this image contains text
+-- - jagoff -- ascii colly by everlast of acid productions -- jagoff - --+
. . everlast.. .
,--- ,-- -eVERLASt- ,-- ,---
of acid!ascii productions.. .
. --,/ ---, ---, ,--- ev.aCid --,/ : .
. http://www.acid.org/asciid : . --- - .
ev / / / / /
presents.. .
yeah, strictly representin . .. .
-------ev------ ------------- ---- ----
why you doing an ascii colly ev?
cuz youre a jagoff.
aCiD!aSCII productions and -EverLast- present jagoff, an ascii collection.
// - the ascii spider will poison your ugly ass.
./I .
. ..two-thousand lines of oldschool ascii euphoria.. .
evdeuce------- ---- -------- ---- ----
the partial history leading up to jagoff ascii collection.. .
i began calling out way back when. exodus, a local warezkid that was a friend
of a friend hooked us up with a couple of low-qual elite numbers, we called
them, terrified that if we fucked up once, wed be blacklisted from here to
china. after awhile, i started calling other boards, getting invited to
boards, and no longer feared deletion anywhere. i posted so many fucking
messages that i became respected almost overnight. alot of people were amazed
that a newbie would shoot off his mouth to some of the most established people
in bbsing. my attitude earned me friends as well as enemies, as it is now.
while uc and trsi had warez flowing like water throughout my area code, i was
downloading acid packs, and as many other art packs as i could get my hands
on. most of the couriers would take a few minutes off from their hectic
and skilled uploading practice and look at art, but then delete it. later i
opened a bbs, which i completely re-configured once a week it was the only
board in the area that had a large selection of art to download not to
mention porn.
+- --the time and events that pass are unbelievable- - +
i came across a katharsis!ascii pack, and i was amazed at the
logos i tried drawing some myself, and unlike ansi, it worked for me. exotik
narcotik who is no longer with us, r.i.p. boy uploaded rmrs-02.zip to my
board. i wanted to join a group. i figured i would have to call are you sure?
to join kts, or meltdown to join remorse, but i never called either one, and
it wasnt till early 1996 that i hooked up an internet account from a local
coffee shop, got on irc, applied and was accepted for cia ascii under the
direction of spear. i loved cia, i said i would never leave, and in the end,
i never did, but napalm was quick to remove me after both killa hertz and
necromancer invited me into acids ascii division, which is where i am today,
and will always be with, because this time, i cant move up any higher, jagoff.
-- update after an extensive conversation with killa hertzacid, we deemed
that people such as ourselves, with attitudes and talents like ours must
become one. i am currently contemplating whether or not to do away with my
current handle, -EverLast-, and all the history and memories that go with it,
and become Megga Hertz, or mHz. stay tuned.
!abraxas/diabolic - two way chat mode
+- - -- -- - -- --- - -- -- - --+ everlast.
.user hit page down, and check out my
so can i get those free file : ascii colly, jagoff.
points? .
strictly hip-hop... .on with the art
/ / / / / / ev
// listing asciis // 6309 // alphabetical //
title for name/affil highascii
1 abraxas everlast/acid!ascii 2
2 acid joint:radman acid productions
3 acid acid productions 2
4 acidview skull leader/acid
5 aerosol devoid/aws
6 alderaan mindcrime/blade/acid 2
7 asshole necromancer/acid!ascii
8 apathy studios misfit/apathy
9 asciid acid!ascii
10 bladestorm darksider/ice92
11 blindside intensity/acid
12 cake and sodomy brain eater/acid
13 carousel ryoga/flip
14 chapel point blank/acid!ascii
15 cia cia members
16 devils rage ninja spirit/razor1911
17 devotional chromatiq/empire
18 discordia wolfie/acid
19 disembodied voices fatal sacrilege/wicked
20 the dunes the emperor/fire
21 the elusive dream the toyman/dod
22 empire chromatiq/empire
23 eradication phazeone/acid
24 fatal illusion devoid/aws
25 fire!ascii blatz/fire!ascii
26 glycerine clover killa hertz/acid h
27 hazard mice/trank h
28 hellbound dark shadow
29 hoodlum syndicate hemp hoodlum/risc
30 hemp gate internal stalker
31 hysteric clamour angel of hell
32 infinite sadness some jagoff
33 jellomite tweed/acid h
34 kodex null code zero/acid
35 lethal aspect, the xypher matryx/dark
36 meanseason grymmjack/blade
37 mirror image mirror image/dod
38 the missing link sensei/acid
39 neon jesus genocide kitten
40 noname ascii cain/noname ascii
41 oblivion/2 shivan bastard/acid h
42 obv/x the messiah/obvx
43 the outer limits double density
44 out of order risu/blade
45 poisoned ideas pyro/omen
46 prime diz celophane/prime
47 prime info layout celophane/prime
48 raid graffname everlast/acid!ascii
49 redzone hemp hoodlum/risc
50 the regency halaster/fire
51 request form everybody
52 rust mass murderer/ice
53 superficial info kood/sfc
54 shadow world dark shadow
55 silk iceage
56 teething unsane/trank!ascii
57 tosh10 sig tosh10/acid
58 underfall belial/blade
59 .vos. .xFx.
60 all right then... later...
name: abraxas
/ / / //for:: everlast/acid
jagoff /
evacid / // - -- --- --
!abraxas/diabolic / /
/ underground since 1993. / / .------.
operated by everlast of acid ascii -------- -----
acid ascii world headquarters
name: abraxas
/ / / //for:: everlast/acid
jagoff /
- - its too neat -- i dont like it
.abraxas/diabolic. - sysop: -EverLast- aCiD!aSCII - aCiD!aSCII hQ!
ti ekil tnod i -- taen oot sti - -
!Qh IICSa!DiCa - IICSa!DiCa -tsaLrevE- :posys - .cilobaid/saxarba.
name: acid prod
/ / / //for:: acid
jagoff /
// // / /, // i did a joint with rad man.
/ // how many can claim that?!
