this image contains text
01234567 oldschool 9012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
this whole colly is oldschool. yay. im digging back into the roots of
ascii. i like it, actually.. oldschool is my favorite style, besides pics.. and
i cant do pics, so im doing oldschool. make sense? no? good.
i can be reached via email as darkwarriOr on ddn, or 0c or oWEsEA or
whatever on irc. a lot of channels i am usually on are punc, zines, acid,
ansi and stuff. my internet address is tboyd02@mail.coin.missouri.edu. reqs
may also be made there. please send me all of your suggestions, comments, or
just plain bitch-mail. i love feedback. welp.. enjoy the colly/nostalgia!
01234567 apotm 567 for the clone 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
/ o ,++, ,++,
0o-/ c +,+ s t a r z ! oc
/ --- --- --- --- --- -o0/
/ a p o t m //
: : sls sls /
/mode +oo thclOne
01234567 hangar 18 901 for savage 4567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
c0o azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc ..
U ,---.,---.,---.,---.,---.,---. oOOOOo
mr. doink . . /. /. . / . /. . . / mr. dink
: : : : : : : : +++++++++++++. . . : : : . . : /++++++++++++: . : . . . : : . ,+, 0cpunc / / / / ,+,-,+,
,+ h a n g a r 1 9 +,+,,. o p : s a v a g e .,,+
01234567 daydream nation 567 for luptin 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
oc--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
statz here luptin
- ------ - --- -- -- - - - - --- -- -- - - - --- - - - ---- -- ---- -- sls d a y d r e a m n a t i o n sls
01234567 morbid infatuation 890 for me! 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
ocxxxxxxxxxxxxx: : : : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. : : . : : : : : : . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: . : : . . : . . . : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : : . : : . . : : : : :
i n f a t u a t i o n
01234567 stud 456 for friend of mine 7890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
. . . /. . . . /oc
s t u d
01234567 taseron 789 for pheonstar 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
********: . : . . : . . : : . . : ************** : . : . . . . /. : : . *******************: : . : : : : : . : . : ******* oc / / / / /
01234567 old school 012 for anyone 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
. . /. /oc. . . . . /. . . . /./
this bbs uses a lot of oldschool style ascii, and it is suggested
that you set your persona to an elite emulation before logging on
- bbs info here - bbs info here - bbs info here - bbs info here -
sls sls
01234567 psikotik .diz 345 for me! 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
oc ,---.,---.,---.
psikotik issue san-ban!
the bbs-format issue!
01234567 ansi detected 345 for koondog 90123456789012345678901234567890123456789
/ /me was high while making thizz
---left-------------------- --- -- -- - - six nine!
down ,---.,---.,---.,---. /
psalm 69 . . /. /./ oO /
/ : : : . : . : o
s t 0o / a r . / /. / zO Op! /
/ d e t e c t e d oc up
-----right---- sls . p s a l m 6 9 . sls
/ koOndog!?
this whole colly is oldschool. yay. im digging back into the roots of
ascii. i like it, actually.. oldschool is my favorite style, besides pics.. and
i cant do pics, so im doing oldschool. make sense? no? good.
i can be reached via email as darkwarriOr on ddn, or 0c or oWEsEA or
whatever on irc. a lot of channels i am usually on are punc, zines, acid,
ansi and stuff. my internet address is tboyd02@mail.coin.missouri.edu. reqs
may also be made there. please send me all of your suggestions, comments, or
just plain bitch-mail. i love feedback. welp.. enjoy the colly/nostalgia!
01234567 apotm 567 for the clone 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
/ o ,++, ,++,
0o-/ c +,+ s t a r z ! oc
/ --- --- --- --- --- -o0/
/ a p o t m //
: : sls sls /
/mode +oo thclOne
01234567 hangar 18 901 for savage 4567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
c0o azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc ..
U ,---.,---.,---.,---.,---.,---. oOOOOo
mr. doink . . /. /. . / . /. . . / mr. dink
: : : : : : : : +++++++++++++. . . : : : . . : /++++++++++++: . : . . . : : . ,+, 0cpunc / / / / ,+,-,+,
,+ h a n g a r 1 9 +,+,,. o p : s a v a g e .,,+
01234567 daydream nation 567 for luptin 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
oc--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
statz here luptin
- ------ - --- -- -- - - - - --- -- -- - - - --- - - - ---- -- ---- -- sls d a y d r e a m n a t i o n sls
01234567 morbid infatuation 890 for me! 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
ocxxxxxxxxxxxxx: : : : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. : : . : : : : : : . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: . : : . . : . . . : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : : . : : . . : : : : :
i n f a t u a t i o n
01234567 stud 456 for friend of mine 7890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
. . . /. . . . /oc
s t u d
01234567 taseron 789 for pheonstar 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
********: . : . . : . . : : . . : ************** : . : . . . . /. : : . *******************: : . : : : : : . : . : ******* oc / / / / /
01234567 old school 012 for anyone 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
. . /. /oc. . . . . /. . . . /./
this bbs uses a lot of oldschool style ascii, and it is suggested
that you set your persona to an elite emulation before logging on
- bbs info here - bbs info here - bbs info here - bbs info here -
sls sls
01234567 psikotik .diz 345 for me! 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
oc ,---.,---.,---.
psikotik issue san-ban!
the bbs-format issue!
01234567 ansi detected 345 for koondog 90123456789012345678901234567890123456789
/ /me was high while making thizz
---left-------------------- --- -- -- - - six nine!
down ,---.,---.,---.,---. /
psalm 69 . . /. /./ oO /
/ : : : . : . : o
s t 0o / a r . / /. / zO Op! /
/ d e t e c t e d oc up
-----right---- sls . p s a l m 6 9 . sls
/ koOndog!?
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