not a
requirement for ROC affiliates to join, but we strongly advise that you
do. In the future, if this net works out, a requirement may be set.
hook it up
to dat
The viewer its finally here! The coder, Dark Fighter has worked his
ass off this month to get it ready for the pack. This viewer is in all
hi-res vga, and is different than the ordinary text mode ansi viewers as
most of the routines were written from scratch. Expect some bugs, these
things happen as this is still a relatively new project.
We are constantly on the prowl for artists withtalent. Artists of all
fields are welcome, if we like you , youll find yourself in a very
supporting and helpful environment. Although we are somewhat strict with
our policies, its all for thebenefit of the artist AND the group.Now,
if you would like to apply to ROC, please call our WHQ, Too Fucking
Hostile and e-mail either Galahad or Zealot, or you can mail Galahad on
the internet at:98dma@vax.mbhs.edu
- Galahad/Zealot
r u l ers o f c h a o s
r u l er s o f c h a o s
Well, here we are, third pack.
Many doubted us and thought wed
never make it this far, but to
my pleasure, we have proved them
to be dead wrong. As of now, we Zealot just
are growing... were no longer couldnt
JUST ANOTHER local group. This quite hold
month, we have picked Ackman as in his
a low-res vga guy. Although his excitement
career with us has been short, on the 3rd uh
he has already helped out. In pack being -oh.
addition, Flair was picked up as released.
an ansi artist, a specialist in
fonts. Xylarthen was also picked
up as a writer. Yeah, yeah, I
know that lit by itself just
isnt all that great so from now
on, lit will only appear as part
of a ansi, or some other type
of graphic.
Also, a couple of distribution sites slots have been filled. Seminole
Winds, 301, is now a site, as is The Pantheon in 703. A 905 board
called the Dread Zone has also been added. The sysop, Annihaltor has
been accepted to courier for ROC. Also, the Outcast Society, in 202,
has been added.
Currently , we have already
aquired a number of musically
inclined people. However, as of
yet, we do not feel that we have
enough material to release a
music disk. So, thusly stated,
we will continue to put in
of our our talented musicians
until a time comes at which we
feel we are ready for our music
department to release their own
disk. Of course, new applicants
would speed up this process
In other news... we now have a ROC oriented network almost ready to go.
It will be called AbomNet and is currently being worked on by Equalizer.
We are looking for mostly art oriented boards to join up so if you are
interested, get in touch with us. This net will be set up to helpbring
ROC members closer together. We will try to include an application
generator in a pack as soon as possible. This net should end up
working with all software via Fido and what not. As of yet, it is not a
requirement for ROC affiliates to join, but we strongly advise that you
do. In the future, if this net works out, a requirement may be set.
hook it up
to dat
The viewer its finally here! The coder, Dark Fighter has worked his
ass off this month to get it ready for the pack. This viewer is in all
hi-res vga, and is different than the ordinary text mode ansi viewers as
most of the routines were written from scratch. Expect some bugs, these
things happen as this is still a relatively new project.
We are constantly on the prowl for artists withtalent. Artists of all
fields are welcome, if we like you , youll find yourself in a very
supporting and helpful environment. Although we are somewhat strict with
our policies, its all for thebenefit of the artist AND the group.Now,
if you would like to apply to ROC, please call our WHQ, Too Fucking
Hostile and e-mail either Galahad or Zealot, or you can mail Galahad on
the internet at:98dma@vax.mbhs.edu
- Galahad/Zealot
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