this image contains text
Megga Hertz the kingpin gives you an acid/remorse colly.. .
, / mHzremorse -,,,- , /
this is the day after.. .
--, ,-- ,---- .mHz. ,---- ---, ,---
. ..entitled - the day after.
/ / // mHz
. ..view this colly in any viewer, any font loaded, any res.. .
. ..authenticity verification ... 1074 lines ... 12-13-1996.. .
. ..filename: r-mhztda.asc ... 60870 bytes, friday the 13th.. .
megga hertz of
, acid productions
. .mHz-,,,/-,. /,,,, ,
,,--------,,.:...,, mHzs /,,..,----,
hey, its mHz. i hope your eyes can properly decipher the words
::.. i have placed in this, what was a simple ascii rectangle until i
. twisted and reshaped its walls. this is my second ascii collec
-tion release. not as big as jagoff, because the popular opinion ..:
.: . now seems to be less is more, and after a couple thousand lines, :
..:. your eyes blur just the same. some say im the best, others . .
agree im the worst. i can only hope i entertain you in some way :
the day after.. .
explicit content
/ / mHz
title / for / affil /
remorse!ascii header, the day after header, ascii configuration, /
note from megga hertz the kingpin, ascii parental advisory label
01 absorbance diz hornet rca :.......
02 awe lettering diz the night angel awe .........:
03 black thursday skatter soap :..........
/ 04 chronic farts hos awe ........:
05 devils playground shadowm lnd :.....
06 dust chaos bad spirit remorse .......:
07 free coke the night angel awe :.......
08 flatscan acolyte ... .....:
09 hoochie wagon celophane prime :.....
10 hot worms sammael cia .....:
11 ibis elastic ice :.....
12 never forget div cain noname .......:
13 never forget head cain noname :.......
// 14 polyester hellfire polyester .....:
/ 15 prestige trchemist prestige :........
16 remorse remorse remorse2 ........:
17 remorse diz necromancer remorse :.....
18 request info you. any. ......: /
19 shroom palace john doe one :...... /
20 spinsane spinsane noname .....:
21 story for all you. any. :.....
/ 22 stormfront ... ... .......:
23 succotash rad man acid :........
24 suicidal underground thrama aws .......: //
25 total sinful ... :...... /
26 underhive ... ... .....:
27 unity/2 jestor soap :.....
28 upload meatpod grill ......:
29 obv user list shivan bastard acid :........
30 vos felix pds .......:
31 who whodini remorse :.....
32 wildstorm elastic ice .......:
greets header, greets block, playa shit, megga hertz tkp outro
jagoff! ascii collection advertisment, colly fileid.diz, foot
the day after . megga hertz the kingpin . remorse ascii . 1996
// note this colly has been released as r-mhztda.asc, /
/ as opposed to r-mhztda.txt, due to the acid pack.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, calm down, itll fit.
name -, absorbance emag
for ,--, hornet/rca ,,..
mHzaCid--- absorbance emag issue 1
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, thanks for the encouragment, tna.
name - awe lettering fileid
for ,--,the night angel/awe ,,..
AWE Lettering - December 1996
/,-..- /,--..-mHz /,---..-
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, sorry you had to wait so long.
name -, black thursday
for ,--, skatter/soap ,,..
skatters black thursday / meggaHzacid
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, doesnt the f just rule?
name - chronic farts
for ,--,hos/awe ,,..
mHzacId /,----,,,----, ,,,---,,,,-------,, ,,--,,
hoss - chronic farts
yes, i ripped myself
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, not bad for five minutes after req, eh?
name - devils playgound
for ,--,shadowm/lnd ,,..
devils playground /
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, did i spelled it correct this time?
name - dust chaos
for ,--,bad spirit/remorse ,,..
i: . ,,-------,,, ,,
,,.:,,,/ megga hertz
/ dust chaos.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, graff enough for you?
name - free coke
for ,--,the night angel/awe ,,..
mHz /,----,,,---,,,,---,,,,----,, ,, :
The Night Angels - Free Coke .-
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, use it as a template, see if i care.. .
name - flatscan
for ,--,acolyte ,,..
mHz // / ,------/ / ,--------,
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, here, take it already.
name - hoochie wagon
for ,--,celophane/prime ,,..