RaD Man / Ever Last
A C i D P r o d
name: acid prod
/ / / //for:: acid
jagoff /
ACiD :. :. :. :. Prod
.: :. :. .: evacid
. ACiD Productions The LEADERS in Computer Art .
. http://www.acid.org ftp://acid.org .
. acid-public@acid.org .
. Post Office Box Number 24523, San Jose, CA 95154 .
name: acid
/ / / //for:: acid
jagoff /
name: acidview
/ / / //for:: skull leader/acid
jagoff /
/ evacid
name: aerosol
/ / / //for:: devoid/aws
jagoff /
everlast.aCiD!aSCII . // . /
a e r o s o l :. o p : d e v o i d
name: alderAAn
/ / / //for:: mindcrime/bld/acid
jagoff /
acidic whq!/ / / / / / /A / / phat obv
.---/ / a // / / r //+more /- -.
cia ehq!/ dv8 whq/l /d e evacid /n blade whq!
- -- ---- - ---- ----alderAAn!- -operated by mindcrime---- -- -- -- --- - -
name: alderAAn
/ / / //for:: mindcrime/bld/acid
jagoff /
. - ,-- --, : .,--ev.aCid/
+- mindcrimes alderAAn -. gothic, relic, shiver, union, integrity, tribe -+
name: asshole
/ / / //for:: necromancer/acid
jagoff /
nECROMs / / //
/ aSShOLE!
---------- ----- ----- ---- --------everlast
name: apathy
/ / / //for:: misfit/apathy
jagoff /
. / /: / / / ev .-/
: : apathy studios. : - :
name: asciid
/ / / //for:: acid!ascii set
jagoff /
-. // / / evacid
// http://www.acid.org/asciid
/ aCiD!aSCII - where quality
/ / --,// is a standard. join us in
---- /---,-- ascii for all your needs.
/ // / stat: highasc
name: bladestorm
/ / / //for:: DarkSider/iCE 92
jagoff /
ev / /::. / . ./ . . /
. . - - bladestorm - 310 573 0224 .:. -- -
... . . -- . sysop - darksider . .: .. . ..
name: blindside
/ / / //for:: intensity/acid
jagoff /
blindside . : .
---- --- / -- --- : evac//id
name: cake and sodomy
/ / / //for:: brain eater/acid
jagoff /
and sodomy.. . //
/ // / stat: highasc
name: carousel
/ / / //for:: ryoga/flip
jagoff /
c a r .o u s e l // .
: : : :/ ev: : / : :
/ // / :/ //acid/ / //
,: / : , carousel
: . / ,aa. : run by ryoga
,aa. . ,aa. SS -- --- -,
name: chapel/oneliners
/ / / //for:: point blank/acid
jagoff /
/ evacid
cHAPEL / //
oneliners.. .
/ evacid// /
name: cia
/ / / //for:: cia jagoffs
jagoff /
. : : evacid
cia - creating that intense art
/ // / stat: highasc
name: devils rage
/ / / //for:: ninja spirit/razor
jagoff /
-everlast- of acid productions.. . . .
: .-. - l ..:::: ::::..
: d .:. .:./
devils rage.. ..opd by xxxxxx xxxxx er SSa, ,saSSev
---- ----- --- ----- -- --- - va Sas saS
fill in your stats here, other then ig
your razor 1911 shit, warez puppies le .aSa.
razor 1911 member bbs. four nodes s SS
- --// / // // / / //rage--- --- -- - --
// / / // // / // s l i v e d
/ / // / / e g a r
-- --- / evacid---- - -- --- - --
devils rage. .. .
--- - ---- - -egar/ / // / /
d e v i l s // / --- --
r a g e // -
---- -- -- --- -dicave/ / / /
greets: kHz, rM, nM, mrk, na, cn, nd, cw, tco, cz, all in acid/cia/rzr/rts
name: devotional
/ / / //for:: chromatiq/empire
jagoff /
/ / / // evacid
. ..Devotional. Run By Chromatiq. aCid Outpost of Denmark.. .
. ..Other Affiliates: Cops/Empire/Rapier/X-Force. Six Nodes.. .
/ // / stat: highasc
name: dircordia
/ / / //for:: wolfie/acid
jagoff /
.:/:. d1SCORD1A:/:. evacid .::.acid.org
name: disembodied voices
/ / / //for:: fatal s/wicked
jagoff /
disembodied voices.. .
everlastaCiD // // - ---- -
wicked, fire, tdd, acid
/ fatal sacrilege, iodine
/ cardiac
--- -- --- -- --- //arrest,
/ red mist
name: the dunes
/ / / //for:: the emperor/fire
jagoff /
t h . e .
--.----: :--:-..-./:---:.----------: :everlastacid--:-:----
name: the elusive dream
/ / / //for:: the toyman/many
jagoff /
: the elusive : : / .
. // / / / /evacid
the elusive dre// / / / / / ..... ... . .
.. ..... ...... / // / op the toyman
: ACiD Productions World Headquarters! dream
name: empire
/ / / //for:: chromatiq/empire
jagoff /
evacid / / // //-/- --- --
. ... Trinitron Empire Couriers Eggrop Bot ... . :
name: eradication
/ / / //for:: phaze one/acid
jagoff /
operated by phaze one of acid
name: fatal illusion
/ / / //for:: devoid/aws
jagoff /
everlast/ // // / :. /
f a t a l i l l u s i o n .-- o p : d e v o i d
name: fire ascii
/ / / //for:: blatz/fire
jagoff /
fIRE!aSCII: :...:
/ // / stat: highasc
name: glycerine clover
/ / / //for:: killa hertz/acid
jagoff /
: a,.. ..,a glycerine clover :. -
Ta,. .,aT . - - ------- --- --. : .
Ssa. .asS ops: kHz and ev ---
SS SS - . nodes: 4 telnet. clover
. .aSSsa. . acid productions :
SS : razor 1911 dist .l.
face:SSa.. ..aSS: . .. .. .
:.:.. .::: . l :
, :: - .-spi:al - aSa - .
. . drip. . .- : . . .-.
: : : font. : : : . : : ...
.ev . .: acid .. .
