this image contains text
Quad-P 10-96 Period
: Welcome to the Quad-P 1096 period. Hiro is intensly busy
. this monthi have to assume this, since I havent been able to
get a hold of him for the past week so Im doing the duties of
. releasing this beast. Its been two months again since our last
release, and we have a great pack to show for it.
Mithrandir, myself, picked up the ansi coordinator position
just this last month. I have a capture of the message Hiro
posted about it, so thisll be just like hes here writting this.
@BEGINCAPTURE - wewp, all programing like
Which reminds me, time to give recognition where its due, and .
generally lighten my load a little not like its real havey, but
I must admit ascii is really my main interest since Im too lazy
as it is. Now I havent discussed this with anybody, but what
Ild like to see is a quad-p ansi coordinator position. Since
everybody handles uploading their own work for packs, the
position wouldnt really have much work envolved, but questions/
. requests/etc about quad-p ansi could be directed to the
coordinator instead of someone with no ansi talent read: me.
Anyways, Ild like to nominate Mithrandir for this position.
Mithy has true heart about all things Quad-P, and I think he
diserves the recognition of leading the way in the improvement
of our ansi division.
@3NDC4PTUR3 - 31337 programming
Kinda makes me all weepy-eyed, thanks man.
We picked up a sole new member, that Ill outline down in
the ansi coordinator area. Me and Stygian tossed around the idea
of gathering some more new artists for Quad-P, we even hung .
around on irc for awhile with the intent of being big Quad-P
Johns, but that wasnt us, the feather fucked up my eyes anyways.
. What this means is that Im trying to fill out the ansi division
a little. If you like what you see here, and want to hop on
board, contact us. We dont have a new artist app gen at the
moment, so just send me some of your art and a bunch of your
info. Please include your gerbil/sheeps measurements.
Mithrandirs Contact Points: ab141@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca
Modemland 306652-4359
IRC: mrqdp
We also got a Quad-P request page up and running, courtesy
of Windrider, the only one of us with a decent legal web account
Thank you Windy. Heres the address direct from the lips of the
man himself: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/3126/request.htm
Bring it up and request like mad, make some artists day.
the following are just rumors, take them at face value:
- stygian is making a move to cia. his motivations are beleived
to be absolutly sexual.
- hiro isnt really leaving the ascii scene for awhile, hes
actualy all around us. if you just open your heart to him, and
send us lots of money, he will decend from on high and save you
from eternal boredom.
- the abstract poet, aka tap, is not a kitchen fixture.
- did you know that louis reil was born in 1844? sorry, little
. bit of Canadian history class slipped in there, wont happen
- the MiffStAh picks up a 28.8, tossing away his old 2400. This
spells good news for Quad-P sites, maybe.
- for those of you with your birthday falling on october 1st, be
prepared for a great tradgedy, beware the belly, wearing a pink
bandanna as underwear will bring you luck this month. .
yoiks, enough blathering, I should write for an e-zine, till .
next month, peace. :
: heh... ironic or what, an ascii header for the ansi portion .
. of this file. Ansi news we picked up The High Cog as an
intermitent member of the ansi division, hopefuly well see
. something out of him this pack, or soon. I got ripped, who cares
, no one outside of this area code, so I wont bore you with the
details. Sufice it to say hes being dealt with. I told myself
Id keep this short, and I always listen to myself, so this is it .
for this month. Next month I promise to bore you with far more,
. until then, Im busy with life. What ever happened to the
canukan dream of getting paid for doing nothing, is it gone? Oh .
well, thats for philosophy to ponderheh, i know philosphy is
too long of a name for *most* networks, but you get my point .
anyways. Binary utopia for all... :
Member List
: Group Leader: Hiro Protagonist .
. Ansi Coordinator: Mithrandir
. Members: Assassin - Cowman - Cain - El Greco - Evilive - Rattfink
RedMist - Morphius - Rebelord - Rheostatic - Stygian
The High Cog - The Abstract Poet - Windrider
. Alumni: Deus Irae - Bigfoot - Ebony - Modal - Trickster .
Illusionizer - Fiend :
Site List
: ModemLand 3O6-652-4359 World HQ Hiro Protagonist
. Corleone 3O6-978-3865 Canada Member The Abstract Poet .
Sanitarium 3O6-TMP-DOWN Canada Member Morphius
Wedge 3O6-TMP-DOWN Canada Member Stygian
. Black Opium 7O1-523-59O9 US Member Evilive
Terminal Countdown 8O3-236-4274 US Member Rebelord
Nocturnal Trip +41-01-8402162 Swiss Affiliate Coroner .
Alien Workshop 36O-653-7278 US Affiliate Enigmatic
Diet Cola 6O7-844-4661 US Affiliate Spear
. Disembodied Voices 718-279-2766 US Affiliate Fatal Sacrilege .
Enygma 503-XXX-XXXX US Affiliate Fahrenheit
Harvest Moon 216-951-7O59 US Affiliate Quran .
