this image contains text
Kayozz - Who The Fuck Is Kayozz? - December 13th - 80x25 PC
Name: Kayozz
E-mail: jlefevre@theinfamous.org
-,O Age: 20
o Profession: Professional Web Designer
. oOo oOo :
..:.. Kayozz.. .. ... .
: dza! K A Y O Z Z
: i
. W H O T H E F U C K ?
R E M O R S E C R U 1 9 8 1 B A B Y ............. l
-------------:------------------- Remorse 1981 Ascii Division of ACiD---- :
ozz : / :
: : http://www.remorse.org :
: All-Time Colly Releases For Remorse ........ Last Updated 12/12/03 :
Colly Name..... Filename.... Size.... Release Date.. Rlease
Who The Fuck R-OZZ81C.TXT 1,000kb Dec. 4th 2003 03
Cash R-OZZ81B.TXT 9,995kb June 14th 1999 02
The Newcoming R-OZZ81A.TXT 20,075kb May 1st 1999 01
so...... who the fuck is ,,,
:........: / / K A Y O z z .. .
r r s
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, o f ..
....Well how about we start with a little history lesson boys and girls
:.............................It all started on a BBS in the 416/905 ac..
....The BBS was called Dead Lock and the SysOp was Black Jack.............:
:.............There was a thriving art scene and Kayozz had to become a......
.........................................part of it.............:
: // / /. Arl :
: Degeneration65. Headed by Martz. :
: Eventually as the BBS scene died and the internet :
: became more mainstream the scene transfered from :
: BBS and into IRC ascii/ansi. From there the :
: artist who came to be Kayozz was influenced by a :
: lot of the artists who regulard the channel. ....:......
: Kayozz first real friend and mentor in the scene :
: was Martz. He taught Kayozz the art of oldschool :
: ascii and gave him a home in his group Deg65. :
: :: :: ::.:: tL :
: Shortly after gaining some respect among :
: the ascii scene Kayozz was picked up by :
: local artists black jack and konami to :
: release in a new group called Mimic. :
: These were the same guys who had run BBS in his area-code... :
:........They were the guys he looked up to in the scene....................
...this was a big break........................................:
: ozz :
: Kayozz drew with Mimic for a few packs while also starting his own group up :
: called Ruckus!Ascii. The group lasted a few releases and went inactive..... :
: During the next while he spent minimal time in various groups like Noname, :
: Remorse, Satire, Element, and another failed start at a group Click........ :
Kayozz also ran a few telnet BBS like Mpeg City and The Afterlife...:
: c l i c k, c l i c k, c l i c k, b a a n g ! :
: : / / / / / / ozz : :
:..... Through-out it all ive probably released in more than 50 packs..
..with various groups and as a guest. I spent more then 2 years dedicated..:
:...............to the art scene and its fellow members and I still hold......
..a place for all those people in my memory.................................:
Remembering the following : people who impacted me....
: Martz, Black Jack, Serial Toon, Discofunk 1974, Kaes, :
: Kresile, The Midnight Judge, Tim Drake, Afrocreep, :
: Cain, Discyple, Arlequin, Dezibel, El Nino, Tzeentch, :
: nMANCEr, Whodini, Merlin, Volatile, Tsk, Speed Freak, :
: Mankind, d2macroman, Revolution, Pariah, Brane, . :
: Pogue, Spinsane, Mjolle, Bugsy/mHz, Biogen, ......:.. :
.:.....All of you helped make those couple years a blast...:...
: You guys gave me a love for computers that I have ..:.:
: never let go, and now my future is in computers IT :
: which I couldnt be happier about. :
...:..............I want to say Thank You..................:....... .
: Sometimes the little things people do in life end up :
: impacting someone in a very profound way.
: To all the people who know me and took the time to read
most of this, Thank You. :
................ / Table Of Contents / ................
: // Ascii Name For/w / :
: // 01 Run Tings The Crew :
: / 02 oSeven Ohseven :
: 03 Psychosis RMX w/ Whodini :
: 04 Kayozz RMX w/ Tribal :
: . 05 Pogue Pogue . :
: / 06 Black Jack Black Jack :
: / 07 Creed Black Jack :
: 08 Nina Myself :
: . 09 Phonosys Anyone :
: 10 Mjay Guess.. :
: / / Kayozz - Remorse 1981 . / :
: : / . Colly 03 - 2003c / / : :
::::::::::::::: J.L.
S.V. :::::::::::::::
: fucking America... : . ..... back my girl ! from... :
: ..:. . : gimme . :
: o / . :
: o / / / o / / // / / / / / :
: l / l -- .. l/l l -----l l,
: Brooklyn, NY. .:.... . / : . dza!
--- RUN TINGS ---------- 01
/ For: A Personal Friend /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
RUN T I Ng S /
/ R Ec O R D S.
