this image contains text
. . IX/
rMRs . : - - + . . IX
. // . : IX
. / . .... IX
/ : . . .::::::::.. IX
. . / ::::::::::::::: ::::: IX
-..- . -.. ::. ::::: IX
/ / .- . :::: :::.. . .../:::: IX
/ / . ::::.... :::::: :::::::....IX
/ /! ::::.......::::: Ix
/ IX
/ / / / IX
/ / / / IX
/ / ! /. IX
/ / / / Ix
/ / . / / IX
/ / / : . IX
/ : / //.IX
/ / .. :IX
. ! . . : / / :: IX
/ / sCr/ : !IX
. /. / :. /sP! . IX
:::. :IX
.::: / . R E M O R S E P A C K 5 2 . .: .
Its been a long time since we left you. But then again, the world
turns, girls crotches burn, and so does our ascii.
Since the release of Remorse 51 a lot of things have happened inside
and outside of the group. ACiD 100 was released proving that artpacks
could eventually legitimize the need for broadband connections outside
of the realm of porn and warez and that beautiful hybrid of them both
Virtual Valerie. Our newly formed ANSi department was heralded as a
short lived gimmick. Hateraid stock rose 13. Our balls rested ever
so delicately on your chin as you drank our collective manjuice.
Osama Bin Laden was captured in Iraq, armed only with a homemade zip-
gun and floppy discs filled with Remorse packs, which he claimed were
his secret to infinate fertility. Radman and Spinsanes High and
Mighty rap hit 81 on the billboard charts and returning member Ansi-
Christ placed first in 3 categories at the Altparty awards show.
When he wasnt taking home the gold medals for Two Color GFX, 30 Minute
Comic or Textmode Demo, he was seen at the local pubs, performing live
kareoke hits in a shiny, circa 1999 Puff Daddy Bad Boy suit. The ladies
loved it.
Speaking of love from the fairer sex, ACiDs very own modification
BBS mods, not to be confused with Catbones Body Modification group,
or Reevolution and Scours Will Defecate as Food group both ACiD
member groups group, ACiDiC has come back, supporting the BBS scene
and partying like its 1995. Prince eat your heart out. Michael
Jackson, eat our children, like Michael Tyson. Facials and facial
tattoos for all!
Speaking of facials and tattoos, Im currently working on a hirez
series of iron-on cumshot vgas, perfect for transfering onto the panties,
bras, or baby ts of your favorite ascii groupies. Magnatop is working
on a similiar series of stencils for use with your favorite brand of
white spraypaint. Together we hope to make your bitches and walls
serve as topographical maps of Hawaii. The dream lives on...
This package is a production of love and tireless effort. Leech slots
and cash rewards are not enough compensation for the product we provide
you with. On that note, we are officially lobbying that August 1st
08/01 become Remorse Ascii day. This official and worldwide public
holiday will be marked by the peoples of the world having the day off to
view, dissect then comemorate Remorses previous releases. Also, if they
so choose, they can order ACiD Productions Dark Domain DVD, a compre-
hensive collection of scene art packaged by Radman which very, very
ironically spits in the face ACiDs very own favorite included text-file
WE-WILL.SUE. Im checking the back cover of my phonebook for lawyers
to help me ruin this beautiful global holiday as we speak. News at 11.
Lastly, this pack has to be dedicated to our main man Eto. His program
Pablodraw named after the philosophy spouting cashier at his local Taco
Bell has rejuvenated the art scene by providing people with an alternate
means to IRC for chatting. Honestly, no one draws in this shit, but its
hard to discount the ammounts of porn gallery links that have been traded
through this wonderful program. Download it at .... dun dun dun filler
GROUP NEWZ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Well its been a busy couple of months. As far as lost members, fuck em,
youll just not notice them on the member list anymore. : As far as new
and returning members, its been hectic. Lots of faces to see. Some are
new, some are old, and some are really old, like Radman or Scour. Keith
Richards wanted to join as senior staff, but he was voted out as being too
young, and not drugged up enough. That should tell you something.
In alpha-fantastical order. Heres the re-up. Hit your corners, and
wait for Spike Lee to come film it.
