this image contains text
+ yoikle! +
. / /. l / l
l / / /
7 // / -------------------.
/ l Mithrandir
Quad-P Homeboy! . / / / / /
l /l / /
/ / l/ / hP!
I paid you what you deserved....
o f
Im sick of drawing for everyone, from now on I charge...
q u a d - p
bitch, ansi, now....
....and if its good enough, I MIGHT toss you a few bucks.
p r e s e n t s
a colly titled.....
.-.- ..s s. :l :
l: :l .sl s.
:l l:l: s..
: l l:l .
. :.:l: s
l.l:l l w h o r e l ..
:l :l: ...
: . mR : .-ls
.. :l . . .
l: -..
- +- whOre! -- - / / /
. wEwp! the long awaited, anxiously anticipated ascii colly say that .
ten times fast muthafucka whOre, is here! sure, youre saying now,
whOre, wuz that? well so what, enjoy it for what it is, my best ever
. compilation of ascii, cause I sure will.
the idea of the name whOre for an ascii colly came from the slang .
surrounding the practice of drawing art for people, either constatly, or
for money. it also extends into other areas of the scene as well. nope
sorry, this isnt a negative peice against any of these practices, all
. you sphincter boys can sit back down and quit screaming for my scrot on
a plate. its just a comment on the idea, and then its a whole hell of
alot of ascii, for whoever requested any this month, all freenot as if
i could actualy get away with charging for ascii though.. ill leave .
that to the ascii whores...
so, enjoy the colly. in the case of people that find they got some
. goodies kicking around in here for them, youre welcome... for the rest
of you, theyll be contacts at the end of this colly, so you can .
request some MiffSCii of your very own...
bend right over.....
.....and DRAW bitch.
l o o k , i t s a n o - f r i l l s
i n d e x
01 - cOrleOne the abstract poet
02 - aLCATRAZ iSLAND driftwood
03 - tHE hIGH cOG tHE hIGH cOG
04 - modem land hIRO pROTAGONIST
06 - quad-p quad-p nfo file
07 - tIS sTYGIAN
08 - talons reach azure
09 - hiro hIRO pROTAGONIST
10 - tIS sTYGIAN
12 - Maytag Entity
14 - rheostatic rheostatic
15 - logoff no one in particular
16 - Mith myself
17 - RedMist RedMist
18 - piranha Captain Hood
19 - trank those trank boys
20 - Userlist! anyone
21 - Second Wind WindRider
22 - Stygian 3 guesses
23 - omicron omi!
24 - emm ezz dee msd
look, I need it done in two days, you CAN do that, right?
: 01 / // // TEXT : cOrleOne :
whore / // FOR! . the abstract poet
/ / COMMENTS . 306 978-FUNK /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - pipeline canHQ :
/ / / :MITH CALLS HEAR!: 7
::::: ::::: ::::: :::::mr-qdp
::::.:::: c O r l e O n e ::::.::::
: 02 / // // TEXT : aLCATRAz iSLaND :
whore / // FOR! . driftwood ?
/ / COMMENTS . hmm, for some guy who e-mail /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - requested some art... :
/ / / 7
: alcatraz
. / : : mr-qdp
: island
: 03 / // // TEXT : tHE hIGH cOG :
whore / // FOR! . tHE hIGH cOG
/ / COMMENTS . and the dEBT builds... /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - just kidding :
/ / / 7
: the high cog :
: 04 / // // TEXT : /XODE/X lAND :
whore / // FOR! . hIRO pROTAGONIST
/ / COMMENTS . tRANK!/quad-p/KTS whq /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - 306 652-4359 :
/ / / 7
mr-qdp// modemland
: 05 / // // TEXT : nOCTURNAL TRip :
whore / // FOR! . cORONER
/ / COMMENTS . +41-01-8402162 /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - the bbs formerly known as :
/ / / pENTAGON! 7
nOCTURNALTRip / mr-qdp
: 06 / // // TEXT : quad-p ibm character set :
whore / // FOR! . quad-p nfo file
/ / COMMENTS . quad-p, its about the art /
/ / / 7
: 07 / // // TEXT : TIS the inmost sanctum :
whore / // FOR! . sTYGIAN
/ / COMMENTS . 306 477-3380 /
/ / / 7
::::::::::::: l l :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: P.P :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: :P ss P: :::::::::::::
lP.ss.Pl mr-qdp
.sP Ps.