--- OHSEVEN ----------
/ 02
/ For: Ohseven, duh..... /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
-.O : :
0sEVEN!? / ozz/rmrs
--- PSYCHOSIS REMIX ---------- 03
/ For: The Remorse Team. /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
zz/r!os zeeremixed
wH0/81! daoriginal
/ l // / l // / l//
..... i / / ...
: : i i / i
--- KAYOZZ REMIX ---------- 04
/ For: Myself........... /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
: r e M o r s E 1 9 8 : 1 ! !
: : : : / : / : tL/ozz
: Original by Tribalmmc.....1999 :
Remixed by Kayozzrmrs.....2003 :
--- POGUE ---------- 05
/ For: Pogue of course.. /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
i / ... ..............
: -.o .: . :..... .
.:.. :..... ... . .......l ozz/rmrs
. http://www.thuglife . org - +o pogue :
--- BLACK JACK ---------- 06
/ For: Mr. Mimic Himself /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
Black Jack : : :.: :
, / ozz/rmrs
--- CREED ---------- 07
/ For: An old irc script /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
Remembering an elite irc script.
: crEEd!? / / :
:......... ....... . ozz ...:
--- NINA ---------- 08
/ For: Myself /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
// : ozz/rmrs
: / NiNA
--- PHONOSYS ---------- 09
/ For: Anyone .......... /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
. ozz/rmrs -- ------------------------------------- ----- R.I.P.
Your loved ones can now rest assured, Eduardo
that you are in a better place. Sanchez :
--- MJAY ---------- 09
/ For: The Midnight Judge /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
* :.....: The Midnight Judge * / ozz/rmrs :..........................:
/ .. Kid Tested, Mother Approved. :
/ Final /
This is the end of my return colly... I would like to thank Spinsane for giving
me a spot in Remorse once again, it feels good to be drawing. A lot of shit has
changed since the last time I released a colly.. but some things never change,
and putting together a colly is one of them. Thank you for viewing this. Peace.
/ Credits /
Kayozz Logo @ The Top Dezibel deza!
Deg65 Logo Arlequin Arl
Mimic Outline Logo Tribal tL
Brooklyn Logo Dezibel deza!
all logos taken from my old collies...
Psychosis Logo Original by Whodini from a rmrs pack. Remixed by Kayozz
Kayozz Logo Original by Tribal from an old Ruckus pack. Remixed by Kayozz
Name: Kayozz
E-mail: jlefevre@theinfamous.org
-,O Age: 20
o Profession: Professional Web Designer
. oOo oOo :
..:.. Kayozz.. .. ... .
: dza! K A Y O Z Z
: i
. W H O T H E F U C K ?
R E M O R S E C R U 1 9 8 1 B A B Y ............. l
-------------:------------------- Remorse 1981 Ascii Division of ACiD---- :
ozz : / :
: : http://www.remorse.org :
: All-Time Colly Releases For Remorse ........ Last Updated 12/12/03 :
Colly Name..... Filename.... Size.... Release Date.. Rlease
Who The Fuck R-OZZ81C.TXT 1,000kb Dec. 4th 2003 03
Cash R-OZZ81B.TXT 9,995kb June 14th 1999 02
The Newcoming R-OZZ81A.TXT 20,075kb May 1st 1999 01
so...... who the fuck is ,,,
:........: / / K A Y O z z .. .
r r s
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, o f ..
....Well how about we start with a little history lesson boys and girls
:.............................It all started on a BBS in the 416/905 ac..
....The BBS was called Dead Lock and the SysOp was Black Jack.............:
:.............There was a thriving art scene and Kayozz had to become a......
.........................................part of it.............:
: // / /. Arl :
: Degeneration65. Headed by Martz. :
: Eventually as the BBS scene died and the internet :
: became more mainstream the scene transfered from :
: BBS and into IRC ascii/ansi. From there the :
: artist who came to be Kayozz was influenced by a :
: lot of the artists who regulard the channel. ....:......
: Kayozz first real friend and mentor in the scene :
: was Martz. He taught Kayozz the art of oldschool :
: ascii and gave him a home in his group Deg65. :
: :: :: ::.:: tL :
: Shortly after gaining some respect among :
: the ascii scene Kayozz was picked up by :
: local artists black jack and konami to :
: release in a new group called Mimic. :
: These were the same guys who had run BBS in his area-code... :
:........They were the guys he looked up to in the scene....................
...this was a big break........................................:
: ozz :
: Kayozz drew with Mimic for a few packs while also starting his own group up :
: called Ruckus!Ascii. The group lasted a few releases and went inactive..... :
: During the next while he spent minimal time in various groups like Noname, :
: Remorse, Satire, Element, and another failed start at a group Click........ :
Kayozz also ran a few telnet BBS like Mpeg City and The Afterlife...:
: c l i c k, c l i c k, c l i c k, b a a n g ! :
: : / / / / / / ozz : :
:..... Through-out it all ive probably released in more than 50 packs..