NEW MEMBERZ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Alpha comes to us straight off the streets of Compton. Or where ever
hes from. It gets confusing after spending a long night of dropping LSD
and surfing in the Great Barrier Reef with him. Regardless, he did have
a bit part on The A-Team.
Ansicrhist returns after having blessed us with a guest appearance
in earlier releases. Hes like Michaelangelo. You know, that Virus
in Hackers The Movie that looked like the dude on the skateboard. With
NSs help, we hope viewing our pack is like flying around in a 3D main-
frame. Or viewing those dirty Family Circus comic strips on the web.
Anthem joins after hooking us up with pornography of his sister. Maybe
thats wrong... but after being wrong, we dont ever wanna be right.
You mightve noticed his skills in putting out ACiD100 and distributing
it. Fucking deviant.
Arrogance Ack is back from having some kinda bubble in his bloodstream
after fucking some slut in a nightclub. Take that. Stop mentioning that
girl I dated who appeared in porno. My girlfriend is watching, like the
Corleone comes to us from oscompo. You remember that? It was like
Blender, but without all the random words. It was like asciicompo, but
I was given credit for it. It was like SUBLIMINAL like the following
sentence. HI DUDE corleone owns you HOW ARE YOU? Phear.
Deadbrain is our official Italian Stallion. Luckily due to his joining
we can kick Sylvester Stallone out of the group for inactivity. Sly has
not done shit for us since his early works in the porno industry. As
luck would have it, Deadbrain brings to us some wicked O/S styles to
compensate. First Blood Part 2. Are you with us?
Erupt just got his ankle bracelet off from Operation Buccaneer. Using
this newfound freedom, hes gone to the store and bought us all a big
bottle of Captain Morgan to celebrate with. As a side note, hes start-
ed to draw ascii again, which isnt as great as buying us all liquor, but
it does serve a purpose. Welcome back bro :
F0st displayed his skills in computer graphics with the opening files
for ACiDs magazine The Product 3. Unfortunately, The Product 3 is
even more delayed then this pack was, so F0st decided to break you off a
little something as a warm up. Its kinda like heroin, youve got to
build up a tolerance. Oh shit, theres air bubbles in your syringe!
Kayozz comes back from the grave for Remorse 52. Luckily only his
buttocks have significantly rotted, and his fingers as still in good
enough shape to type out some ascii for us. As a walking corpse, its
also good he got a part as an extra in the new Dawn of the Dead movie
or else he wouldnt have had enough money to buy a computer to draw
with. Dumbass, shouldve bequeathed his old machine to his estate,
but he had no will and testament.
Kyr is our favorite Nazi. He runs our bots. He will probably never
see this. Thus, wed all like to take time out from our busy life to
tell Kyr the winning lottery numbers are 3, 19, 7, 50, 32. Too bad you
missed it bro.
Mister Violent is busy eating vegemite and drawing for warez sites.
That rhymed! Since upgrading from his 14.4 Australian Broadband to
some sort of high powered Australian backbone low end DSL to the rest
of us, it seems he hasnt been drawing as much. Who can blame him,
since he can now view real life Flash graphics on websites!
Pix is our Argentinian cattle ranching millionaire ascii artist.
Which came first? A career in ascii, or being a millionaire? Obviously
the former. Whens hes not fighting off economic upheaval and state
sponsered anarchy, Pix finds the time to be Remorses favorite South
American. Besides Pesho that is.
Psykoz, what does he do? Is he a film by Alfred Hitchcock? Is he a
shower scene with chocolate syrup? Who knows! He helps run Remorses
DVD encoding division, and plays a strong roll in opping us when the
bots are down. Thats admirable like Horatio Hornblower.
Raster Burn is a friend of Hiro Protagonist. Hiro Protagonist is a
student of Raster Burn. What the fuck more do you need to know?
Newjacks fear. Other groups need their diapers changed. The cycle
of the tides continues. Raster Burn is the rabbit in the moon.
Reevolution hails from Estonia EUROPE. He draws ANSI art when not
doing custom design art for conversion vans. As a fan of the Euro, he
hopes the dollar keeps dropping in value. Thus, he can feed his 14
children more productively, while spending his free time owning you and
everything you draw.
That is all for now... Enjoy the pack...
