this image contains text
yyy ssss 4by
4b. .dP4b. yyyy b. ---
lb lbyyyyy yl . hajiacid
88 - -
- -- l8l -- 8l - - yyi --- . ----
y yyy 888sssssss4b,,d888 .soo. welcome to...
yyyyyyyy y. dTlllii:. hajis colly!
8888gyyysdTTllii . called.. .
---------------------- - l . - ---- , ,,ii
lllliiii i
SSTTTTT have at the page down key with your
SSS grubby little paws. you know you want it. were going to be doing push ups ALL DAY. WITH ME ON YOUR BACK..
. yyyyyb. hajiACID
.dyyyyy P
yyy yyy
sssssyyyy yyysssssyyyy yyysssssyyyy yyysssssyyyy sssyyy p**q dP4b. yyyysssss l 8l l 4bdP 4b,dP 888 sssss8888 sssss8888 .,. i P 4 , 4 yyyyyyyy 4b P4 ,dP -- - 4 dP .b bydb. 4 P - -- 4,dP - - 4b. :.. .
4byyyssooi hepcat.
4888888 :
hi there. this is your captain haji speaking. welcome to my 2nd ever colly.
my first, as moe money, was featured in the only grape ascii pack. my thanksgo out to all the grape fellers, for really getting me started in the scene.
ok. well, uhm...hi. this collection of obsolete, albeit pretty, art is entitledhepcat for one main reason, with two sub-reasons...
1. I needed a cool word for the name.
a. its the name of a really neat traditional ska band. check em
b. it was the name of a real neat sketch on The State.
- ------------+ DISCLAIMER +------ -these asciis were drawn on a 17 monitor. some of the curves featured in these
here asciis WILL NOT WILL NOT be smooth on your inferior monitor. you can try
jackie CHANging the acidview font with the f4 key. but if it doesnt looksmooth on dads powerbook, dont bitch at me. chances are i dont care. enjoy.- ----------- ,, .
- ---, lbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyb. who doth haji thank?- ----*,.,dPP
TWEED, for having a cool last name.
BOB THE JANITOR, for being a neat guy. put up jellomite.
LEROY, for not finishing jiffyview, toxicvu or...umh...your epic ballad dedi- cated to david hasselhoffs throbbing, engorged torso.
SPLATT, BALTAZAR + SENSEI, for ansis they have done for TOFU. akbar and jeffs tofu hut, for those who are paying attention.
THE SILENT KILLER, for the UPCOMING logo for me.
FURY, for the PIC he owes me. NOTE: TSK, feel free to ALSO do a pic for me.
hey, beggers cant be choosers. :
COFFEE AND WINSTON!!! alphabetical order for being really neat!
CAIN, for inviting me into noname...even though im leaving
JEST0R, for getting a new nick. and for asking me to app for s0ap. voted downEVERLAST/mHz, for being cool to me and then one day just becoming a big penis.
MR. SELF DESTRUCT, UNSANE + kHz, for inspiration.
THE 708 SCENE R.I.P., for being home.
- ---, lbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyb. whatre we gonna lay down- ----*,.,dPP for you hepcats today?--------- - - ------- - - ------- title. ---------------------- 1 acid!ascii. ---------------------- 2 the gas chamber. ---------------------- 3 chronic farts. --------------------- 4 mOp!ascii. ---------------------- 5 echkz. ---------------------- 6 fall from grace. ---------------------- 7 akbar and jeffs tofu hut. --------------------- 8 awe lettering. -------------------- 9 tRANk!ascii. ---------------------- 10 the flash. -------------------- 11 extra-special diz stuffs! ------------------
TITLE: acid!ascii .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 1 ,--- -FOR: acid!ascii R.I.P. 44b,.,*---- -
. ..: acid ascii is: - . .t. .
- ----+------ . .dSSb. . . .
-- - haji, haji, haji, haji, . .dSllSSllb. . . .
l haji. haji, haji + haji, haji, l ....... ill . .::....
i haji + boner from growing pains. i : ii . .::. .
special guest: DAVID HASSELHOFF. S . ..: : .::iiilliii. .
:. . .qdbp. . . . . . .. : il . .:: ... liilll ....
.dP4b. .qdbp. . : llSSi .
:7 4..dP4b. S .qdbp. iSSl
Sl l7 4. il.dP4bZ ... .. .
isssssssssss SS7 bp. 4S
yyyyyyyyy b .qyyyysSS ll l 88SSllii.