: 08 / // // TEXT : talons reach :
whore / // FOR! . azure
/ / COMMENTS . 306 242-0676 /
/ / / 7
----talons reach ---- ----
: 09 / // // TEXT : hiro :
whore / // FOR! . hIRO pROTAGONIST
/ / COMMENTS . thanks for the sig... /
/ / / 7
: mR /
: hiro protagonist :
: 10 / // // TEXT : TIS ibm character set :
whore / // FOR! . sTYGiAN
/ / COMMENTS . 306 477-3380 /
/ / / 7
: 11 / // // TEXT : TAP the abstract poet :
whore / // FOR! . the abstract poet
/ / COMMENTS . sysop of cOrleOne, wild board./
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - call it up at 306-978-funk! :
/ / / 3865 7
ssss. .ssssl sssss
l: .ssss .ssssss l:
:l :l :l
:l l: :l l: :l l:
l: l: l:
:l :l :lmr-qdp
:l l: :l l: :l l:
l:: l:: l::
ll ll ll
: 12 / // // TEXT : Maytag :
whore / // FOR! . Entity
/ / COMMENTS . I couldnt remember the number/
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - to save my life :
/ / / 7
:l ll ll:l ll:l ll:l ll:l ll:l ll mR!
: l: :: ::lssss:l: ::l: ::lssss:l: :: ::::
:.:l ll ll:l ll:lssll:l ll:l ll:lssll ::::
: 14 / // // TEXT : rheostatic :
whore / // FOR! . rheostatic
/ / COMMENTS . quad-ps 403 nig... /
/ / / 7
: rheost : .
: : mr
: atic : : ----- :
: rheostatic : ----
: 15 / // // TEXT : logoff :
whore / // FOR! . no one in particular
/ / COMMENTS . what can I say.. its a logoff/
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - screen... use it if you want :
/ / / 7
nOw lOgging Off yOur bbs name
/ / /: :mr-qdp
: 16 / // // TEXT : Mith :
whore / // FOR! . myself
/ / COMMENTS . a sig for me, with a sun, w00p/
/ / / 7
sd s.
l P
: P
s.ssss. .P
mithrandir . .sss sP .
ls. : ssd: .sl
. ssss ssss ss: l
Lssss ssss Lssss s
. mr-qdp
l sssSSsssssl
l ssss 4 l
: 17 / // // TEXT : RedMist :
whore / // FOR! . RedMist
/ / COMMENTS . woah, thanks for couriering /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - our packs... heres a sig :
/ / / 7
+----: mr ----: :.........:
: 18 / // // TEXT : piranha :
whore / // FOR! . Captain Hood
/ / COMMENTS . 813 856-0892 /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - acid florida outpost :
/ / / 7
: 19 / // // TEXT : trank :
whore / // FOR! . those trank boys...
/ / COMMENTS . soap 1@!? ptth, join us /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - in reality puleeze.. 2, maybe :
/ / / 7
. / / . //mr-qdp
l // : // s s
... / :.....----........ / /.l
: 20 / // // TEXT : UserList! :
whore / // FOR! . anyone
/ / COMMENTS . hmm, if you want to use it, /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - tell me, and Ill color it for :
/ / / you.... 7
s m
s s s s r
: + UserName + + UserNote + + A/C +
1 Mithrandir quad-p! 306
: 2 Mithrandir quad-p! 306
3 Mithrandir quad-p! 306 :
: 4 Mithrandir quad-p! 306 :
: 5 Mithrandir quad-p! 306
: 21 / // // TEXT : Second Wind :
whore / // FOR! . Windrider
/ / COMMENTS . yoikle, thanks for setting up /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - that quad-p request page.. :
/ / / 7
oh - jeah. . . :
: ---- / :mR!
: / not just wind:boys. . .
oh nO No NO. . . / .
. / but sECOND WiND!
: 22 / // // TEXT : stygian :
whore / // FOR! . 3 guesses
/ / COMMENTS . for the 2nd best ansi artist /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - in the 306 har har har :
/ / / yoikle 7
/ / / . / mr
// // stygian ---- /
: 23 / // // TEXT : omicron :
whore / // FOR! . omi!
