this image contains text
!@*+!@*+ disclaimer for your mom +!@*+!@*+
sup yall. owe sea in da haus. anyway.. this particular collection of ascii
majik has been titled feline dildos. why? who gives a fuck why?! because
i felt like naming it that, bitch. i can be reached on irc as orgchaos or
oc or whatever, and i am almost always in punc or zines. i can be reached
via email as darkwarriOr on ddn, and organized chaos bout everywhere else..
my internet address is tboyd02@mail.coin.missouri.edu, or negative@nether.net.
have phun, and, as always, enjoy the colly, trick! :
!@*+!@*+!@ rust for cynder *+!@*+!@*+
g, g,
..g, ..
m m mm m :: ::g,g,,g@S::S@m mm m m
ll llll
ll UU UUSg,ll oc
UU y@ygyUU
!@*+!@* mass delusion for biogenesis @*+!@*+
,-+,gg, ,gg,+-,
.+ ,dbdb, +.
, ,db, oc ,
+ Y YP P +
m a s s d e l u s i o n
ascii by organized what the hell was i thinking when i made this chaos
b i o g e n e s i s s a n s i s e r v e r
!@*+!@*+ hootie for portishead +!@*+!@*+ 80x50
/ / / oc
portishead / machinehead / andew hayworth / scourges hOotie
the name shit is a joke.
!@*+!@*+!@ psycho-net for me +!@*+!@*+
!@*+!@*+!@ y0lk for creed! *+!@*+!@*+
pgq pgq pgqgpgq pgq pgq pgq
pgq b
,+ g +,
y0lk issue o99
Y we dont even fear mogel! P
!@*+!@* new age hackerz! for gibson !@*+!@*+ 80x50
/ / / oc
gN00 aGE hAX0RZ
!@*+!@*+!@ psikotik for me *+!@*+!@*+
,g@SS@g, ,g@SS@g, ,gg, ,gg, ,gg, ,g@SS@g,
mS b, bggd ,
,gg, b,
oc g
p s i k o t i k i s s u e 3
!@*+!@*+!@ plop for claywar +!@*+!@*+
,gg,,g ,gg,,gg,
m m
!@*+!@*+!@ lil shitniz *+!@*+!@*+
I aplogize for this months colly length and content.. I just wasnt
inspired. That, and I didnt get any requests. Fuck you. I need the damn
requests to keep up my work.. I cant keep just going, Well, hey! I dont
have any requests, but Im gonna make art for the hell of it!... its losing
its luster. I just dont have the driving force that I used to have. But
dont lose hope. I just might become a musician, too. I have no background,
but Im getting there.
!@*+!@*+!@ eof, end!@ *+!@*+!@*+
sup yall. owe sea in da haus. anyway.. this particular collection of ascii
majik has been titled feline dildos. why? who gives a fuck why?! because
i felt like naming it that, bitch. i can be reached on irc as orgchaos or
oc or whatever, and i am almost always in punc or zines. i can be reached
via email as darkwarriOr on ddn, and organized chaos bout everywhere else..
my internet address is tboyd02@mail.coin.missouri.edu, or negative@nether.net.
have phun, and, as always, enjoy the colly, trick! :
!@*+!@*+!@ rust for cynder *+!@*+!@*+
g, g,
..g, ..
m m mm m :: ::g,g,,g@S::S@m mm m m
ll llll
ll UU UUSg,ll oc
UU y@ygyUU
!@*+!@* mass delusion for biogenesis @*+!@*+
,-+,gg, ,gg,+-,
.+ ,dbdb, +.
, ,db, oc ,
+ Y YP P +
m a s s d e l u s i o n
ascii by organized what the hell was i thinking when i made this chaos
b i o g e n e s i s s a n s i s e r v e r
!@*+!@*+ hootie for portishead +!@*+!@*+ 80x50
/ / / oc
portishead / machinehead / andew hayworth / scourges hOotie
the name shit is a joke.
!@*+!@*+!@ psycho-net for me +!@*+!@*+
!@*+!@*+!@ y0lk for creed! *+!@*+!@*+
pgq pgq pgqgpgq pgq pgq pgq
pgq b
,+ g +,
y0lk issue o99
Y we dont even fear mogel! P
!@*+!@* new age hackerz! for gibson !@*+!@*+ 80x50
/ / / oc
gN00 aGE hAX0RZ
!@*+!@*+!@ psikotik for me *+!@*+!@*+
,g@SS@g, ,g@SS@g, ,gg, ,gg, ,gg, ,g@SS@g,
mS b, bggd ,
,gg, b,
oc g
p s i k o t i k i s s u e 3
!@*+!@*+!@ plop for claywar +!@*+!@*+
,gg,,g ,gg,,gg,
m m
!@*+!@*+!@ lil shitniz *+!@*+!@*+
I aplogize for this months colly length and content.. I just wasnt
inspired. That, and I didnt get any requests. Fuck you. I need the damn
requests to keep up my work.. I cant keep just going, Well, hey! I dont
have any requests, but Im gonna make art for the hell of it!... its losing
its luster. I just dont have the driving force that I used to have. But
dont lose hope. I just might become a musician, too. I have no background,
but Im getting there.
!@*+!@*+!@ eof, end!@ *+!@*+!@*+
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