- Ferox The Alchemist 1981
MEMBER LISTZ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Rad Man
:: REMORSE FOUNDERS / E! BEHIND THE ASCII STARS :::::::::::::::::::::::::
Necromancer / Whodini
Alla Xul / Bornholme / Nightrain
:: ARTISTS / LEECHES / XENOHOMOPHOBES :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Alla Xul, Alpha, Ansichrist, Arrogance, Asphyx, Bornholme, Corleone
Deadbrain, Devil Angel, Erupt, Flames, Fost, Icedevil, Jrr, Kayozz
Magnatop, Mister Violent, Ohseven, Peps, Pix, Polymorph, Raster Burn
Reevolution, Ricky Martin, Scour, Sharque, Spinsane, Tribal, Villeret,
Yce, Zerohour, Zooyork
Anthem, Psykoz, Kyr
:: ALUMNI / MUCH RESPECT GIVEN ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Axel Barebones , Cannibal aka Cannabis , Cleaner , Computerman ,
Cypher Hex , Enigmatic , Ewheat , Farhrenheit , Hiro Protagonist ,
J. Hale Asphixia , Kaleidas , Killa Hertz , Megga Hertz ,
Merlin aka Talo , Miasma , Mister Kite , Mister Self Destruct ,
Mjolnir , Necronite , Omicron , Palmore , Poskgubbe , Terminator 2 ,
The Messiah , The Upright Man , Tinyz , Tzeentch
:: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION / KODEZ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
IRC ACID Eris FreeNet
BBS telnet - east1999.icednet.org WHQ
REQUESTS + QUESTIONS spinsane@acid.org
please query which artist you want for requests, etc when emailing
ACiDiC MODDiNG http://acidic.acid.org
ANSICHRIST http://ansichrist.senseimagery.com
AXEL BAREBONES http://www.iaxb.com
ERUPT http://www.ruptbot.com
FLAMES http://flames.oldschool.ru
KAYOZZ http://www.theinfamous.org
KILLAHERTZ http://www.megarad.com
MISTER VIOLENT http://www.flamegrilled.net
RASTER BURN http://www.panospria.com
REEVOLUTION http://www.soundclick.com/reevolution
SCOUR http://www.compleks.com
rMRs . : - - + . . IX
. // . : IX
. / . .... IX
/ : . . .::::::::.. IX
. . / ::::::::::::::: ::::: IX
-..- . -.. ::. ::::: IX
/ / .- . :::: :::.. . .../:::: IX
/ / . ::::.... :::::: :::::::....IX
/ /! ::::.......::::: Ix
/ IX
/ / / / IX
/ / / / IX
/ / ! /. IX
/ / / / Ix
/ / . / / IX
/ / / : . IX
/ : / //.IX
/ / .. :IX
. ! . . : / / :: IX
/ / sCr/ : !IX
. /. / :. /sP! . IX
:::. :IX
.::: / . R E M O R S E P A C K 5 2 . .: .
Its been a long time since we left you. But then again, the world
turns, girls crotches burn, and so does our ascii.
Since the release of Remorse 51 a lot of things have happened inside
and outside of the group. ACiD 100 was released proving that artpacks
could eventually legitimize the need for broadband connections outside
of the realm of porn and warez and that beautiful hybrid of them both
Virtual Valerie. Our newly formed ANSi department was heralded as a
short lived gimmick. Hateraid stock rose 13. Our balls rested ever
so delicately on your chin as you drank our collective manjuice.
Osama Bin Laden was captured in Iraq, armed only with a homemade zip-
gun and floppy discs filled with Remorse packs, which he claimed were
his secret to infinate fertility. Radman and Spinsanes High and
Mighty rap hit 81 on the billboard charts and returning member Ansi-
Christ placed first in 3 categories at the Altparty awards show.
When he wasnt taking home the gold medals for Two Color GFX, 30 Minute
Comic or Textmode Demo, he was seen at the local pubs, performing live
kareoke hits in a shiny, circa 1999 Puff Daddy Bad Boy suit. The ladies
loved it.
Speaking of love from the fairer sex, ACiDs very own modification
BBS mods, not to be confused with Catbones Body Modification group,
or Reevolution and Scours Will Defecate as Food group both ACiD
member groups group, ACiDiC has come back, supporting the BBS scene
and partying like its 1995. Prince eat your heart out. Michael
Jackson, eat our children, like Michael Tyson. Facials and facial
tattoos for all!