/ / COMMENTS . think of it this way, I could /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - have done this old skool style :
/ / / 7
.ssss sss ssss mr-qdp sss
. . : i . . . i : . . : .
: : i I : : : . I i : : i :
i i I i i i : I i i I i
I I I I I i I I I
O m . n
i sss o
: 24 / // // TEXT : emm ezz dee :
whore / // FOR! . msd
/ / COMMENTS . ptth.. you stiffed me on a req/
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- -, I made this before I found out:
/ / / 7
.7 q. s.q. q.
lssssssssssssa. l s ssslss s sOAp!
s s eMM s s . .
.s. .7 q. .s.
s sslssssssssssssa. . ..
s. .. Ezz s .s .
.7.s q.s .sSSs. .s .sSSs. .sss.
l s s s s s sss .
7 q. .7 q. s
ssssssssssslssssssssssssalssssssssssssa. mR!
ssss . ssss ssss qdp
. dEE .s7s. .
mister self destruct
all ascii in this colly was drawn by mithrandir
of qdp excluding the following contributions by:
Hiro Protagonist signature
morphius info logo
who I might add is a god among men... the only
new ascii i got for this colly
what a small credits screen.... hint hint
some bloody buds I have. I couldnt even get a little diz out of hiro
msd stiffed me on a picture request he said hed do
what a crummy, whiny way to end this colly....
l / :: : :
. : l . : : l .
: --/... -+- - -- - ms :
- - --+--- -- info ------ ------ ------- --------- ----- -- -----+-- - -
if you want some of your very own MiffSCii, then I can :
: be contacted at the following boards and e-mail addresses: :
. Modemland 306652-4359
cOrleOne 306978-3865 .
. Saskatoon Freenet ab141@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca
Microcity mith@sask.microcity.com
im not sure when Ill be releasing my next colly, but
right now Im shooting for something like 3-4 months, since I
also dual as an ansi artist for quad-p. i want to get some
of that work done if i can. that doesnt mean Im not taking
requests, it just means i might want to take some time doing
fuck, this is it, the end...
. / /. l / l
l / / /
7 // / -------------------.
/ l Mithrandir
Quad-P Homeboy! . / / / / /
l /l / /
/ / l/ / hP!
I paid you what you deserved....
o f
Im sick of drawing for everyone, from now on I charge...
q u a d - p
bitch, ansi, now....
....and if its good enough, I MIGHT toss you a few bucks.
p r e s e n t s
a colly titled.....
.-.- ..s s. :l :
l: :l .sl s.
:l l:l: s..
: l l:l .
. :.:l: s
l.l:l l w h o r e l ..
:l :l: ...
: . mR : .-ls
.. :l . . .
l: -..
- +- whOre! -- - / / /
. wEwp! the long awaited, anxiously anticipated ascii colly say that .
ten times fast muthafucka whOre, is here! sure, youre saying now,
whOre, wuz that? well so what, enjoy it for what it is, my best ever
. compilation of ascii, cause I sure will.
the idea of the name whOre for an ascii colly came from the slang .
surrounding the practice of drawing art for people, either constatly, or
for money. it also extends into other areas of the scene as well. nope
sorry, this isnt a negative peice against any of these practices, all
. you sphincter boys can sit back down and quit screaming for my scrot on
a plate. its just a comment on the idea, and then its a whole hell of
alot of ascii, for whoever requested any this month, all freenot as if
i could actualy get away with charging for ascii though.. ill leave .
that to the ascii whores...
so, enjoy the colly. in the case of people that find they got some
. goodies kicking around in here for them, youre welcome... for the rest
of you, theyll be contacts at the end of this colly, so you can .
request some MiffSCii of your very own...
bend right over.....
.....and DRAW bitch.
l o o k , i t s a n o - f r i l l s
i n d e x
01 - cOrleOne the abstract poet
02 - aLCATRAZ iSLAND driftwood
03 - tHE hIGH cOG tHE hIGH cOG
04 - modem land hIRO pROTAGONIST
06 - quad-p quad-p nfo file
07 - tIS sTYGIAN
08 - talons reach azure
09 - hiro hIRO pROTAGONIST
10 - tIS sTYGIAN
12 - Maytag Entity
14 - rheostatic rheostatic
15 - logoff no one in particular
16 - Mith myself
17 - RedMist RedMist
18 - piranha Captain Hood
19 - trank those trank boys
20 - Userlist! anyone
21 - Second Wind WindRider
22 - Stygian 3 guesses
23 - omicron omi!
