this image contains text
black weasel logocluster 2
okay, second one...
for: poti//kaoz title: thx po
comment: thank you poti for all youve done for me and beeing a good friend
..ansi by black weasel
for: myself//sv title: logoff
comment: this ones for my own board, which is offline yet. i think that
the L looks too much like aves one in bmpaq12.
for: ave//haz/2 title: happy birthday ave!
comment: hi ave. this ones for your birthday and thank you for beeing a
good friend.
jo ave. happy birthday.
did this ansi for your
birthday, cause youve
been a good friend in
and outta scene.. so
i hope to thank you
with this ansi i
spend much time
b!w in.. have a
good 16th
for: go04//atlantis title: go04 entry
comment: for nails go04.. got the 7th place...
atlantisbbs soft b!w
for: friend//hag title: h.a.g. files menu request
comment: for a real good friend outta scene for his bbs.. i think its
my best one!?
a command use
b command use
c command use
d command use
e command use
f command use
g command use
h command use
i command use
j command use
k command use
l command use
b!w m command use
n command use
o command use
p command use
for: friend//hag title: h.a.g. mail menu request
comment: for a real good friend outta scene for his bbs.. i dont like
it!!! it was just a quickie and the better version got lost
in my smartdrive... i think ill never try a style like
this one again!?
a command to use
b command to use
c command to use
d command to use
e command to use
f command to use
g command to use
h command to use
i command to use
j command to use
k command to use
l command to use
m command to use
n command to use
o command to use
p command to use
okay, second one...
for: poti//kaoz title: thx po
comment: thank you poti for all youve done for me and beeing a good friend
..ansi by black weasel
for: myself//sv title: logoff
comment: this ones for my own board, which is offline yet. i think that
the L looks too much like aves one in bmpaq12.
for: ave//haz/2 title: happy birthday ave!
comment: hi ave. this ones for your birthday and thank you for beeing a
good friend.
jo ave. happy birthday.
did this ansi for your
birthday, cause youve
been a good friend in
and outta scene.. so
i hope to thank you
with this ansi i
spend much time
b!w in.. have a
good 16th
for: go04//atlantis title: go04 entry
comment: for nails go04.. got the 7th place...
atlantisbbs soft b!w
for: friend//hag title: h.a.g. files menu request
comment: for a real good friend outta scene for his bbs.. i think its
my best one!?
a command use
b command use
c command use
d command use
e command use
f command use
g command use
h command use
i command use
j command use
k command use
l command use
b!w m command use
n command use
o command use
p command use
for: friend//hag title: h.a.g. mail menu request
comment: for a real good friend outta scene for his bbs.. i dont like
it!!! it was just a quickie and the better version got lost
in my smartdrive... i think ill never try a style like
this one again!?
a command to use
b command to use
c command to use
d command to use
e command to use
f command to use
g command to use
h command to use
i command to use
j command to use
k command to use
l command to use
m command to use
n command to use
o command to use
p command to use
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