/ // mhz
- logon
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, you got stuck with an odd one.
name - hot worms
for ,--,sammael ,,..
-- ascii has been removed by mHz --
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, simple enough?
name - ibis
for ,--,elastic/ice ,,..
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, pretty dope colly.. .
name - never forget divider
for ,--,cain/noname ,,..
: // / // title -
/ , reqby -
,, ,,,,,,,,,mHz
n e v e r f o r g e t
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, pretty dope colly.. .
name - never forget header
for ,--,cain/noname ,,..
/,---,, , , ,, megga hertz ,,, .
,,----,, Never Forget ,,, ,,.
/ // mHz.aCid
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, yeahyeahyeah, auggies basement, sure.
name - polyester
for ,--,hellfire/polyester ,,..
/ mHzacid
// polyester.. .
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, try to find better.. .
name - prestige
for ,--,the renegade chemist/prestige ,,..
mHz.aCid ,--- -- ,------.:i,----
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, for nerds who like really neat stuff
name - remorse
for ,--,remorse sites that like cleanliness ,,..
, / mHzremorse ----- , /
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, not messy enough for me.
name - remorse
for ,--,remorse members/affiliated sites ,,..
mHz / / / /
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, this should have been for pack 1, really.
name - remorse diz
for ,--,remorse pak ,,..
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE 21 .:// /
which is better ?
you decide
--, mHz ,--- ,--
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, you want it, you got it.
name - ascii request/trade information
for ,--,you. ,,..
if you would like to partake in a megga hertz ascii, either find
me on internet relay chat as mHz, or send internet electronic
mail to ev@acid.org, or phils7@primenet.com, and describe what
words to include in the ascii font, and what you might be willing
to trade if anything. for a free mHz ascii, include the answer to
this question: what is practicing karate called, and how does that
word relate to the ascii scene?
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, plain enough?
name - shroom palace
for ,--,john doe ,,..
/ //mHz
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, we dont have to get along.
name - spinsane
for ,--,spinsane ,,..
/ / / / / / spinsane.. .an obvious player hater.. .
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, laugh, cry, feel remorse, die.
name - megga hertzs story for the day after colly.
for ,--,everyone to read, love, and laugh at. ,,..
hi, mHz here. im including this story not to add lines to the colly, but ..:
to add overall entertainment value. its good that i can laugh at it now, :..
so soon after it happened. im in high school you see, a time for many ..:
firsts, lasts, etc. i contracted a quite serious flu, because a russian :..
girl sneezed on me. i didnt say anything, because shes really cute. the ..:
flu caused me to miss quite a few days of school, and noone does any sort :..
of work when theyre home sick. someone like me doesnt do much homework ..:
at all. i missed many major assignments in all my classes, causing my :..
report card to slip and display nothing higher then a c grade. knowing my ..:
insane mother, i knew she wouldnt understand that i had turned in make-up :..
assignments after my recovery, which raised my grade, but not in time for ..:
my report card. i had to do something. i couldnt let her fiery red eyes.:..
gaze upon a few meaningless letters, which in their proper context, would ..:
assure certain death for me. i came home from school on tuesday, a little :..
frantic, because the fact that i live in a condominium, and the mail boxes ..:
are locked with a key i dont posess happened to slip my mind. luckily, :...
i remembered a little trick that would allow me to open the entire panel, ..:
exposing half the condominium owners mail to anyones prying hands. after :..
assuring noone was on the street outside, stairwell, elevator, or garage, ..:
i opened them all. i quickly fingered through our mail, but to no avail. :..