24 - emm ezz dee msd
look, I need it done in two days, you CAN do that, right?
: 01 / // // TEXT : cOrleOne :
whore / // FOR! . the abstract poet
/ / COMMENTS . 306 978-FUNK /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - pipeline canHQ :
/ / / :MITH CALLS HEAR!: 7
::::: ::::: ::::: :::::mr-qdp
::::.:::: c O r l e O n e ::::.::::
: 02 / // // TEXT : aLCATRAz iSLaND :
whore / // FOR! . driftwood ?
/ / COMMENTS . hmm, for some guy who e-mail /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - requested some art... :
/ / / 7
: alcatraz
. / : : mr-qdp
: island
: 03 / // // TEXT : tHE hIGH cOG :
whore / // FOR! . tHE hIGH cOG
/ / COMMENTS . and the dEBT builds... /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - just kidding :
/ / / 7
: the high cog :
: 04 / // // TEXT : /XODE/X lAND :
whore / // FOR! . hIRO pROTAGONIST
/ / COMMENTS . tRANK!/quad-p/KTS whq /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - 306 652-4359 :
/ / / 7
mr-qdp// modemland
: 05 / // // TEXT : nOCTURNAL TRip :
whore / // FOR! . cORONER
/ / COMMENTS . +41-01-8402162 /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - the bbs formerly known as :
/ / / pENTAGON! 7
nOCTURNALTRip / mr-qdp
: 06 / // // TEXT : quad-p ibm character set :
whore / // FOR! . quad-p nfo file
/ / COMMENTS . quad-p, its about the art /
/ / / 7
: 07 / // // TEXT : TIS the inmost sanctum :
whore / // FOR! . sTYGIAN
/ / COMMENTS . 306 477-3380 /
/ / / 7
::::::::::::: l l :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: P.P :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: :P ss P: :::::::::::::
lP.ss.Pl mr-qdp
.sP Ps.
: 08 / // // TEXT : talons reach :
whore / // FOR! . azure
/ / COMMENTS . 306 242-0676 /
/ / / 7
----talons reach ---- ----
: 09 / // // TEXT : hiro :
whore / // FOR! . hIRO pROTAGONIST
/ / COMMENTS . thanks for the sig... /
/ / / 7
: mR /
: hiro protagonist :
: 10 / // // TEXT : TIS ibm character set :
whore / // FOR! . sTYGiAN
/ / COMMENTS . 306 477-3380 /
/ / / 7
: 11 / // // TEXT : TAP the abstract poet :
whore / // FOR! . the abstract poet
/ / COMMENTS . sysop of cOrleOne, wild board./
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - call it up at 306-978-funk! :
/ / / 3865 7
ssss. .ssssl sssss
l: .ssss .ssssss l:
:l :l :l
:l l: :l l: :l l:
l: l: l:
:l :l :lmr-qdp
:l l: :l l: :l l:
l:: l:: l::
ll ll ll
: 12 / // // TEXT : Maytag :
whore / // FOR! . Entity
/ / COMMENTS . I couldnt remember the number/
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - to save my life :
/ / / 7
:l ll ll:l ll:l ll:l ll:l ll:l ll mR!
: l: :: ::lssss:l: ::l: ::lssss:l: :: ::::
:.:l ll ll:l ll:lssll:l ll:l ll:lssll ::::
: 14 / // // TEXT : rheostatic :
whore / // FOR! . rheostatic
/ / COMMENTS . quad-ps 403 nig... /
/ / / 7
: rheost : .
