this image contains text
Note: Please view this colly in 80x50 format,
preferably using TRiBEView, because of
the exactness in the pageup/pagedown
scrolling. Thank you.
We the unwilling being led by
// the unknowning are doing the
/ immpossible for the ungrateful.
// We have done so much with so little
for so long that we are now qualified
to do anything with nothing.
We have such sights to show you ...
- Pinhead
/ wH0
Necromancer of the Remorse Ascii Mafia
Presents a no-frills colly
T e r r a C o t t a
. ......::::::::..... Scorched Earth
Welcome to MY world .. /
/ A ruined, burnt-out shell of a world that used to be ... /
/ Youre on MY planet now, and its not what youre used to ....
/ Welcome to Terra Cotta, my planet, my Scorched Earth.
/ Enjoy.
Table o Contents /
x01. Ala-Net x09. Legends Never Die
x02. SoulFood Hdr x10. Onyx
x03. Da Mesta x11. poOp
x04. The Dunes x12. Terra Cotta
: x05. Grape x13. The Elusive Dream :
. x06. Happy Land x14. The Regency .
x07. Ides of March x15. Torn to Shreds
These are some sigs that I drew either out of
respect, or out of request. None are requested
by people that are not my friends.
. .x01 Cain .x07 Nevarre .
.x02 Endless Nameless .x08 Me
. .x03 Hiro Protagonist .x09 Me again .
. .x04 Mindcrime .x10 Pariah .
: .x05 Megga Hertz .x11 RaD Man :
.x06 The Messiah .x12 Whodini
-- For Cain
-/- Cain of Noname -/- / -/- Cain of Noname -/-
-- For Endless Nameless
nM/rMS / // /
-- For Hiro Protagonist
- / Hiro Protagonist.
- -----// / / To be one, you must be Hiro.
-- For Mindcrime
edalB.CiDiCAemircdniM // / / / // Mindcrime/ACiDiC.Blade
-- For Megga Hertz
-- For The Messiah
/ The Messiah
-- For Nevarre
Nevarre / // nM
-- For me
/ / // NecroMancer
------------- // - --------- -- - / Remorse Coordinator
We have such sights to show you ...
/ necromancer
-- For Pariah
/ Pariah / // /
-- For RaD Man
//RaD Man
-- For Whodini
------- / -- // -----/wH0D/rMRS---------------------
Font : Ala-Net //
// / / For : CactusKid //
/ / Comment: He wanted simple, and I
/ / gave it to him.
. ..Ala-Net.. .
Font : Soul Food Header //
// / / For : Cain //
Eat your Soul Food, it builds // character.
/ / -nM/rMRS
fONT: / ------------------------------- -------------- -- -
Font : Da Mesta //
// / / For : Jason ACiD //
Da Mesta
Font : The Dunes //
// / / For : The Emperor //
/ / the Dunes / /
nM / // / / // /
Font : Grape //
// / / For : SoulStorm //
Font : Happy Land //
// / / For : Raider //
:8 /8 /
Fear the fat man / /
of Happyland. //
Font : Ides of March //
// / / For : Nuremburg //
nM / /
------ --- -- - Ides of March - -- --- ------
Font : LND //
// / / For : Nevarre //
Legends Never Die
Font : Onyx //
// / / For : Twiztah //
--- oNYX ----- ----- // -----------------
Font : poOp //
// / / For : Phaser X //
/ poOp! / / //
Font : Terra Cotta //
// / / For : Me //
:: Terra Cotta. Scorched Earth.
Fear my next colly. :
Font : Elusive //
// / / For : The Toyman //
The Elusive Dream
Font : The Regency //
// / / For : Halaster //
The :
Regency /
Font : Torn to Shreds //
// / / For : Forgotten //
Torn to Shreds. Phear it. //
Thanks to: Whodini and Omicron for the logos.
Greets to: Whodini, Omicron,Hiro Protagonist, mHz, The 408 Crew Necronite,
RaD Man, Sharp, SoulTaker, Pianoman, Martyr, Diabolos, Bastardiser,
Eporue, Betrayer, Suicidal Tendencies, ReDMaN who is ex-408 crew,
Paradox, Hannibal Lecter/MCA, and Vector aka vcx and VectorX on
IRC, TinyZ, Spear, Mogue!/Arclite, Fatal/Epsilon Design,
Wise-K/Jedi Arts, Fungus, and Cesspool I dont know what wacky
Amiga groups Fungus and Cesspool are in, but they are cool guys
nonetheless. And to everyone else, you know who you are.
All of Remorse!Ascii, all of ACiD, all of Noname Brand Ascii.
Some of the bands I listened to while making this colly:
Frontline Assembly, Eazy E, Skinny Puppy, Xorcist, Sir Mix-A-Lot,
Apparatus, Battery, Leather Strip, Swamp Terrorists and Dr. Dre.
A note on my new style:
Recently, my style has changed from the conventional ascii logo
to one that is more artistic, more .. expressive of what Im
feeling and who I am. Please look at them as such.
Those who have wide tongues usually have narrow minds.
- Unknown
Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them.
- Ed Howe
The End
: / rEMORSE!aSCII / :
. / Terra Cotta / .