for three more days i continued this practice, which even if the coveted ..:
report card had been addressed to me would be consider mail fraud, before :..
i finally got my hands on it. i slammed the boxes shut, and sped into the...:
awaiting elevator with a devious sense of accomplishment on my sick mind. :...
i proceded to school the next day. in the middle of a deep discussion ..:
about girls, and television, a very fine female friend of mine, patricia :..
entered the room, and handed the teacher a yellow piece of paper. after ..:
a nice smile, she left. i thought nothing of it until the teacher said :..
it was for me. it said report to the principals office --- at once --- ..:
i walked over, just too slow to catch patricia and ask what was up. when :..
i got to the office, i saw my mother, my counselor, and the principal. ..:
the told me to come in, and close the door. they said my mother was very :..
upset at my grades. i explained that they were higher now. they asked ..:
where my report card was, i said i had no idea. they really grilled me :..
bout it, but after the things i said, it was too late to stop denying it. ..:
after talking about each and every one of my classes, and counseling the :...
principal as to what online service she should be using, i was dismissed. ..:
on the way out, my mother said she had proof, i asked how, wondering how :..
such a well thought out plan could have been penetrated by her. she said ..:
my aunt, who was in town for the week had opened the drawer on my desk :..
that locks. i tried my hardest not to turn completely white. not because ..:
my scheme had been foiled, simply because of what i kept in that drawer. :..
im a senior now, so i havent been in there in awhile if you know what ..:
i mean, but in earlier days, i would reach for its sacred key more then :..
often. the things the drawer contains are as follows: an old playboy ..:
magazine, three or four of those 25 cent weekly porno newspapers you buy :..
on the street, and a porno cd for windows, which was marked as such. but ..:
this wasnt the worst of it. im sure they just would say its normal :..
for boys his age, but just a week earlier, i was lucky enough to have a ..:
female friend up to my room. after about an hour of messing around, or :..
whatever you refer to it as where you come from, she had to leave. good? ..:
wrong. she obviously had an exceptionally good time, and decided to :..
leave her panties at my house. after she walked out, and woohoo type ..:
thoughts went through my mind for a second, i threw the white panties in :...
the drawer. i can only shudder when i think what my mother and aunt ..:
thought when they saw those chilling in there. if i disappear from the :..
scene for awhile, explain to anyone that asks that mHz has been fucking ..:
c o m m i t e d . :..
hopefully i retold it correctly, i hope you enjoyed my story.
i sure as hell didnt enjoy going through it. later, -mHz.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, the vines made me.
name - stormfront
for ,--,stormy ,,..
, , . , . . mHz ,
s t o r m f r o n t
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, radman nevers get the good stuff
name - succotash
for ,--,rad man/acid ,,..
/ /sUCCOtASH /
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, sorry i kinda 1/2 assed this one.
name - suicidal underground
for ,--,thrama ,,..
// / / // / // / / // / / / / mHz :
u n d e r g r o u n d
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, youre getting good, sinful.
name - total zip comment
for ,--,sinful ,,..
:i // / / // i:
/ ,- / / i:.
Sinfuls - Total
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, enjoy, oh nameless one.. .
name - underhive
for ,--,unknown. ,,..
-,--underhive -,,- - --,,,-- --- ---
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, soap no more?
name - unity/2
for ,--,jestor/soap ,,..
. : mHz@aCid
unity / sOap,--- // / ,--
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, download coming soon.. .
name - upload
for ,--,meatpod/grill ,,..
/ mHz.acid
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, restart obv/2, shivan.
name - obv/2 userlist headers
for ,--,shivan bastard/acid ,,..
- --- --- --/ userlisting
obv/2 / / / - --- - -- -
oBLIVION/tWO / / / /
since shivan bastard dropped obv/2, consider these yours.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, quality is a standard, 2nd only to abraxas
name - .virtue.of.sacrifice.
for ,--,felix ,,..