Speaking of facials and tattoos, Im currently working on a hirez
series of iron-on cumshot vgas, perfect for transfering onto the panties,
bras, or baby ts of your favorite ascii groupies. Magnatop is working
on a similiar series of stencils for use with your favorite brand of
white spraypaint. Together we hope to make your bitches and walls
serve as topographical maps of Hawaii. The dream lives on...
This package is a production of love and tireless effort. Leech slots
and cash rewards are not enough compensation for the product we provide
you with. On that note, we are officially lobbying that August 1st
08/01 become Remorse Ascii day. This official and worldwide public
holiday will be marked by the peoples of the world having the day off to
view, dissect then comemorate Remorses previous releases. Also, if they
so choose, they can order ACiD Productions Dark Domain DVD, a compre-
hensive collection of scene art packaged by Radman which very, very
ironically spits in the face ACiDs very own favorite included text-file
WE-WILL.SUE. Im checking the back cover of my phonebook for lawyers
to help me ruin this beautiful global holiday as we speak. News at 11.
Lastly, this pack has to be dedicated to our main man Eto. His program
Pablodraw named after the philosophy spouting cashier at his local Taco
Bell has rejuvenated the art scene by providing people with an alternate
means to IRC for chatting. Honestly, no one draws in this shit, but its
hard to discount the ammounts of porn gallery links that have been traded
through this wonderful program. Download it at .... dun dun dun filler
GROUP NEWZ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Well its been a busy couple of months. As far as lost members, fuck em,
youll just not notice them on the member list anymore. : As far as new
and returning members, its been hectic. Lots of faces to see. Some are
new, some are old, and some are really old, like Radman or Scour. Keith
Richards wanted to join as senior staff, but he was voted out as being too
young, and not drugged up enough. That should tell you something.
In alpha-fantastical order. Heres the re-up. Hit your corners, and
wait for Spike Lee to come film it.
NEW MEMBERZ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Alpha comes to us straight off the streets of Compton. Or where ever
hes from. It gets confusing after spending a long night of dropping LSD
and surfing in the Great Barrier Reef with him. Regardless, he did have
a bit part on The A-Team.
Ansicrhist returns after having blessed us with a guest appearance
in earlier releases. Hes like Michaelangelo. You know, that Virus
in Hackers The Movie that looked like the dude on the skateboard. With
NSs help, we hope viewing our pack is like flying around in a 3D main-
frame. Or viewing those dirty Family Circus comic strips on the web.
Anthem joins after hooking us up with pornography of his sister. Maybe
thats wrong... but after being wrong, we dont ever wanna be right.
You mightve noticed his skills in putting out ACiD100 and distributing
it. Fucking deviant.
Arrogance Ack is back from having some kinda bubble in his bloodstream
after fucking some slut in a nightclub. Take that. Stop mentioning that
girl I dated who appeared in porno. My girlfriend is watching, like the
Corleone comes to us from oscompo. You remember that? It was like
Blender, but without all the random words. It was like asciicompo, but
I was given credit for it. It was like SUBLIMINAL like the following
sentence. HI DUDE corleone owns you HOW ARE YOU? Phear.
Deadbrain is our official Italian Stallion. Luckily due to his joining
we can kick Sylvester Stallone out of the group for inactivity. Sly has
not done shit for us since his early works in the porno industry. As
luck would have it, Deadbrain brings to us some wicked O/S styles to
compensate. First Blood Part 2. Are you with us?
Erupt just got his ankle bracelet off from Operation Buccaneer. Using
this newfound freedom, hes gone to the store and bought us all a big
bottle of Captain Morgan to celebrate with. As a side note, hes start-
ed to draw ascii again, which isnt as great as buying us all liquor, but
it does serve a purpose. Welcome back bro :
F0st displayed his skills in computer graphics with the opening files
for ACiDs magazine The Product 3. Unfortunately, The Product 3 is
even more delayed then this pack was, so F0st decided to break you off a
little something as a warm up. Its kinda like heroin, youve got to
build up a tolerance. Oh shit, theres air bubbles in your syringe!