. c a n n / u ha d l e i t?..c lo v er/ .
ev : Glycerine -Clover .. Ops: Killa Hertz.aCiD -EverLast- aCiD:
. Four Telnet Nodes - Affils: Acid Productions . and Razor 1911 .
box---- ------- ------- - - --- --- --------- - - -- ------ --- - -- -----
/ // / stat: highasc
name: hazard
/ / / //for:: mice/trank
jagoff /
mices h a za rd
.. : : evacid
. .. ...: r :
h aza d .-
name: hellbound
/ / / //for:: dark shadow
jagoff /
+ --dark shadows hellbound. the finest rg with the finest illegal dialins-- +
+ - -- ascii by everlast of acid!ascii productions -- - +
name: hoodlum syndicate
/ / / //for:: hemp hoodlum/risc
jagoff /
: : ev
: .: : :hoodlum syndicate :/ :
name: hemp gate
/ / / //for:: internal stalker
jagoff /
- .: .: h e m p
.: .: :. .: g a t e
:. .: :. evacid
hempgate / .:
run by internal stalker .: :. :. /
203 481 7163 - jive mem .: .: /
name: hysteric clamour
/ / / //for:: angel of hell
jagoff /
i spent over ----- hYSTERIC cLAMOUR / / / / ----
5 min on this ascii! ------ / //evaCid
name: infinite sadness
/ / / //for:: ?
jagoff /
- -- infinite sadness
--, // // 0-3 day support
/ // / stat: highasc
name: jellomite
/ / / //for:: tweed/acid
jagoff /
jello?. / ./-. /. // /
j e l lo/ . / / evaCiD!/
. m i . jellomite .- opd by bob the janitor . / . .
.te-. aCid mem! -. tweed, and 28 of acid / .
.-.,... j e l l o m i t e 2.6.
name: kodex null
/ / / //for:: code zero/acid
jagoff /
- . - - . evacid / // / :
: : . Kodex Null : .
- -- - - -- . s: Code Zero / / // / / / - :
- . . ACiD Member // / // / / .
- : . GrimScum Ushq - -. .:.
name: the lethal aspect
/ / / //for:: xypher matryx/dark
jagoff /
/ /,-,, / l i : :: ..
. / / . everLast.aCid
.. :: : i l : //
,---. ,--- // / l: :: : :.
: the lethal aspect :
. op xypher matryxdark dark world hq .
ascii by everlast of acid!ascii prod.
name: meanseason
/ / / //for:: grymmjack/blade
jagoff /
:---, / / evacid : : :
. m : e : a n . s e a s o n
. op: grymmjack -. blade member
name: mirror image
/ / / //for:: mirror image/dod
jagoff /
: / m i r r o r :
::....:..../ /: i m a g e . .:...
:...: / . .. .:.. .MImage@ix.netcom.com.:. ... ...: :
: / / acid productions telecommunications team :
.::: // /.:amnesia / drink or die bbs spreader . ..: :
.. :::.... : .. . .reality check network writer : :.....:
/evacid :::... .. ::::... .... . ::: : .. .. .. ...:
name: the missing link
/ / / //for:: sensei/acid
jagoff /
: . tHE .mISSING lINK everlast- :
. . . : operated by : :. .: .
. .. : . sensei of acid . : ---:.:-- .
name: neon jesus
/ / / //for:: genocide kitten
jagoff /
// / /evacid// / // /..
/genocide kittens/neon j esus /
name: noname brand ascii
/ / / //for:: cain/noname
jagoff /
everlasts here to school your best oldskooler.. .
.. ..:: :/:. // .: me // :: :/ / .::: :
everlast / / / // / noname brand asc/ /
n o n a m e b r a n d
/ // / stat: highasc
name: oblivion/2
/ / / //for:: shivan bastard/acid
jagoff /
evacid : :
obv.. . .:
name: obv/x
/ / / //for:: the messiah/obvx
jagoff /
oblivion/x :. .: .: oblivion/x
/ / everlast.aCid
name: the outer limits
/ / / //for:: double density
jagoff /
- everlast of acid... ..: : : :.
:.the outer limits - 3 nodes - 9 gigs .:
name: out of order
/ / / //for:: risu/blade
jagoff /
--,-- ---evaCid--,
name: poisoned ideas
/ / / //for:: pyro/omen
jagoff /
p o I i D s E o A n Z e d
trade or request: ev@acid.org
name: prime
/ / / //for:: celophane/prime
jagoff /
prime presents :
ev /
name: prime info
/ / / //for:: celophane/prime
jagoff /
p r i m e
evacid : : :
r e l e a s i n g
p r i m e r e l e a s i n g m e m b e r s
Blaze, Budda, Celophane, Warblade
Beek, Aventari, Druppy, Maddog Mike, Monarch, Illumitie
Celophane, Goobie, Cane.
Weezer, Joker, Lucifer, Necromancer, Newby,
Notorius, Skywalker, Trent, U-God, Unique,
p r i m e a f f i l i a t e d s y s t e m s
Tri-ROM BBS Member 3 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Newby
Radiation Theatre Member 4 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Maddog Mike
22 Acacia Avenue Member 2 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Necromancer
The Clinic Member 5 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Celophane
Cobras Nest Member 2 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Cobra
Cobra FTP Distro T-2 205-XXX-XXXX Cobra
Trents Site Distro T-1 148-XXX-XXXX unique
Prime Info Layout Lovingly Done by -EverLast- ACiD
name: raid
/ / / //for:: everlast/acid
jagoff /
: : like fresh: paint
. my hit has been raid, ever since the seventh grade.
name: redzone
/ / / //for:: hemp hoodlum/risc
jagoff /
h e mp h/ood/l u m s re d /z o n e evacid / //
name: the regency
/ / / //for:: halaster/fire
jagoff /
burn...Burn...BURN! . . . . .
everlast . The Regency -. Managed by Halaster .