. ..virtue of sacrifice.. .
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, we dont have to get along.
name - who
for ,--,whodini/remorse ,,..
: . : // // . mHz
/ wh0d, where do we
/ :. / go from here rocked, peace.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, almost ktsish?
name - wildstorm
for ,--,elastic/ice ,,..
/ / // : / mHz / /
: : wildstorm
/ / / // / /mHz
props.: necro. khz. whod. kal. fractal. code zero. chaos warrior. felix.
halaster. spear. mr self destruct. misfit. trip. jae. napalm. cain. discyple.
windrider. erupt. the night angel. rad man. fluor. fury. splatt. mindcrime.
the speed racer. mass murderer. the renegade chemist. quisling. bleach. bj.
deeply disturbed. omicron. hiro protagonist. tinyz. mass delusion. blatz. mt.
the emperor. fractal. mindcrime. wolfie. sinned soul. lord jazz. king midas.
the silent killer. pushead. shivan bastard. the hit man. mrk. rocket. hos.
scientist. hemp hoodlum. skull leader. jed. napalm death. tweed. unsane.
azrael. blue gravity. hack. pigs flip cars. somms. widowmaker. pariah. ack.
filth. exotik narcotik. jae. orion. black viper. elastic. magnetic m.
sparr. super poskgubbe. the og ascii set. borian. catbones. haji. rocket.
unholy spirit. the punisher. eagle one. insane cocaine. sexecutioner.
RaD Man, will always be a player.. .
nECROMANCEr, will never be a hater.. .
Killa Hertz, will always be a player.. .
Whodini, will never be a hater.. .
/ i wonder who it is and who could it
be? aint nobody but the m-H-z.
/ megga hertz the kingpin
,- ---, mHz ,--
ive got a mean style, im known to go buckwild
-------ev------ ------------- ---- ----
also available from acid/remorse ascii - jagoff! ascii collection!
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ the day after - ascii collection by mHz
an acid productions/remorse ascii release
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tda../
Megga Hertz the kingpin gives you an acid/remorse colly.. .
, / mHzremorse -,,,- , /
this is the day after.. .
--, ,-- ,---- .mHz. ,---- ---, ,---
. ..entitled - the day after.
/ / // mHz
. ..view this colly in any viewer, any font loaded, any res.. .
. ..authenticity verification ... 1074 lines ... 12-13-1996.. .
. ..filename: r-mhztda.asc ... 60870 bytes, friday the 13th.. .
megga hertz of
, acid productions
. .mHz-,,,/-,. /,,,, ,
,,--------,,.:...,, mHzs /,,..,----,
hey, its mHz. i hope your eyes can properly decipher the words
::.. i have placed in this, what was a simple ascii rectangle until i
. twisted and reshaped its walls. this is my second ascii collec
-tion release. not as big as jagoff, because the popular opinion ..:
.: . now seems to be less is more, and after a couple thousand lines, :
..:. your eyes blur just the same. some say im the best, others . .
agree im the worst. i can only hope i entertain you in some way :
the day after.. .
explicit content
/ / mHz
title / for / affil /
remorse!ascii header, the day after header, ascii configuration, /
note from megga hertz the kingpin, ascii parental advisory label
01 absorbance diz hornet rca :.......
02 awe lettering diz the night angel awe .........:
03 black thursday skatter soap :..........
/ 04 chronic farts hos awe ........:
05 devils playground shadowm lnd :.....
06 dust chaos bad spirit remorse .......:
07 free coke the night angel awe :.......
08 flatscan acolyte ... .....:
09 hoochie wagon celophane prime :.....
10 hot worms sammael cia .....:
11 ibis elastic ice :.....
12 never forget div cain noname .......:
13 never forget head cain noname :.......
// 14 polyester hellfire polyester .....:
/ 15 prestige trchemist prestige :........
16 remorse remorse remorse2 ........:
17 remorse diz necromancer remorse :.....