@ A colly by Necrom / @
preferably using TRiBEView, because of
the exactness in the pageup/pagedown
scrolling. Thank you.
We the unwilling being led by
// the unknowning are doing the
/ immpossible for the ungrateful.
// We have done so much with so little
for so long that we are now qualified
to do anything with nothing.
We have such sights to show you ...
- Pinhead
/ wH0
Necromancer of the Remorse Ascii Mafia
Presents a no-frills colly
T e r r a C o t t a
. ......::::::::..... Scorched Earth
Welcome to MY world .. /
/ A ruined, burnt-out shell of a world that used to be ... /
/ Youre on MY planet now, and its not what youre used to ....
/ Welcome to Terra Cotta, my planet, my Scorched Earth.
/ Enjoy.
Table o Contents /
x01. Ala-Net x09. Legends Never Die
x02. SoulFood Hdr x10. Onyx
x03. Da Mesta x11. poOp
x04. The Dunes x12. Terra Cotta
: x05. Grape x13. The Elusive Dream :
. x06. Happy Land x14. The Regency .
x07. Ides of March x15. Torn to Shreds
These are some sigs that I drew either out of
respect, or out of request. None are requested
by people that are not my friends.
. .x01 Cain .x07 Nevarre .
.x02 Endless Nameless .x08 Me
. .x03 Hiro Protagonist .x09 Me again .
. .x04 Mindcrime .x10 Pariah .
: .x05 Megga Hertz .x11 RaD Man :
.x06 The Messiah .x12 Whodini
-- For Cain
-/- Cain of Noname -/- / -/- Cain of Noname -/-
-- For Endless Nameless
nM/rMS / // /
-- For Hiro Protagonist
- / Hiro Protagonist.
- -----// / / To be one, you must be Hiro.
-- For Mindcrime
edalB.CiDiCAemircdniM // / / / // Mindcrime/ACiDiC.Blade
-- For Megga Hertz
-- For The Messiah
/ The Messiah
-- For Nevarre
Nevarre / // nM
-- For me
/ / // NecroMancer
------------- // - --------- -- - / Remorse Coordinator
We have such sights to show you ...
/ necromancer
-- For Pariah
/ Pariah / // /
-- For RaD Man
//RaD Man
-- For Whodini
------- / -- // -----/wH0D/rMRS---------------------
Font : Ala-Net //
// / / For : CactusKid //
/ / Comment: He wanted simple, and I
/ / gave it to him.
. ..Ala-Net.. .
Font : Soul Food Header //
// / / For : Cain //
Eat your Soul Food, it builds // character.
/ / -nM/rMRS
fONT: / ------------------------------- -------------- -- -
Font : Da Mesta //
// / / For : Jason ACiD //
Da Mesta
Font : The Dunes //
// / / For : The Emperor //
/ / the Dunes / /
nM / // / / // /
Font : Grape //
// / / For : SoulStorm //
Font : Happy Land //
// / / For : Raider //
:8 /8 /
Fear the fat man / /
of Happyland. //
Font : Ides of March //
// / / For : Nuremburg //
nM / /
------ --- -- - Ides of March - -- --- ------
Font : LND //
// / / For : Nevarre //
Legends Never Die
Font : Onyx //
// / / For : Twiztah //
--- oNYX ----- ----- // -----------------
Font : poOp //
// / / For : Phaser X //
/ poOp! / / //
Font : Terra Cotta //
// / / For : Me //
:: Terra Cotta. Scorched Earth.
Fear my next colly. :
Font : Elusive //
// / / For : The Toyman //
The Elusive Dream
Font : The Regency //
// / / For : Halaster //
The :
Regency /
Font : Torn to Shreds //
// / / For : Forgotten //
Torn to Shreds. Phear it. //
Thanks to: Whodini and Omicron for the logos.
Greets to: Whodini, Omicron,Hiro Protagonist, mHz, The 408 Crew Necronite,
RaD Man, Sharp, SoulTaker, Pianoman, Martyr, Diabolos, Bastardiser,
Eporue, Betrayer, Suicidal Tendencies, ReDMaN who is ex-408 crew,
Paradox, Hannibal Lecter/MCA, and Vector aka vcx and VectorX on
IRC, TinyZ, Spear, Mogue!/Arclite, Fatal/Epsilon Design,
Wise-K/Jedi Arts, Fungus, and Cesspool I dont know what wacky
Amiga groups Fungus and Cesspool are in, but they are cool guys
nonetheless. And to everyone else, you know who you are.
All of Remorse!Ascii, all of ACiD, all of Noname Brand Ascii.
Some of the bands I listened to while making this colly:
Frontline Assembly, Eazy E, Skinny Puppy, Xorcist, Sir Mix-A-Lot,
Apparatus, Battery, Leather Strip, Swamp Terrorists and Dr. Dre.
A note on my new style:
Recently, my style has changed from the conventional ascii logo
to one that is more artistic, more .. expressive of what Im
feeling and who I am. Please look at them as such.
Those who have wide tongues usually have narrow minds.
- Unknown
Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them.
- Ed Howe
The End
: / rEMORSE!aSCII / :
. / Terra Cotta / .
@ A colly by Necrom / @
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