. Fire World Headquarters .
name: request form
/ / / //for:: you
jagoff /
request form. for everlastasc
your handle :
your affils :
your email :
request :
style :
trade? :
comments :
your request will most likely be drawn. factors are letters included, and
who you are. if asciis are not found in acid acquisitions or future collies,
they will be emailed to you, or dccd to you on irc. please email this form
to phils7@primenet.com, or ev@acid.org. thank you for ordering ascii from ev.
name: rust
/ / / //for:: mass murderer/ice
jagoff /
- rust! / //
: :: : :// / / // / . evacid
. ..:i/ / /:. // / / /evacid : :::
/ i:.. .
if youd like an ascii logo from me, contact me ev@acid.org, ill ask you
for a dollar, but ill end up doing it for free so you dont come to my house.
name: superficial
/ / / //for:: ?
jagoff /
s u p: :e r f i c i : a : l
r : e : l e a s i: n : g
Supplier - Released On -
Cracker - Disk Number -
Packager - Program Type -
Rating - ..........
Requirements -
Serial Numb -
Release Information/Installation
: Superficial 1996 Members :
Founders/President: Name. Name.
High Council: Name. Name.
Traders: Name. Name.
Suppliers: Name. Name.
Coders/Artists: Name. Name.
Shell Providers: Name. Name.
Members: Name. Name.
: Affiliated Bulletin Boards :
HeadQuarter Boards
Board Name AC Nodes Sysop Site
Apply ... ... Still Looking... World HQ
Abuse 305 008 Jock Itch United States
Apply ... ... Still Looking... Courier HQ
Apply ... ... Still Looking... Distro HQ
The Crazy World 418 004 IceBlood Distro Site
The Matrix 504 003 Rassilon Distro Site
Apply ... ... ... Distro Site
Hidden Sector 418 002 Rancid Member Board
The Assylam BBS 403 001 GoldenArchez Member Board
: sfc 1996 information :
EMAIL : kood@fix.net
Well were growing quite nicely now that were almost 1 week old.
WE STILL NEED SUPPLIERS! Anyone can be used, we need committed ones
so that youre around enough to supply us with files. We have so
called rewards for our suppliers such as big sites, shells, etc...
Stop by SfC today, almost all suppliers are accepted if you follow
the sfc rules. Other positions are open but not totally to the public
these positions are only for the BEST of the BEST! Talk to KoOD!!
Wed like to welcome Aironz as our new senior, eggboy madD-araB as
our new suppliers, and aLaKaZaM as our newest artist. Better join
now before we stop taking all positions and youre sorry....
Superficial -- Info Layout Lovingly Redone by EverLast ACiD
name: shadow world
/ / / //for:: dark shadow
jagoff /
w o r l d
you know i can do it all - dont phear me, just be afraid.
name: silk
/ / / //for:: iceage
jagoff /
/ / /evac1d
silkkl // /
s1lk /
name: teething
/ / / //for:: unsane/trank
jagoff /
name: tosh10
/ / / //for:: tosh10/acid
jagoff /
// //Tosh10 - ACiD/pHluid
.:::/ / // mail: tosh10@kuai.se
..: :ev------ ----: :-----::------: ::: : :: :.: .:.:.
name: underfall
/ / / //for:: belial/blade
jagoff /
::: ::: / / evacid /::::
name: .vos.
/ / / //for:: .xFx.
jagoff /
+ - ....virtue.of.sacrifice. - pipeline world headquarters
aCid member board. running the phattest setup youve
ever seen. opd by felix and -everlast-. 2phat4u... - +
the greetings!
personals. .
necromancer: youve been my influence, ever since you started that little
group called remorse, and then invited me into acid. you rule.
rad man : for not hanging up on me that night
kTS/rMRS : for exposing a kid to the beauty of ascii, and 4000 line collies.
whodini : for going out of your way to tell me you hate my art.
exar-kun : for reminding me of myself.
felix : because quality is a standard.
the og 818
bbs set!! : oh man, where are you all now? probably dead.
primal thanks for the vga..
ascii : you know how we do it.. .
tinyz : ill come back to poland one day, well bomb some trains/drop 20.
orion : pwa part two rules.. .
spear for letting me into cia.
erupt : kiss the g0at.
killa hertz: wow, you called me, and i wasnt even in an art group? naid 97.
peror,massm: for raising my confidence.
sinned soul: were alot alike man, at least we dont look alike g
exotik narc
otik : i cant believe youre not here. stay strong.
mindcrime for giving my board some real competition for once
the ascii
spider : for holding my enemies at bay.
lord jazz : for those two ansis when i needed them most
k0w/g0at : for ops.
cain : stay strong with noname.
discyple for annoying the fuck out of me, and that frooty-ass ascii.
tweed : youre a weird kid
jae : thanks for the vga..
xypher matr
yx/tgh : that ansi ruled, thanks..
y o u thanks for watching. long live oldschool ascii. ... .
. ..this ascii collection is dedicated to the memory of exotik narcotik.. .
stay strong boy...
// / / i miss you boy...
i know youre doing / /
better off now.. // /
/ / / // / then when you were
. / // // / / / . here...
why didnt you: / / / / / / :
::. / //: .::say anything?
will i ever :::. /::::: /::::: /.:::
see you / / / again?!
i drew this ascii a long time ago, for my friends unopen board he called
simply dsz. i always teased him that he ran the dick suck zone and shit
like that. he never opened his board, and probably called out a total of
10 times in his life. but exotik narcotik will never call out again. his
mother called me 4 days ago, and told me he had died, and i was one of the
few names he mentioned....
in his suicide note.
words escape me at this moment, even though i thought i would be able to
contain myself. i contemplated suicide a couple of years back, but my
problems were bullshit...the scariest thing is that he seemed so happy
on the outside, no one knew or let on that he had anything going on. so
next time someone asks to talk to you, fucking listen - exotik narcotik
will never call out again.
exotik narcotik - 1979 - 1996.
where are you now man? -everlast-
completed 11-01-1996 at 10:20p.m.
aCiD!aSCII presents a colly by -EverLast-
titled +-- - - - --+ jagoff!!
over 2000 lines - over 60 ascii logos
diz : radman/everlast of acid productions
+-- - jagoff -- ascii colly by everlast of acid productions -- jagoff - --+
. . everlast.. .