P44b,.,dP,,l:b. .d s88SSllii::
4l lP 4SSSSP , S 4b,.,dS : .
b,d ,....,qddp. 4SSSSPl :.. . .
ll lPSbp,,.,,. .. . .. . :
.l : : . .. .
,.,d,.,b. .dP lP4SS .
P4bppd : lS
: lS . ascii by haji.
:...sylllis.. :.. .
4lP .
TITLE: the gas chamber. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 2 ,--- -FOR: the silent killer. 44b,.,*---- -
yyyyyyyysssssssss haji! ss sssssssyyyyyyy yyyyyyysssssss88888 :
yyyyyyyyyssssssss 8888888ssssssssyyyyyyyyy
l8 4b. yyyyyyyy .
4b 4b. b 888
- -l8 - -- - l8 - li - - :
.dP d ,P
lP .,dP dP4b 4b
S8 :l ll 4l
lb 4b,dP ll
88888888sssssssss .dP
yyysssssss8888888 88888sssssssss 8888888ssssssssd88888888
qy, qy yyy qyyyyyyyyp . *syyyyyyyy yyyyyyssss:::::... ..
. 4b. yyy . ------ b S b. 4888SSSllliiii:::...
b 4b. 888 b. for tsk: 4b b. 488SSS yyyess ::::...
b. 4 888sssss the gas . 4 .qd b. 488S llliii :::: :.
b. qy. qyy P chamber! b. .qd b. 4S SSSlll ii:::..
TITLE: chronic farts. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 3 ,--- -FOR: fury. 44b,.,*---- -
,dP4b. .dP4b.
yyyyyssssssssssssssyyyyy yssss syyyyyyys*
4b. 8888888b,d 4b,dP 8 chronic farts...
l 888888b.
dP ,qyyyyy
8,4 ,dP
- ,db - --- - ------ :. . - ---------
8 :: .
y* ,dP4b. yyyyyyyyy yyyyyssss::.:. qyyp. qyy qyyyyy y
l :8: l, b888SSSllliii:.4P l 4P l
, 4b,dP. ,,,,,,,,,,, i,db,.db. ,q
b, d yy ,dP4
S .d :8: lS4
88888ssydP4bysssSSSSSSSS P ,db, 4b,dP db,
,,,,,,, :8: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l ll 8l lb
TITLE: mOp!asciiR.I.P. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 4 ,--- -FOR: tweeeed. 44b,.,*---- -
byyy h4.
.,dsssyyyyssssyyyyyyyyyssssssyyyyy yyyyssssssyyyyy
dPb. S
---+ - ll l - --- P +----
4 4b,dP .dP.
*syyyyyy l y yy yy l l yyy . *syyyyyy
P : P 4,., b,. l
l .,d * , P
P , y,. ,,, * .db SSSSssssssSSSSSsssssssSSSSS d
y,, ,,,,b 4 . yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyl l
TITLE: echkz. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 5 ,--- -FOR: axiom. 44b,.,*---- -
yyyyssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssyyyyyyy yyyy
. SSSSSSSsssssssssssyyyyyyy
,dP4b. i l yyyyyyyy h4acid
4b,dP .dP4b. P
yyyy l echkz..
4b,.,dP 4b,.
ssssssssssss88888888 8888 .,d
yy 8888sssssssss.gyyy 8888ssssssssss8888888 yyyyy88SSlli ::...
yyyyyyyyyyy 7 ,dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy88SS,,,,,,...i::
TITLE: fall from grace. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 6 ,--- -FOR: hmm...rai, i guess.44b,.,*---- -
sS7 yyysssssyyyys*syysssssyyyy yyyssssyyy*
fall from 4l SSS SS7 4 SSSP4. 1
grace! lb lll llb d ll l SSSy.
,d: iii iiili:ill iii:,.,: . llll 4
.P .7 iiii l .
ggggm* ,gP .ggggggyyyyssss, : ::sss Syqq ggg
P ,g7 .gP48888SSSSlllii:. :: :i. .88888l d
dP dl l8888SSSSllli: : ::::iiiiiy,,lSSSSS888b,.,
. S4b 4b,.,8888SSSSlllii:: ::::iiiillllllSSSSSSS88888P4
8888s. 4b. 4888888SSSSlliii:: : :::iiiillllSSSS888888888888887
4b ... .... ... .... ... ....
dP ,,,... . .... . :: ::
,S iii iii iiiii..
lll lll ,,,,,llll
TITLE: akbar + jeffs tofu hut .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 7 ,--- -FOR: haji! 44b,.,*---- -
i i i
l : i l,- i l
i / l
TITLE: awe lettering. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 8 ,--- -FOR: widowmaker, mainly. 44b,.,*---- -
.,,,,. .. : ASCIIbyHAJI
,qdb. .. . ii
dP4b :: :. .,,,,. .:
dP 4 . ::::. . ,qdb.