..with various groups and as a guest. I spent more then 2 years dedicated..:
:...............to the art scene and its fellow members and I still hold......
..a place for all those people in my memory.................................:
Remembering the following : people who impacted me....
: Martz, Black Jack, Serial Toon, Discofunk 1974, Kaes, :
: Kresile, The Midnight Judge, Tim Drake, Afrocreep, :
: Cain, Discyple, Arlequin, Dezibel, El Nino, Tzeentch, :
: nMANCEr, Whodini, Merlin, Volatile, Tsk, Speed Freak, :
: Mankind, d2macroman, Revolution, Pariah, Brane, . :
: Pogue, Spinsane, Mjolle, Bugsy/mHz, Biogen, ......:.. :
.:.....All of you helped make those couple years a blast...:...
: You guys gave me a love for computers that I have ..:.:
: never let go, and now my future is in computers IT :
: which I couldnt be happier about. :
...:..............I want to say Thank You..................:....... .
: Sometimes the little things people do in life end up :
: impacting someone in a very profound way.
: To all the people who know me and took the time to read
most of this, Thank You. :
................ / Table Of Contents / ................
: // Ascii Name For/w / :
: // 01 Run Tings The Crew :
: / 02 oSeven Ohseven :
: 03 Psychosis RMX w/ Whodini :
: 04 Kayozz RMX w/ Tribal :
: . 05 Pogue Pogue . :
: / 06 Black Jack Black Jack :
: / 07 Creed Black Jack :
: 08 Nina Myself :
: . 09 Phonosys Anyone :
: 10 Mjay Guess.. :
: / / Kayozz - Remorse 1981 . / :
: : / . Colly 03 - 2003c / / : :
::::::::::::::: J.L.
S.V. :::::::::::::::
: fucking America... : . ..... back my girl ! from... :
: ..:. . : gimme . :
: o / . :
: o / / / o / / // / / / / / :
: l / l -- .. l/l l -----l l,
: Brooklyn, NY. .:.... . / : . dza!
--- RUN TINGS ---------- 01
/ For: A Personal Friend /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
RUN T I Ng S /
/ R Ec O R D S.
--- OHSEVEN ----------
/ 02
/ For: Ohseven, duh..... /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
-.O : :
0sEVEN!? / ozz/rmrs
--- PSYCHOSIS REMIX ---------- 03
/ For: The Remorse Team. /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
zz/r!os zeeremixed
wH0/81! daoriginal
/ l // / l // / l//
..... i / / ...
: : i i / i
--- KAYOZZ REMIX ---------- 04
/ For: Myself........... /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
: r e M o r s E 1 9 8 : 1 ! !
: : : : / : / : tL/ozz
: Original by Tribalmmc.....1999 :
Remixed by Kayozzrmrs.....2003 :
--- POGUE ---------- 05
/ For: Pogue of course.. /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
i / ... ..............
: -.o .: . :..... .
.:.. :..... ... . .......l ozz/rmrs
. http://www.thuglife . org - +o pogue :
--- BLACK JACK ---------- 06
/ For: Mr. Mimic Himself /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
Black Jack : : :.: :
, / ozz/rmrs
--- CREED ---------- 07
/ For: An old irc script /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
Remembering an elite irc script.
: crEEd!? / / :
:......... ....... . ozz ...:
--- NINA ---------- 08
/ For: Myself /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
// : ozz/rmrs
: / NiNA
--- PHONOSYS ---------- 09
/ For: Anyone .......... /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
. ozz/rmrs -- ------------------------------------- ----- R.I.P.
Your loved ones can now rest assured, Eduardo
that you are in a better place. Sanchez :
--- MJAY ---------- 09
/ For: The Midnight Judge /...//..
---- FUCK IS -------------:-- :
KAYOZZ? :.....:
* :.....: The Midnight Judge * / ozz/rmrs :..........................:
/ .. Kid Tested, Mother Approved. :
/ Final /
This is the end of my return colly... I would like to thank Spinsane for giving
me a spot in Remorse once again, it feels good to be drawing. A lot of shit has
changed since the last time I released a colly.. but some things never change,
and putting together a colly is one of them. Thank you for viewing this. Peace.
/ Credits /
Kayozz Logo @ The Top Dezibel deza!
Deg65 Logo Arlequin Arl
Mimic Outline Logo Tribal tL
Brooklyn Logo Dezibel deza!
all logos taken from my old collies...
Psychosis Logo Original by Whodini from a rmrs pack. Remixed by Kayozz
Kayozz Logo Original by Tribal from an old Ruckus pack. Remixed by Kayozz
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