,--- ,-- -eVERLASt- ,-- ,---
of acid!ascii productions.. .
. --,/ ---, ---, ,--- ev.aCid --,/ : .
. http://www.acid.org/asciid : . --- - .
ev / / / / /
presents.. .
yeah, strictly representin . .. .
-------ev------ ------------- ---- ----
why you doing an ascii colly ev?
cuz youre a jagoff.
aCiD!aSCII productions and -EverLast- present jagoff, an ascii collection.
// - the ascii spider will poison your ugly ass.
./I .
. ..two-thousand lines of oldschool ascii euphoria.. .
evdeuce------- ---- -------- ---- ----
the partial history leading up to jagoff ascii collection.. .
i began calling out way back when. exodus, a local warezkid that was a friend
of a friend hooked us up with a couple of low-qual elite numbers, we called
them, terrified that if we fucked up once, wed be blacklisted from here to
china. after awhile, i started calling other boards, getting invited to
boards, and no longer feared deletion anywhere. i posted so many fucking
messages that i became respected almost overnight. alot of people were amazed
that a newbie would shoot off his mouth to some of the most established people
in bbsing. my attitude earned me friends as well as enemies, as it is now.
while uc and trsi had warez flowing like water throughout my area code, i was
downloading acid packs, and as many other art packs as i could get my hands
on. most of the couriers would take a few minutes off from their hectic
and skilled uploading practice and look at art, but then delete it. later i
opened a bbs, which i completely re-configured once a week it was the only
board in the area that had a large selection of art to download not to
mention porn.
+- --the time and events that pass are unbelievable- - +
i came across a katharsis!ascii pack, and i was amazed at the
logos i tried drawing some myself, and unlike ansi, it worked for me. exotik
narcotik who is no longer with us, r.i.p. boy uploaded rmrs-02.zip to my
board. i wanted to join a group. i figured i would have to call are you sure?
to join kts, or meltdown to join remorse, but i never called either one, and
it wasnt till early 1996 that i hooked up an internet account from a local
coffee shop, got on irc, applied and was accepted for cia ascii under the
direction of spear. i loved cia, i said i would never leave, and in the end,
i never did, but napalm was quick to remove me after both killa hertz and
necromancer invited me into acids ascii division, which is where i am today,
and will always be with, because this time, i cant move up any higher, jagoff.
-- update after an extensive conversation with killa hertzacid, we deemed
that people such as ourselves, with attitudes and talents like ours must
become one. i am currently contemplating whether or not to do away with my
current handle, -EverLast-, and all the history and memories that go with it,
and become Megga Hertz, or mHz. stay tuned.
!abraxas/diabolic - two way chat mode
+- - -- -- - -- --- - -- -- - --+ everlast.
.user hit page down, and check out my
so can i get those free file : ascii colly, jagoff.
points? .
strictly hip-hop... .on with the art
/ / / / / / ev
// listing asciis // 6309 // alphabetical //
title for name/affil highascii
1 abraxas everlast/acid!ascii 2
2 acid joint:radman acid productions
3 acid acid productions 2
4 acidview skull leader/acid
5 aerosol devoid/aws
6 alderaan mindcrime/blade/acid 2
7 asshole necromancer/acid!ascii
8 apathy studios misfit/apathy
9 asciid acid!ascii
10 bladestorm darksider/ice92
11 blindside intensity/acid
12 cake and sodomy brain eater/acid
13 carousel ryoga/flip
14 chapel point blank/acid!ascii
15 cia cia members
16 devils rage ninja spirit/razor1911
17 devotional chromatiq/empire
18 discordia wolfie/acid
19 disembodied voices fatal sacrilege/wicked
20 the dunes the emperor/fire
21 the elusive dream the toyman/dod
22 empire chromatiq/empire
23 eradication phazeone/acid
24 fatal illusion devoid/aws
25 fire!ascii blatz/fire!ascii
26 glycerine clover killa hertz/acid h
27 hazard mice/trank h
28 hellbound dark shadow
29 hoodlum syndicate hemp hoodlum/risc
30 hemp gate internal stalker
31 hysteric clamour angel of hell
32 infinite sadness some jagoff
33 jellomite tweed/acid h
34 kodex null code zero/acid
35 lethal aspect, the xypher matryx/dark
36 meanseason grymmjack/blade
37 mirror image mirror image/dod
38 the missing link sensei/acid
39 neon jesus genocide kitten
40 noname ascii cain/noname ascii
41 oblivion/2 shivan bastard/acid h
42 obv/x the messiah/obvx
43 the outer limits double density
44 out of order risu/blade
45 poisoned ideas pyro/omen
46 prime diz celophane/prime
47 prime info layout celophane/prime
48 raid graffname everlast/acid!ascii
49 redzone hemp hoodlum/risc
50 the regency halaster/fire
51 request form everybody
52 rust mass murderer/ice
53 superficial info kood/sfc
54 shadow world dark shadow
55 silk iceage
56 teething unsane/trank!ascii
57 tosh10 sig tosh10/acid
58 underfall belial/blade
59 .vos. .xFx.
60 all right then... later...
name: abraxas
/ / / //for:: everlast/acid
jagoff /
evacid / // - -- --- --
!abraxas/diabolic / /
/ underground since 1993. / / .------.
operated by everlast of acid ascii -------- -----
acid ascii world headquarters
name: abraxas
/ / / //for:: everlast/acid
jagoff /
- - its too neat -- i dont like it
.abraxas/diabolic. - sysop: -EverLast- aCiD!aSCII - aCiD!aSCII hQ!
ti ekil tnod i -- taen oot sti - -
!Qh IICSa!DiCa - IICSa!DiCa -tsaLrevE- :posys - .cilobaid/saxarba.
name: acid prod
/ / / //for:: acid
jagoff /
// // / /, // i did a joint with rad man.
/ // how many can claim that?!
RaD Man / Ever Last
A C i D P r o d
name: acid prod
/ / / //for:: acid
jagoff /
ACiD :. :. :. :. Prod
.: :. :. .: evacid
. ACiD Productions The LEADERS in Computer Art .