Whodinis Magik 614-XXX-XXXX US Affiliate Whodini :
* Please note that QDP is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. Were *
* in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *
Quad-P 10-96 Period
: Welcome to the Quad-P 1096 period. Hiro is intensly busy
. this monthi have to assume this, since I havent been able to
get a hold of him for the past week so Im doing the duties of
. releasing this beast. Its been two months again since our last
release, and we have a great pack to show for it.
Mithrandir, myself, picked up the ansi coordinator position
just this last month. I have a capture of the message Hiro
posted about it, so thisll be just like hes here writting this.
@BEGINCAPTURE - wewp, all programing like
Which reminds me, time to give recognition where its due, and .
generally lighten my load a little not like its real havey, but
I must admit ascii is really my main interest since Im too lazy
as it is. Now I havent discussed this with anybody, but what
Ild like to see is a quad-p ansi coordinator position. Since
everybody handles uploading their own work for packs, the
position wouldnt really have much work envolved, but questions/
. requests/etc about quad-p ansi could be directed to the
coordinator instead of someone with no ansi talent read: me.
Anyways, Ild like to nominate Mithrandir for this position.
Mithy has true heart about all things Quad-P, and I think he
diserves the recognition of leading the way in the improvement
of our ansi division.
@3NDC4PTUR3 - 31337 programming
Kinda makes me all weepy-eyed, thanks man.
We picked up a sole new member, that Ill outline down in
the ansi coordinator area. Me and Stygian tossed around the idea
of gathering some more new artists for Quad-P, we even hung .
around on irc for awhile with the intent of being big Quad-P
Johns, but that wasnt us, the feather fucked up my eyes anyways.
. What this means is that Im trying to fill out the ansi division
a little. If you like what you see here, and want to hop on
board, contact us. We dont have a new artist app gen at the
moment, so just send me some of your art and a bunch of your
info. Please include your gerbil/sheeps measurements.
Mithrandirs Contact Points: ab141@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca
Modemland 306652-4359
IRC: mrqdp
We also got a Quad-P request page up and running, courtesy
of Windrider, the only one of us with a decent legal web account
Thank you Windy. Heres the address direct from the lips of the
man himself: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/3126/request.htm
Bring it up and request like mad, make some artists day.
the following are just rumors, take them at face value:
- stygian is making a move to cia. his motivations are beleived
to be absolutly sexual.
- hiro isnt really leaving the ascii scene for awhile, hes
actualy all around us. if you just open your heart to him, and
send us lots of money, he will decend from on high and save you
from eternal boredom.
- the abstract poet, aka tap, is not a kitchen fixture.
- did you know that louis reil was born in 1844? sorry, little
. bit of Canadian history class slipped in there, wont happen
- the MiffStAh picks up a 28.8, tossing away his old 2400. This
spells good news for Quad-P sites, maybe.
- for those of you with your birthday falling on october 1st, be
prepared for a great tradgedy, beware the belly, wearing a pink
bandanna as underwear will bring you luck this month. .
yoiks, enough blathering, I should write for an e-zine, till .
next month, peace. :
: heh... ironic or what, an ascii header for the ansi portion .
. of this file. Ansi news we picked up The High Cog as an
intermitent member of the ansi division, hopefuly well see
. something out of him this pack, or soon. I got ripped, who cares
, no one outside of this area code, so I wont bore you with the
details. Sufice it to say hes being dealt with. I told myself
Id keep this short, and I always listen to myself, so this is it .
for this month. Next month I promise to bore you with far more,
. until then, Im busy with life. What ever happened to the
canukan dream of getting paid for doing nothing, is it gone? Oh .
well, thats for philosophy to ponderheh, i know philosphy is
too long of a name for *most* networks, but you get my point .
anyways. Binary utopia for all... :
Member List
: Group Leader: Hiro Protagonist .
. Ansi Coordinator: Mithrandir
. Members: Assassin - Cowman - Cain - El Greco - Evilive - Rattfink
RedMist - Morphius - Rebelord - Rheostatic - Stygian
The High Cog - The Abstract Poet - Windrider
. Alumni: Deus Irae - Bigfoot - Ebony - Modal - Trickster .
Illusionizer - Fiend :
Site List
: ModemLand 3O6-652-4359 World HQ Hiro Protagonist
. Corleone 3O6-978-3865 Canada Member The Abstract Poet .
Sanitarium 3O6-TMP-DOWN Canada Member Morphius
Wedge 3O6-TMP-DOWN Canada Member Stygian
. Black Opium 7O1-523-59O9 US Member Evilive
Terminal Countdown 8O3-236-4274 US Member Rebelord
Nocturnal Trip +41-01-8402162 Swiss Affiliate Coroner .
Alien Workshop 36O-653-7278 US Affiliate Enigmatic
Diet Cola 6O7-844-4661 US Affiliate Spear
. Disembodied Voices 718-279-2766 US Affiliate Fatal Sacrilege .
Enygma 503-XXX-XXXX US Affiliate Fahrenheit
Harvest Moon 216-951-7O59 US Affiliate Quran .
Whodinis Magik 614-XXX-XXXX US Affiliate Whodini :
* Please note that QDP is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. Were *
* in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *
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