18 request info you. any. ......: /
19 shroom palace john doe one :...... /
20 spinsane spinsane noname .....:
21 story for all you. any. :.....
/ 22 stormfront ... ... .......:
23 succotash rad man acid :........
24 suicidal underground thrama aws .......: //
25 total sinful ... :...... /
26 underhive ... ... .....:
27 unity/2 jestor soap :.....
28 upload meatpod grill ......:
29 obv user list shivan bastard acid :........
30 vos felix pds .......:
31 who whodini remorse :.....
32 wildstorm elastic ice .......:
greets header, greets block, playa shit, megga hertz tkp outro
jagoff! ascii collection advertisment, colly fileid.diz, foot
the day after . megga hertz the kingpin . remorse ascii . 1996
// note this colly has been released as r-mhztda.asc, /
/ as opposed to r-mhztda.txt, due to the acid pack.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, calm down, itll fit.
name -, absorbance emag
for ,--, hornet/rca ,,..
mHzaCid--- absorbance emag issue 1
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, thanks for the encouragment, tna.
name - awe lettering fileid
for ,--,the night angel/awe ,,..
AWE Lettering - December 1996
/,-..- /,--..-mHz /,---..-
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, sorry you had to wait so long.
name -, black thursday
for ,--, skatter/soap ,,..
skatters black thursday / meggaHzacid
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, doesnt the f just rule?
name - chronic farts
for ,--,hos/awe ,,..
mHzacId /,----,,,----, ,,,---,,,,-------,, ,,--,,
hoss - chronic farts
yes, i ripped myself
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, not bad for five minutes after req, eh?
name - devils playgound
for ,--,shadowm/lnd ,,..
devils playground /
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, did i spelled it correct this time?
name - dust chaos
for ,--,bad spirit/remorse ,,..
i: . ,,-------,,, ,,
,,.:,,,/ megga hertz
/ dust chaos.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, graff enough for you?
name - free coke
for ,--,the night angel/awe ,,..
mHz /,----,,,---,,,,---,,,,----,, ,, :
The Night Angels - Free Coke .-
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, use it as a template, see if i care.. .
name - flatscan
for ,--,acolyte ,,..
mHz // / ,------/ / ,--------,
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, here, take it already.
name - hoochie wagon
for ,--,celophane/prime ,,..
/ // mhz
- logon
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, you got stuck with an odd one.
name - hot worms
for ,--,sammael ,,..
-- ascii has been removed by mHz --
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, simple enough?
name - ibis
for ,--,elastic/ice ,,..
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, pretty dope colly.. .
name - never forget divider
for ,--,cain/noname ,,..
: // / // title -
/ , reqby -
,, ,,,,,,,,,mHz
n e v e r f o r g e t
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, pretty dope colly.. .
name - never forget header
for ,--,cain/noname ,,..
/,---,, , , ,, megga hertz ,,, .
,,----,, Never Forget ,,, ,,.
/ // mHz.aCid
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, yeahyeahyeah, auggies basement, sure.
name - polyester
for ,--,hellfire/polyester ,,..
/ mHzacid
// polyester.. .
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, try to find better.. .
name - prestige
for ,--,the renegade chemist/prestige ,,..
mHz.aCid ,--- -- ,------.:i,----
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, for nerds who like really neat stuff
name - remorse
for ,--,remorse sites that like cleanliness ,,..
, / mHzremorse ----- , /
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, not messy enough for me.
name - remorse
for ,--,remorse members/affiliated sites ,,..
mHz / / / /
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, this should have been for pack 1, really.
name - remorse diz
for ,--,remorse pak ,,..
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE 21 .:// /
which is better ?
you decide
--, mHz ,--- ,--
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, you want it, you got it.
name - ascii request/trade information
for ,--,you. ,,..
if you would like to partake in a megga hertz ascii, either find
me on internet relay chat as mHz, or send internet electronic
mail to ev@acid.org, or phils7@primenet.com, and describe what
words to include in the ascii font, and what you might be willing
to trade if anything. for a free mHz ascii, include the answer to
this question: what is practicing karate called, and how does that
word relate to the ascii scene?