. http://www.acid.org ftp://acid.org .
. acid-public@acid.org .
. Post Office Box Number 24523, San Jose, CA 95154 .
name: acid
/ / / //for:: acid
jagoff /
name: acidview
/ / / //for:: skull leader/acid
jagoff /
/ evacid
name: aerosol
/ / / //for:: devoid/aws
jagoff /
everlast.aCiD!aSCII . // . /
a e r o s o l :. o p : d e v o i d
name: alderAAn
/ / / //for:: mindcrime/bld/acid
jagoff /
acidic whq!/ / / / / / /A / / phat obv
.---/ / a // / / r //+more /- -.
cia ehq!/ dv8 whq/l /d e evacid /n blade whq!
- -- ---- - ---- ----alderAAn!- -operated by mindcrime---- -- -- -- --- - -
name: alderAAn
/ / / //for:: mindcrime/bld/acid
jagoff /
. - ,-- --, : .,--ev.aCid/
+- mindcrimes alderAAn -. gothic, relic, shiver, union, integrity, tribe -+
name: asshole
/ / / //for:: necromancer/acid
jagoff /
nECROMs / / //
/ aSShOLE!
---------- ----- ----- ---- --------everlast
name: apathy
/ / / //for:: misfit/apathy
jagoff /
. / /: / / / ev .-/
: : apathy studios. : - :
name: asciid
/ / / //for:: acid!ascii set
jagoff /
-. // / / evacid
// http://www.acid.org/asciid
/ aCiD!aSCII - where quality
/ / --,// is a standard. join us in
---- /---,-- ascii for all your needs.
/ // / stat: highasc
name: bladestorm
/ / / //for:: DarkSider/iCE 92
jagoff /
ev / /::. / . ./ . . /
. . - - bladestorm - 310 573 0224 .:. -- -
... . . -- . sysop - darksider . .: .. . ..
name: blindside
/ / / //for:: intensity/acid
jagoff /
blindside . : .
---- --- / -- --- : evac//id
name: cake and sodomy
/ / / //for:: brain eater/acid
jagoff /
and sodomy.. . //
/ // / stat: highasc
name: carousel
/ / / //for:: ryoga/flip
jagoff /
c a r .o u s e l // .
: : : :/ ev: : / : :
/ // / :/ //acid/ / //
,: / : , carousel
: . / ,aa. : run by ryoga
,aa. . ,aa. SS -- --- -,
name: chapel/oneliners
/ / / //for:: point blank/acid
jagoff /
/ evacid
cHAPEL / //
oneliners.. .
/ evacid// /
name: cia
/ / / //for:: cia jagoffs
jagoff /
. : : evacid
cia - creating that intense art
/ // / stat: highasc
name: devils rage
/ / / //for:: ninja spirit/razor
jagoff /
-everlast- of acid productions.. . . .
: .-. - l ..:::: ::::..
: d .:. .:./
devils rage.. ..opd by xxxxxx xxxxx er SSa, ,saSSev
---- ----- --- ----- -- --- - va Sas saS
fill in your stats here, other then ig
your razor 1911 shit, warez puppies le .aSa.
razor 1911 member bbs. four nodes s SS
- --// / // // / / //rage--- --- -- - --
// / / // // / // s l i v e d
/ / // / / e g a r
-- --- / evacid---- - -- --- - --
devils rage. .. .
--- - ---- - -egar/ / // / /
d e v i l s // / --- --
r a g e // -
---- -- -- --- -dicave/ / / /
greets: kHz, rM, nM, mrk, na, cn, nd, cw, tco, cz, all in acid/cia/rzr/rts
name: devotional
/ / / //for:: chromatiq/empire
jagoff /
/ / / // evacid
. ..Devotional. Run By Chromatiq. aCid Outpost of Denmark.. .
. ..Other Affiliates: Cops/Empire/Rapier/X-Force. Six Nodes.. .
/ // / stat: highasc
name: dircordia
/ / / //for:: wolfie/acid
jagoff /
.:/:. d1SCORD1A:/:. evacid .::.acid.org
name: disembodied voices
/ / / //for:: fatal s/wicked
jagoff /
disembodied voices.. .
everlastaCiD // // - ---- -
wicked, fire, tdd, acid
/ fatal sacrilege, iodine
/ cardiac
--- -- --- -- --- //arrest,
/ red mist
name: the dunes
/ / / //for:: the emperor/fire
jagoff /
t h . e .
--.----: :--:-..-./:---:.----------: :everlastacid--:-:----
name: the elusive dream
/ / / //for:: the toyman/many
jagoff /
: the elusive : : / .
. // / / / /evacid
the elusive dre// / / / / / ..... ... . .
.. ..... ...... / // / op the toyman
: ACiD Productions World Headquarters! dream
name: empire
/ / / //for:: chromatiq/empire
jagoff /
evacid / / // //-/- --- --
. ... Trinitron Empire Couriers Eggrop Bot ... . :
name: eradication
/ / / //for:: phaze one/acid
jagoff /
operated by phaze one of acid
name: fatal illusion
/ / / //for:: devoid/aws
jagoff /
everlast/ // // / :. /
f a t a l i l l u s i o n .-- o p : d e v o i d
name: fire ascii
/ / / //for:: blatz/fire
jagoff /
fIRE!aSCII: :...:
/ // / stat: highasc
name: glycerine clover
/ / / //for:: killa hertz/acid
jagoff /
: a,.. ..,a glycerine clover :. -
Ta,. .,aT . - - ------- --- --. : .
Ssa. .asS ops: kHz and ev ---
SS SS - . nodes: 4 telnet. clover
. .aSSsa. . acid productions :
SS : razor 1911 dist .l.
face:SSa.. ..aSS: . .. .. .
:.:.. .::: . l :
, :: - .-spi:al - aSa - .
. . drip. . .- : . . .-.
: : : font. : : : . : : ...
.ev . .: acid .. .