:S S .iiiii.. . dP4b
ll lSSSSl .iilliiiiiliii. dP qil 4
: :SSllllS .. . . SSllllS . . . :S lSS S
ssssssssssssolliiiil 88SSSS8 ll S88 ll
lliiiil i :88888 i 4lsssssssssssS
SSllllS l : l :b.4S yyy
- ----- - 888SSS8 - -- : -- -b.4b - dS -
- ------- - - i88S - ---- ii - --- ib. dP -
48b bS bl88 S
..::iiilllSSS888bp. 4b,.,db,.,dS .,i:
:::iiilllSSS8888b SP4P d888SSSllliii:
.::iilllSSS8888 l ,,qp,, ,d888SSSllliii
TITLE: tRANk!ascii R.I.P. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 9 ,--- -FOR: i did it, for me. ME! 44b,.,*---- -
8sssss ss s . trank ascii is not def leppard.
88SS these lines are not straight.
SSll . .. what you see is not what you get. .
llii .. . ... you are not what you draw. ,... .
i : yyyyyy : ,iiii.
: yyyypssssssyyyyy SSll .
. . : 4l4b. 88888ssssssyyyysssssssyyyyy 88SS .i
.. .: ::::.4bdb. .... *yyyyyysssss 4b. .. y88.dP
::::: b.4b. :. 4b. , :.4b.
ii . . .::.dP.dP .dP.: .dP. 4b.
llii : dP.dP .dP ..dP 8 4l.
lSSS : .dP .d88888bsssssssdP 888S i:
SS88 , SSll
i i liii
l l tRANk ascii: style 2 early womanhood. i
8888ssssssssss S ,,..
y,,,,....8 . ..
.....SSSSSS8888..... .
4l ascii NOT by haji: mmoney19@mail.idt.net
TITLE: the flash FTP site. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 10 ,--- -FOR: some zany warez guy. 44b,.,*---- -
b. haji. .
yy yy yysssyyy ssssssss4b. .d8b.
88 88888 88 888 ysss 4b. .d88888b.
88 888 88 888 88sss888 8 ....dP 888
88sss888 88 888 88yyy 8 888
yyyssssssyyyyy 888 888ssyyy yyyss888 888ssssssyyyyy
888 88888s888 yyyyyssssss888 888ssssssyyyyy 888 88888
888 888 .qd888888888 888 888888888. 88888
888 888 d888P4888b. 888 .d8888P488b 88888
888 888 l888l l8888 888 88888l 888l 88888
888ssssss 888 4888b,.,d888P 888 yyy 48888b,.,d88P 88888
888 888sssss88888888888ssssss888 888sssss8888888888 88888
s 88888
TITLE: neat-o fileid.dizs. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 11 ,--- -FOR: all sorts of people. 44b,.,*---- -
yp. yyy *haji*
b. . yp. yyy
4b. b. unfinished. for noname ascii.
4b. :iy4b.
8 4 4 4b.
l 4 l 4
l l ..
4b. .dP .
. 4SSS
yyy yyy yyy h4 . .
yyyy .
:: . . S : : beyond the horizon : too wide.
:: S *.l l :. : issue 5
splatt!@ wanton gratuitous violence, part 1.
,dP4b. ,dP4b. yy ,dP4b.
,dP4b. 88lli ii.. just right.
88sssssyyy h4!
yy ..: : 4b,dP.i y lSS S88
: yyb,dP ii 88sssss 8
4b,dP . .,:.4b,dP.sssmmm 88
later folks! hope you had fun. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl bye. ,--- -mmoney19@mail.idt.net AND.... 44b,.,*---- -
okay. begin fileid.diz thingy.
hepcat! an ascii colly. by HAJI, of
yy .dP4b..dP4b. ACID
4b. ,dP4b. l prods..
y h4. - - -
888 4b,dP --
yyyyy sssss88sssss88 :: : :
88888 88sss ms 88 ssooo::.. .. .