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, plain enough?
name - shroom palace
for ,--,john doe ,,..
/ //mHz
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, we dont have to get along.
name - spinsane
for ,--,spinsane ,,..
/ / / / / / spinsane.. .an obvious player hater.. .
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, laugh, cry, feel remorse, die.
name - megga hertzs story for the day after colly.
for ,--,everyone to read, love, and laugh at. ,,..
hi, mHz here. im including this story not to add lines to the colly, but ..:
to add overall entertainment value. its good that i can laugh at it now, :..
so soon after it happened. im in high school you see, a time for many ..:
firsts, lasts, etc. i contracted a quite serious flu, because a russian :..
girl sneezed on me. i didnt say anything, because shes really cute. the ..:
flu caused me to miss quite a few days of school, and noone does any sort :..
of work when theyre home sick. someone like me doesnt do much homework ..:
at all. i missed many major assignments in all my classes, causing my :..
report card to slip and display nothing higher then a c grade. knowing my ..:
insane mother, i knew she wouldnt understand that i had turned in make-up :..
assignments after my recovery, which raised my grade, but not in time for ..:
my report card. i had to do something. i couldnt let her fiery red eyes.:..
gaze upon a few meaningless letters, which in their proper context, would ..:
assure certain death for me. i came home from school on tuesday, a little :..
frantic, because the fact that i live in a condominium, and the mail boxes ..:
are locked with a key i dont posess happened to slip my mind. luckily, :...
i remembered a little trick that would allow me to open the entire panel, ..:
exposing half the condominium owners mail to anyones prying hands. after :..
assuring noone was on the street outside, stairwell, elevator, or garage, ..:
i opened them all. i quickly fingered through our mail, but to no avail. :..
for three more days i continued this practice, which even if the coveted ..:
report card had been addressed to me would be consider mail fraud, before :..
i finally got my hands on it. i slammed the boxes shut, and sped into the...:
awaiting elevator with a devious sense of accomplishment on my sick mind. :...
i proceded to school the next day. in the middle of a deep discussion ..:
about girls, and television, a very fine female friend of mine, patricia :..
entered the room, and handed the teacher a yellow piece of paper. after ..:
a nice smile, she left. i thought nothing of it until the teacher said :..
it was for me. it said report to the principals office --- at once --- ..:
i walked over, just too slow to catch patricia and ask what was up. when :..
i got to the office, i saw my mother, my counselor, and the principal. ..:
the told me to come in, and close the door. they said my mother was very :..
upset at my grades. i explained that they were higher now. they asked ..:
where my report card was, i said i had no idea. they really grilled me :..
bout it, but after the things i said, it was too late to stop denying it. ..:
after talking about each and every one of my classes, and counseling the :...
principal as to what online service she should be using, i was dismissed. ..:
on the way out, my mother said she had proof, i asked how, wondering how :..
such a well thought out plan could have been penetrated by her. she said ..:
my aunt, who was in town for the week had opened the drawer on my desk :..
that locks. i tried my hardest not to turn completely white. not because ..:
my scheme had been foiled, simply because of what i kept in that drawer. :..
im a senior now, so i havent been in there in awhile if you know what ..:
i mean, but in earlier days, i would reach for its sacred key more then :..
often. the things the drawer contains are as follows: an old playboy ..:
magazine, three or four of those 25 cent weekly porno newspapers you buy :..
on the street, and a porno cd for windows, which was marked as such. but ..:
this wasnt the worst of it. im sure they just would say its normal :..
for boys his age, but just a week earlier, i was lucky enough to have a ..:
female friend up to my room. after about an hour of messing around, or :..
whatever you refer to it as where you come from, she had to leave. good? ..:
wrong. she obviously had an exceptionally good time, and decided to :..