: : mr
: atic : : ----- :
: rheostatic : ----
: 15 / // // TEXT : logoff :
whore / // FOR! . no one in particular
/ / COMMENTS . what can I say.. its a logoff/
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - screen... use it if you want :
/ / / 7
nOw lOgging Off yOur bbs name
/ / /: :mr-qdp
: 16 / // // TEXT : Mith :
whore / // FOR! . myself
/ / COMMENTS . a sig for me, with a sun, w00p/
/ / / 7
sd s.
l P
: P
s.ssss. .P
mithrandir . .sss sP .
ls. : ssd: .sl
. ssss ssss ss: l
Lssss ssss Lssss s
. mr-qdp
l sssSSsssssl
l ssss 4 l
: 17 / // // TEXT : RedMist :
whore / // FOR! . RedMist
/ / COMMENTS . woah, thanks for couriering /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - our packs... heres a sig :
/ / / 7
+----: mr ----: :.........:
: 18 / // // TEXT : piranha :
whore / // FOR! . Captain Hood
/ / COMMENTS . 813 856-0892 /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - acid florida outpost :
/ / / 7
: 19 / // // TEXT : trank :
whore / // FOR! . those trank boys...
/ / COMMENTS . soap 1@!? ptth, join us /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - in reality puleeze.. 2, maybe :
/ / / 7
. / / . //mr-qdp
l // : // s s
... / :.....----........ / /.l
: 20 / // // TEXT : UserList! :
whore / // FOR! . anyone
/ / COMMENTS . hmm, if you want to use it, /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - tell me, and Ill color it for :
/ / / you.... 7
s m
s s s s r
: + UserName + + UserNote + + A/C +
1 Mithrandir quad-p! 306
: 2 Mithrandir quad-p! 306
3 Mithrandir quad-p! 306 :
: 4 Mithrandir quad-p! 306 :
: 5 Mithrandir quad-p! 306
: 21 / // // TEXT : Second Wind :
whore / // FOR! . Windrider
/ / COMMENTS . yoikle, thanks for setting up /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - that quad-p request page.. :
/ / / 7
oh - jeah. . . :
: ---- / :mR!
: / not just wind:boys. . .
oh nO No NO. . . / .
. / but sECOND WiND!
: 22 / // // TEXT : stygian :
whore / // FOR! . 3 guesses
/ / COMMENTS . for the 2nd best ansi artist /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - in the 306 har har har :
/ / / yoikle 7
/ / / . / mr
// // stygian ---- /
: 23 / // // TEXT : omicron :
whore / // FOR! . omi!
/ / COMMENTS . think of it this way, I could /
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- - have done this old skool style :
/ / / 7
.ssss sss ssss mr-qdp sss
. . : i . . . i : . . : .
: : i I : : : . I i : : i :
i i I i i i : I i i I i
I I I I I i I I I
O m . n
i sss o
: 24 / // // TEXT : emm ezz dee :
whore / // FOR! . msd
/ / COMMENTS . ptth.. you stiffed me on a req/
+- -+--/ /--- -+-- -, I made this before I found out:
/ / / 7
.7 q. s.q. q.
lssssssssssssa. l s ssslss s sOAp!
s s eMM s s . .
.s. .7 q. .s.
s sslssssssssssssa. . ..
s. .. Ezz s .s .
.7.s q.s .sSSs. .s .sSSs. .sss.
l s s s s s sss .
7 q. .7 q. s
ssssssssssslssssssssssssalssssssssssssa. mR!
ssss . ssss ssss qdp
. dEE .s7s. .
mister self destruct
all ascii in this colly was drawn by mithrandir
of qdp excluding the following contributions by:
Hiro Protagonist signature
morphius info logo
who I might add is a god among men... the only
new ascii i got for this colly
what a small credits screen.... hint hint
some bloody buds I have. I couldnt even get a little diz out of hiro
msd stiffed me on a picture request he said hed do
what a crummy, whiny way to end this colly....
l / :: : :
. : l . : : l .
: --/... -+- - -- - ms :
- - --+--- -- info ------ ------ ------- --------- ----- -- -----+-- - -
if you want some of your very own MiffSCii, then I can :
: be contacted at the following boards and e-mail addresses: :
. Modemland 306652-4359
cOrleOne 306978-3865 .
. Saskatoon Freenet ab141@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca
Microcity mith@sask.microcity.com
im not sure when Ill be releasing my next colly, but
right now Im shooting for something like 3-4 months, since I
also dual as an ansi artist for quad-p. i want to get some
of that work done if i can. that doesnt mean Im not taking
requests, it just means i might want to take some time doing
fuck, this is it, the end...
log in to add a comment.