4b. .dP4b. yyyy b. ---
lb lbyyyyy yl . hajiacid
88 - -
- -- l8l -- 8l - - yyi --- . ----
y yyy 888sssssss4b,,d888 .soo. welcome to...
yyyyyyyy y. dTlllii:. hajis colly!
8888gyyysdTTllii . called.. .
---------------------- - l . - ---- , ,,ii
lllliiii i
SSTTTTT have at the page down key with your
SSS grubby little paws. you know you want it. were going to be doing push ups ALL DAY. WITH ME ON YOUR BACK..
. yyyyyb. hajiACID
.dyyyyy P
yyy yyy
sssssyyyy yyysssssyyyy yyysssssyyyy yyysssssyyyy sssyyy p**q dP4b. yyyysssss l 8l l 4bdP 4b,dP 888 sssss8888 sssss8888 .,. i P 4 , 4 yyyyyyyy 4b P4 ,dP -- - 4 dP .b bydb. 4 P - -- 4,dP - - 4b. :.. .
4byyyssooi hepcat.
4888888 :
hi there. this is your captain haji speaking. welcome to my 2nd ever colly.
my first, as moe money, was featured in the only grape ascii pack. my thanksgo out to all the grape fellers, for really getting me started in the scene.
ok. well, uhm...hi. this collection of obsolete, albeit pretty, art is entitledhepcat for one main reason, with two sub-reasons...
1. I needed a cool word for the name.
a. its the name of a really neat traditional ska band. check em
b. it was the name of a real neat sketch on The State.
- ------------+ DISCLAIMER +------ -these asciis were drawn on a 17 monitor. some of the curves featured in these
here asciis WILL NOT WILL NOT be smooth on your inferior monitor. you can try
jackie CHANging the acidview font with the f4 key. but if it doesnt looksmooth on dads powerbook, dont bitch at me. chances are i dont care. enjoy.- ----------- ,, .
- ---, lbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyb. who doth haji thank?- ----*,.,dPP
TWEED, for having a cool last name.
BOB THE JANITOR, for being a neat guy. put up jellomite.
LEROY, for not finishing jiffyview, toxicvu or...umh...your epic ballad dedi- cated to david hasselhoffs throbbing, engorged torso.
SPLATT, BALTAZAR + SENSEI, for ansis they have done for TOFU. akbar and jeffs tofu hut, for those who are paying attention.
THE SILENT KILLER, for the UPCOMING logo for me.
FURY, for the PIC he owes me. NOTE: TSK, feel free to ALSO do a pic for me.
hey, beggers cant be choosers. :
COFFEE AND WINSTON!!! alphabetical order for being really neat!
CAIN, for inviting me into noname...even though im leaving
JEST0R, for getting a new nick. and for asking me to app for s0ap. voted downEVERLAST/mHz, for being cool to me and then one day just becoming a big penis.
MR. SELF DESTRUCT, UNSANE + kHz, for inspiration.
THE 708 SCENE R.I.P., for being home.
- ---, lbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyb. whatre we gonna lay down- ----*,.,dPP for you hepcats today?--------- - - ------- - - ------- title. ---------------------- 1 acid!ascii. ---------------------- 2 the gas chamber. ---------------------- 3 chronic farts. --------------------- 4 mOp!ascii. ---------------------- 5 echkz. ---------------------- 6 fall from grace. ---------------------- 7 akbar and jeffs tofu hut. --------------------- 8 awe lettering. -------------------- 9 tRANk!ascii. ---------------------- 10 the flash. -------------------- 11 extra-special diz stuffs! ------------------
TITLE: acid!ascii .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 1 ,--- -FOR: acid!ascii R.I.P. 44b,.,*---- -
. ..: acid ascii is: - . .t. .
- ----+------ . .dSSb. . . .
-- - haji, haji, haji, haji, . .dSllSSllb. . . .
l haji. haji, haji + haji, haji, l ....... ill . .::....
i haji + boner from growing pains. i : ii . .::. .
special guest: DAVID HASSELHOFF. S . ..: : .::iiilliii. .
:. . .qdbp. . . . . . .. : il . .:: ... liilll ....
.dP4b. .qdbp. . : llSSi .
:7 4..dP4b. S .qdbp. iSSl
Sl l7 4. il.dP4bZ ... .. .
isssssssssss SS7 bp. 4S
yyyyyyyyy b .qyyyysSS ll l 88SSllii.