leave her panties at my house. after she walked out, and woohoo type ..:
thoughts went through my mind for a second, i threw the white panties in :...
the drawer. i can only shudder when i think what my mother and aunt ..:
thought when they saw those chilling in there. if i disappear from the :..
scene for awhile, explain to anyone that asks that mHz has been fucking ..:
c o m m i t e d . :..
hopefully i retold it correctly, i hope you enjoyed my story.
i sure as hell didnt enjoy going through it. later, -mHz.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, the vines made me.
name - stormfront
for ,--,stormy ,,..
, , . , . . mHz ,
s t o r m f r o n t
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, radman nevers get the good stuff
name - succotash
for ,--,rad man/acid ,,..
/ /sUCCOtASH /
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, sorry i kinda 1/2 assed this one.
name - suicidal underground
for ,--,thrama ,,..
// / / // / // / / // / / / / mHz :
u n d e r g r o u n d
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, youre getting good, sinful.
name - total zip comment
for ,--,sinful ,,..
:i // / / // i:
/ ,- / / i:.
Sinfuls - Total
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, enjoy, oh nameless one.. .
name - underhive
for ,--,unknown. ,,..
-,--underhive -,,- - --,,,-- --- ---
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, soap no more?
name - unity/2
for ,--,jestor/soap ,,..
. : mHz@aCid
unity / sOap,--- // / ,--
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, download coming soon.. .
name - upload
for ,--,meatpod/grill ,,..
/ mHz.acid
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, restart obv/2, shivan.
name - obv/2 userlist headers
for ,--,shivan bastard/acid ,,..
- --- --- --/ userlisting
obv/2 / / / - --- - -- -
oBLIVION/tWO / / / /
since shivan bastard dropped obv/2, consider these yours.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, quality is a standard, 2nd only to abraxas
name - .virtue.of.sacrifice.
for ,--,felix ,,..
. ..virtue of sacrifice.. .
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, we dont have to get along.
name - who
for ,--,whodini/remorse ,,..
: . : // // . mHz
/ wh0d, where do we
/ :. / go from here rocked, peace.
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, almost ktsish?
name - wildstorm
for ,--,elastic/ice ,,..
/ / // : / mHz / /
: : wildstorm
/ / / // / /mHz
props.: necro. khz. whod. kal. fractal. code zero. chaos warrior. felix.
halaster. spear. mr self destruct. misfit. trip. jae. napalm. cain. discyple.
windrider. erupt. the night angel. rad man. fluor. fury. splatt. mindcrime.
the speed racer. mass murderer. the renegade chemist. quisling. bleach. bj.
deeply disturbed. omicron. hiro protagonist. tinyz. mass delusion. blatz. mt.
the emperor. fractal. mindcrime. wolfie. sinned soul. lord jazz. king midas.
the silent killer. pushead. shivan bastard. the hit man. mrk. rocket. hos.
scientist. hemp hoodlum. skull leader. jed. napalm death. tweed. unsane.
azrael. blue gravity. hack. pigs flip cars. somms. widowmaker. pariah. ack.
filth. exotik narcotik. jae. orion. black viper. elastic. magnetic m.
sparr. super poskgubbe. the og ascii set. borian. catbones. haji. rocket.
unholy spirit. the punisher. eagle one. insane cocaine. sexecutioner.
RaD Man, will always be a player.. .
nECROMANCEr, will never be a hater.. .
Killa Hertz, will always be a player.. .
Whodini, will never be a hater.. .
/ i wonder who it is and who could it
be? aint nobody but the m-H-z.
/ megga hertz the kingpin
,- ---, mHz ,--
ive got a mean style, im known to go buckwild
-------ev------ ------------- ---- ----
also available from acid/remorse ascii - jagoff! ascii collection!
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ the day after - ascii collection by mHz
an acid productions/remorse ascii release
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tda../
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