. c a n n / u ha d l e i t?..c lo v er/ .
ev : Glycerine -Clover .. Ops: Killa Hertz.aCiD -EverLast- aCiD:
. Four Telnet Nodes - Affils: Acid Productions . and Razor 1911 .
box---- ------- ------- - - --- --- --------- - - -- ------ --- - -- -----
/ // / stat: highasc
name: hazard
/ / / //for:: mice/trank
jagoff /
mices h a za rd
.. : : evacid
. .. ...: r :
h aza d .-
name: hellbound
/ / / //for:: dark shadow
jagoff /
+ --dark shadows hellbound. the finest rg with the finest illegal dialins-- +
+ - -- ascii by everlast of acid!ascii productions -- - +
name: hoodlum syndicate
/ / / //for:: hemp hoodlum/risc
jagoff /
: : ev
: .: : :hoodlum syndicate :/ :
name: hemp gate
/ / / //for:: internal stalker
jagoff /
- .: .: h e m p
.: .: :. .: g a t e
:. .: :. evacid
hempgate / .:
run by internal stalker .: :. :. /
203 481 7163 - jive mem .: .: /
name: hysteric clamour
/ / / //for:: angel of hell
jagoff /
i spent over ----- hYSTERIC cLAMOUR / / / / ----
5 min on this ascii! ------ / //evaCid
name: infinite sadness
/ / / //for:: ?
jagoff /
- -- infinite sadness
--, // // 0-3 day support
/ // / stat: highasc
name: jellomite
/ / / //for:: tweed/acid
jagoff /
jello?. / ./-. /. // /
j e l lo/ . / / evaCiD!/
. m i . jellomite .- opd by bob the janitor . / . .
.te-. aCid mem! -. tweed, and 28 of acid / .
.-.,... j e l l o m i t e 2.6.
name: kodex null
/ / / //for:: code zero/acid
jagoff /
- . - - . evacid / // / :
: : . Kodex Null : .
- -- - - -- . s: Code Zero / / // / / / - :
- . . ACiD Member // / // / / .
- : . GrimScum Ushq - -. .:.
name: the lethal aspect
/ / / //for:: xypher matryx/dark
jagoff /
/ /,-,, / l i : :: ..
. / / . everLast.aCid
.. :: : i l : //
,---. ,--- // / l: :: : :.
: the lethal aspect :
. op xypher matryxdark dark world hq .
ascii by everlast of acid!ascii prod.
name: meanseason
/ / / //for:: grymmjack/blade
jagoff /
:---, / / evacid : : :
. m : e : a n . s e a s o n
. op: grymmjack -. blade member
name: mirror image
/ / / //for:: mirror image/dod
jagoff /
: / m i r r o r :
::....:..../ /: i m a g e . .:...
:...: / . .. .:.. .MImage@ix.netcom.com.:. ... ...: :
: / / acid productions telecommunications team :
.::: // /.:amnesia / drink or die bbs spreader . ..: :
.. :::.... : .. . .reality check network writer : :.....:
/evacid :::... .. ::::... .... . ::: : .. .. .. ...:
name: the missing link
/ / / //for:: sensei/acid
jagoff /
: . tHE .mISSING lINK everlast- :
. . . : operated by : :. .: .
. .. : . sensei of acid . : ---:.:-- .
name: neon jesus
/ / / //for:: genocide kitten
jagoff /
// / /evacid// / // /..
/genocide kittens/neon j esus /
name: noname brand ascii
/ / / //for:: cain/noname
jagoff /
everlasts here to school your best oldskooler.. .
.. ..:: :/:. // .: me // :: :/ / .::: :
everlast / / / // / noname brand asc/ /
n o n a m e b r a n d
/ // / stat: highasc
name: oblivion/2
/ / / //for:: shivan bastard/acid
jagoff /
evacid : :
obv.. . .:
name: obv/x
/ / / //for:: the messiah/obvx
jagoff /
oblivion/x :. .: .: oblivion/x
/ / everlast.aCid
name: the outer limits
/ / / //for:: double density
jagoff /
- everlast of acid... ..: : : :.
:.the outer limits - 3 nodes - 9 gigs .:
name: out of order
/ / / //for:: risu/blade
jagoff /
--,-- ---evaCid--,
name: poisoned ideas
/ / / //for:: pyro/omen
jagoff /
p o I i D s E o A n Z e d
trade or request: ev@acid.org
name: prime
/ / / //for:: celophane/prime
jagoff /
prime presents :
ev /
name: prime info
/ / / //for:: celophane/prime
jagoff /
p r i m e
evacid : : :
r e l e a s i n g
p r i m e r e l e a s i n g m e m b e r s
Blaze, Budda, Celophane, Warblade
Beek, Aventari, Druppy, Maddog Mike, Monarch, Illumitie
Celophane, Goobie, Cane.
Weezer, Joker, Lucifer, Necromancer, Newby,
Notorius, Skywalker, Trent, U-God, Unique,
p r i m e a f f i l i a t e d s y s t e m s
Tri-ROM BBS Member 3 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Newby
Radiation Theatre Member 4 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Maddog Mike
22 Acacia Avenue Member 2 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Necromancer
The Clinic Member 5 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Celophane
Cobras Nest Member 2 Nodes XXX-XXX-XXXX Cobra
Cobra FTP Distro T-2 205-XXX-XXXX Cobra
Trents Site Distro T-1 148-XXX-XXXX unique
Prime Info Layout Lovingly Done by -EverLast- ACiD
name: raid
/ / / //for:: everlast/acid
jagoff /
: : like fresh: paint
. my hit has been raid, ever since the seventh grade.
name: redzone
/ / / //for:: hemp hoodlum/risc
jagoff /
h e mp h/ood/l u m s re d /z o n e evacid / //
name: the regency
/ / / //for:: halaster/fire
jagoff /
burn...Burn...BURN! . . . . .
everlast . The Regency -. Managed by Halaster .