P44b,.,dP,,l:b. .d s88SSllii::
4l lP 4SSSSP , S 4b,.,dS : .
b,d ,....,qddp. 4SSSSPl :.. . .
ll lPSbp,,.,,. .. . .. . :
.l : : . .. .
,.,d,.,b. .dP lP4SS .
P4bppd : lS
: lS . ascii by haji.
:...sylllis.. :.. .
4lP .
TITLE: the gas chamber. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 2 ,--- -FOR: the silent killer. 44b,.,*---- -
yyyyyyyysssssssss haji! ss sssssssyyyyyyy yyyyyyysssssss88888 :
yyyyyyyyyssssssss 8888888ssssssssyyyyyyyyy
l8 4b. yyyyyyyy .
4b 4b. b 888
- -l8 - -- - l8 - li - - :
.dP d ,P
lP .,dP dP4b 4b
S8 :l ll 4l
lb 4b,dP ll
88888888sssssssss .dP
yyysssssss8888888 88888sssssssss 8888888ssssssssd88888888
qy, qy yyy qyyyyyyyyp . *syyyyyyyy yyyyyyssss:::::... ..
. 4b. yyy . ------ b S b. 4888SSSllliiii:::...
b 4b. 888 b. for tsk: 4b b. 488SSS yyyess ::::...
b. 4 888sssss the gas . 4 .qd b. 488S llliii :::: :.
b. qy. qyy P chamber! b. .qd b. 4S SSSlll ii:::..
TITLE: chronic farts. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 3 ,--- -FOR: fury. 44b,.,*---- -
,dP4b. .dP4b.
yyyyyssssssssssssssyyyyy yssss syyyyyyys*
4b. 8888888b,d 4b,dP 8 chronic farts...
l 888888b.
dP ,qyyyyy
8,4 ,dP
- ,db - --- - ------ :. . - ---------
8 :: .
y* ,dP4b. yyyyyyyyy yyyyyssss::.:. qyyp. qyy qyyyyy y
l :8: l, b888SSSllliii:.4P l 4P l
, 4b,dP. ,,,,,,,,,,, i,db,.db. ,q
b, d yy ,dP4
S .d :8: lS4
88888ssydP4bysssSSSSSSSS P ,db, 4b,dP db,
,,,,,,, :8: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l ll 8l lb
TITLE: mOp!asciiR.I.P. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 4 ,--- -FOR: tweeeed. 44b,.,*---- -
byyy h4.
.,dsssyyyyssssyyyyyyyyyssssssyyyyy yyyyssssssyyyyy
dPb. S
---+ - ll l - --- P +----
4 4b,dP .dP.
*syyyyyy l y yy yy l l yyy . *syyyyyy
P : P 4,., b,. l
l .,d * , P
P , y,. ,,, * .db SSSSssssssSSSSSsssssssSSSSS d
y,, ,,,,b 4 . yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyl l
TITLE: echkz. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 5 ,--- -FOR: axiom. 44b,.,*---- -
yyyyssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssyyyyyyy yyyy
. SSSSSSSsssssssssssyyyyyyy
,dP4b. i l yyyyyyyy h4acid
4b,dP .dP4b. P
yyyy l echkz..
4b,.,dP 4b,.
ssssssssssss88888888 8888 .,d
yy 8888sssssssss.gyyy 8888ssssssssss8888888 yyyyy88SSlli ::...
yyyyyyyyyyy 7 ,dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy88SS,,,,,,...i::
TITLE: fall from grace. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 6 ,--- -FOR: hmm...rai, i guess.44b,.,*---- -
sS7 yyysssssyyyys*syysssssyyyy yyyssssyyy*
fall from 4l SSS SS7 4 SSSP4. 1
grace! lb lll llb d ll l SSSy.
,d: iii iiili:ill iii:,.,: . llll 4
.P .7 iiii l .
ggggm* ,gP .ggggggyyyyssss, : ::sss Syqq ggg
P ,g7 .gP48888SSSSlllii:. :: :i. .88888l d
dP dl l8888SSSSllli: : ::::iiiiiy,,lSSSSS888b,.,
. S4b 4b,.,8888SSSSlllii:: ::::iiiillllllSSSSSSS88888P4
8888s. 4b. 4888888SSSSlliii:: : :::iiiillllSSSS888888888888887
4b ... .... ... .... ... ....
dP ,,,... . .... . :: ::
,S iii iii iiiii..
lll lll ,,,,,llll
TITLE: akbar + jeffs tofu hut .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 7 ,--- -FOR: haji! 44b,.,*---- -
i i i
l : i l,- i l
i / l
TITLE: awe lettering. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 8 ,--- -FOR: widowmaker, mainly. 44b,.,*---- -
.,,,,. .. : ASCIIbyHAJI
,qdb. .. . ii
dP4b :: :. .,,,,. .:
dP 4 . ::::. . ,qdb.