Kayozz comes back from the grave for Remorse 52. Luckily only his
buttocks have significantly rotted, and his fingers as still in good
enough shape to type out some ascii for us. As a walking corpse, its
also good he got a part as an extra in the new Dawn of the Dead movie
or else he wouldnt have had enough money to buy a computer to draw
with. Dumbass, shouldve bequeathed his old machine to his estate,
but he had no will and testament.
Kyr is our favorite Nazi. He runs our bots. He will probably never
see this. Thus, wed all like to take time out from our busy life to
tell Kyr the winning lottery numbers are 3, 19, 7, 50, 32. Too bad you
missed it bro.
Mister Violent is busy eating vegemite and drawing for warez sites.
That rhymed! Since upgrading from his 14.4 Australian Broadband to
some sort of high powered Australian backbone low end DSL to the rest
of us, it seems he hasnt been drawing as much. Who can blame him,
since he can now view real life Flash graphics on websites!
Pix is our Argentinian cattle ranching millionaire ascii artist.
Which came first? A career in ascii, or being a millionaire? Obviously
the former. Whens hes not fighting off economic upheaval and state
sponsered anarchy, Pix finds the time to be Remorses favorite South
American. Besides Pesho that is.
Psykoz, what does he do? Is he a film by Alfred Hitchcock? Is he a
shower scene with chocolate syrup? Who knows! He helps run Remorses
DVD encoding division, and plays a strong roll in opping us when the
bots are down. Thats admirable like Horatio Hornblower.
Raster Burn is a friend of Hiro Protagonist. Hiro Protagonist is a
student of Raster Burn. What the fuck more do you need to know?
Newjacks fear. Other groups need their diapers changed. The cycle
of the tides continues. Raster Burn is the rabbit in the moon.
Reevolution hails from Estonia EUROPE. He draws ANSI art when not
doing custom design art for conversion vans. As a fan of the Euro, he
hopes the dollar keeps dropping in value. Thus, he can feed his 14
children more productively, while spending his free time owning you and
everything you draw.
That is all for now... Enjoy the pack...
- Ferox The Alchemist 1981
MEMBER LISTZ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Rad Man
:: REMORSE FOUNDERS / E! BEHIND THE ASCII STARS :::::::::::::::::::::::::
Necromancer / Whodini
Alla Xul / Bornholme / Nightrain
:: ARTISTS / LEECHES / XENOHOMOPHOBES :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Alla Xul, Alpha, Ansichrist, Arrogance, Asphyx, Bornholme, Corleone
Deadbrain, Devil Angel, Erupt, Flames, Fost, Icedevil, Jrr, Kayozz
Magnatop, Mister Violent, Ohseven, Peps, Pix, Polymorph, Raster Burn
Reevolution, Ricky Martin, Scour, Sharque, Spinsane, Tribal, Villeret,
Yce, Zerohour, Zooyork
Anthem, Psykoz, Kyr
:: ALUMNI / MUCH RESPECT GIVEN ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Axel Barebones , Cannibal aka Cannabis , Cleaner , Computerman ,
Cypher Hex , Enigmatic , Ewheat , Farhrenheit , Hiro Protagonist ,
J. Hale Asphixia , Kaleidas , Killa Hertz , Megga Hertz ,
Merlin aka Talo , Miasma , Mister Kite , Mister Self Destruct ,
Mjolnir , Necronite , Omicron , Palmore , Poskgubbe , Terminator 2 ,
The Messiah , The Upright Man , Tinyz , Tzeentch
:: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION / KODEZ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
IRC ACID Eris FreeNet
BBS telnet - east1999.icednet.org WHQ
REQUESTS + QUESTIONS spinsane@acid.org
please query which artist you want for requests, etc when emailing
ACiDiC MODDiNG http://acidic.acid.org
ANSICHRIST http://ansichrist.senseimagery.com
AXEL BAREBONES http://www.iaxb.com
ERUPT http://www.ruptbot.com
FLAMES http://flames.oldschool.ru
KAYOZZ http://www.theinfamous.org
KILLAHERTZ http://www.megarad.com
MISTER VIOLENT http://www.flamegrilled.net
RASTER BURN http://www.panospria.com
REEVOLUTION http://www.soundclick.com/reevolution
SCOUR http://www.compleks.com
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