. Fire World Headquarters .
name: request form
/ / / //for:: you
jagoff /
request form. for everlastasc
your handle :
your affils :
your email :
request :
style :
trade? :
comments :
your request will most likely be drawn. factors are letters included, and
who you are. if asciis are not found in acid acquisitions or future collies,
they will be emailed to you, or dccd to you on irc. please email this form
to phils7@primenet.com, or ev@acid.org. thank you for ordering ascii from ev.
name: rust
/ / / //for:: mass murderer/ice
jagoff /
- rust! / //
: :: : :// / / // / . evacid
. ..:i/ / /:. // / / /evacid : :::
/ i:.. .
if youd like an ascii logo from me, contact me ev@acid.org, ill ask you
for a dollar, but ill end up doing it for free so you dont come to my house.
name: superficial
/ / / //for:: ?
jagoff /
s u p: :e r f i c i : a : l
r : e : l e a s i: n : g
Supplier - Released On -
Cracker - Disk Number -
Packager - Program Type -
Rating - ..........
Requirements -
Serial Numb -
Release Information/Installation
: Superficial 1996 Members :
Founders/President: Name. Name.
High Council: Name. Name.
Traders: Name. Name.
Suppliers: Name. Name.
Coders/Artists: Name. Name.
Shell Providers: Name. Name.
Members: Name. Name.
: Affiliated Bulletin Boards :
HeadQuarter Boards
Board Name AC Nodes Sysop Site
Apply ... ... Still Looking... World HQ
Abuse 305 008 Jock Itch United States
Apply ... ... Still Looking... Courier HQ
Apply ... ... Still Looking... Distro HQ
The Crazy World 418 004 IceBlood Distro Site
The Matrix 504 003 Rassilon Distro Site
Apply ... ... ... Distro Site
Hidden Sector 418 002 Rancid Member Board
The Assylam BBS 403 001 GoldenArchez Member Board
: sfc 1996 information :
EMAIL : kood@fix.net
Well were growing quite nicely now that were almost 1 week old.
WE STILL NEED SUPPLIERS! Anyone can be used, we need committed ones
so that youre around enough to supply us with files. We have so
called rewards for our suppliers such as big sites, shells, etc...
Stop by SfC today, almost all suppliers are accepted if you follow
the sfc rules. Other positions are open but not totally to the public
these positions are only for the BEST of the BEST! Talk to KoOD!!
Wed like to welcome Aironz as our new senior, eggboy madD-araB as
our new suppliers, and aLaKaZaM as our newest artist. Better join
now before we stop taking all positions and youre sorry....
Superficial -- Info Layout Lovingly Redone by EverLast ACiD
name: shadow world
/ / / //for:: dark shadow
jagoff /
w o r l d
you know i can do it all - dont phear me, just be afraid.
name: silk
/ / / //for:: iceage
jagoff /
/ / /evac1d
silkkl // /
s1lk /
name: teething
/ / / //for:: unsane/trank
jagoff /
name: tosh10
/ / / //for:: tosh10/acid
jagoff /
// //Tosh10 - ACiD/pHluid
.:::/ / // mail: tosh10@kuai.se
..: :ev------ ----: :-----::------: ::: : :: :.: .:.:.
name: underfall
/ / / //for:: belial/blade
jagoff /
::: ::: / / evacid /::::
name: .vos.
/ / / //for:: .xFx.
jagoff /
+ - ....virtue.of.sacrifice. - pipeline world headquarters
aCid member board. running the phattest setup youve
ever seen. opd by felix and -everlast-. 2phat4u... - +
the greetings!
personals. .
necromancer: youve been my influence, ever since you started that little
group called remorse, and then invited me into acid. you rule.
rad man : for not hanging up on me that night
kTS/rMRS : for exposing a kid to the beauty of ascii, and 4000 line collies.
whodini : for going out of your way to tell me you hate my art.
exar-kun : for reminding me of myself.
felix : because quality is a standard.
the og 818
bbs set!! : oh man, where are you all now? probably dead.
primal thanks for the vga..
ascii : you know how we do it.. .
tinyz : ill come back to poland one day, well bomb some trains/drop 20.
orion : pwa part two rules.. .
spear for letting me into cia.
erupt : kiss the g0at.
killa hertz: wow, you called me, and i wasnt even in an art group? naid 97.
peror,massm: for raising my confidence.
sinned soul: were alot alike man, at least we dont look alike g
exotik narc
otik : i cant believe youre not here. stay strong.
mindcrime for giving my board some real competition for once
the ascii
spider : for holding my enemies at bay.
lord jazz : for those two ansis when i needed them most
k0w/g0at : for ops.
cain : stay strong with noname.
discyple for annoying the fuck out of me, and that frooty-ass ascii.
tweed : youre a weird kid
jae : thanks for the vga..
xypher matr
yx/tgh : that ansi ruled, thanks..
y o u thanks for watching. long live oldschool ascii. ... .
. ..this ascii collection is dedicated to the memory of exotik narcotik.. .
stay strong boy...
// / / i miss you boy...
i know youre doing / /
better off now.. // /
/ / / // / then when you were
. / // // / / / . here...
why didnt you: / / / / / / :
::. / //: .::say anything?
will i ever :::. /::::: /::::: /.:::
see you / / / again?!
i drew this ascii a long time ago, for my friends unopen board he called
simply dsz. i always teased him that he ran the dick suck zone and shit
like that. he never opened his board, and probably called out a total of
10 times in his life. but exotik narcotik will never call out again. his
mother called me 4 days ago, and told me he had died, and i was one of the
few names he mentioned....
in his suicide note.
words escape me at this moment, even though i thought i would be able to
contain myself. i contemplated suicide a couple of years back, but my
problems were bullshit...the scariest thing is that he seemed so happy
on the outside, no one knew or let on that he had anything going on. so
next time someone asks to talk to you, fucking listen - exotik narcotik
will never call out again.
exotik narcotik - 1979 - 1996.
where are you now man? -everlast-
completed 11-01-1996 at 10:20p.m.
aCiD!aSCII presents a colly by -EverLast-
titled +-- - - - --+ jagoff!!
over 2000 lines - over 60 ascii logos
diz : radman/everlast of acid productions
+-- - jagoff -- ascii colly by everlast of acid productions -- jagoff - --+
log in to add a comment.