:S S .iiiii.. . dP4b
ll lSSSSl .iilliiiiiliii. dP qil 4
: :SSllllS .. . . SSllllS . . . :S lSS S
ssssssssssssolliiiil 88SSSS8 ll S88 ll
lliiiil i :88888 i 4lsssssssssssS
SSllllS l : l :b.4S yyy
- ----- - 888SSS8 - -- : -- -b.4b - dS -
- ------- - - i88S - ---- ii - --- ib. dP -
48b bS bl88 S
..::iiilllSSS888bp. 4b,.,db,.,dS .,i:
:::iiilllSSS8888b SP4P d888SSSllliii:
.::iilllSSS8888 l ,,qp,, ,d888SSSllliii
TITLE: tRANk!ascii R.I.P. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 9 ,--- -FOR: i did it, for me. ME! 44b,.,*---- -
8sssss ss s . trank ascii is not def leppard.
88SS these lines are not straight.
SSll . .. what you see is not what you get. .
llii .. . ... you are not what you draw. ,... .
i : yyyyyy : ,iiii.
: yyyypssssssyyyyy SSll .
. . : 4l4b. 88888ssssssyyyysssssssyyyyy 88SS .i
.. .: ::::.4bdb. .... *yyyyyysssss 4b. .. y88.dP
::::: b.4b. :. 4b. , :.4b.
ii . . .::.dP.dP .dP.: .dP. 4b.
llii : dP.dP .dP ..dP 8 4l.
lSSS : .dP .d88888bsssssssdP 888S i:
SS88 , SSll
i i liii
l l tRANk ascii: style 2 early womanhood. i
8888ssssssssss S ,,..
y,,,,....8 . ..
.....SSSSSS8888..... .
4l ascii NOT by haji: mmoney19@mail.idt.net
TITLE: the flash FTP site. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 10 ,--- -FOR: some zany warez guy. 44b,.,*---- -
b. haji. .
yy yy yysssyyy ssssssss4b. .d8b.
88 88888 88 888 ysss 4b. .d88888b.
88 888 88 888 88sss888 8 ....dP 888
88sss888 88 888 88yyy 8 888
yyyssssssyyyyy 888 888ssyyy yyyss888 888ssssssyyyyy
888 88888s888 yyyyyssssss888 888ssssssyyyyy 888 88888
888 888 .qd888888888 888 888888888. 88888
888 888 d888P4888b. 888 .d8888P488b 88888
888 888 l888l l8888 888 88888l 888l 88888
888ssssss 888 4888b,.,d888P 888 yyy 48888b,.,d88P 88888
888 888sssss88888888888ssssss888 888sssss8888888888 88888
s 88888
TITLE: neat-o fileid.dizs. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl 11 ,--- -FOR: all sorts of people. 44b,.,*---- -
yp. yyy *haji*
b. . yp. yyy
4b. b. unfinished. for noname ascii.
4b. :iy4b.
8 4 4 4b.
l 4 l 4
l l ..
4b. .dP .
. 4SSS
yyy yyy yyy h4 . .
yyyy .
:: . . S : : beyond the horizon : too wide.
:: S *.l l :. : issue 5
splatt!@ wanton gratuitous violence, part 1.
,dP4b. ,dP4b. yy ,dP4b.
,dP4b. 88lli ii.. just right.
88sssssyyy h4!
yy ..: : 4b,dP.i y lSS S88
: yyb,dP ii 88sssss 8
4b,dP . .,:.4b,dP.sssmmm 88
later folks! hope you had fun. .dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydl bye. ,--- -mmoney19@mail.idt.net AND.... 44b,.,*---- -
okay. begin fileid.diz thingy.
hepcat! an ascii colly. by HAJI, of
yy .dP4b..dP4b. ACID
4b. ,dP4b. l prods..
y h4. - - -
888 4b,dP --
yyyyy sssss88sssss88 :: : :
88888 88sss ms 88 ssooo::.. .. .
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