this image contains text
blackweasel logocluster 1
hi. i started to paint ansis round 3months ago, and this is my first logo-
cluster. so dont expect too much from these ansis. u may find different signatures in my ansee. coz in the older ansee i used
b!w, but now i think bw really rokks more.
and now i think its time to greet some friends .
in no special order!
poti, avenger, noize, shaitan, gunman, bonewood, jerusalem, fastjack, alecs,
nail, spock, spice, leonardo, 33, 13, hal, dv8, scope, faxe, outraider, trc,
buster, trojan, plasmaniac, assign, tarjan, deejay, lathspell, blaze, blade,
4o, blaze, universe
and all others from:
black maiden, fire, fuel, boil, phat, mean scheme, rile, sr, infinite
and all i forgot!
if u have sum questions or so, reach me at:
eMail: bweasel@bigfoot.com
fido : 2:2452/276.13
for: myself//synthetic visions title: mailme
comment: this was my first ansi... hmmm, dunno...
for: myself//synthetic visions title: page
comment: i dont like it!
for: teacher//rOtbArt II title: logoff request
comment: this was only my third ansi, so i dont think its too bad!? its
for a friend outta scene and his bbs.
..ansi by black weasel
for: myself//sv title: no doubt
comment: i dont like it so much, because i hate this stupid shading!
okay, enough for this time... see my next cluster
hi. i started to paint ansis round 3months ago, and this is my first logo-
cluster. so dont expect too much from these ansis. u may find different signatures in my ansee. coz in the older ansee i used
b!w, but now i think bw really rokks more.
and now i think its time to greet some friends .
in no special order!
poti, avenger, noize, shaitan, gunman, bonewood, jerusalem, fastjack, alecs,
nail, spock, spice, leonardo, 33, 13, hal, dv8, scope, faxe, outraider, trc,
buster, trojan, plasmaniac, assign, tarjan, deejay, lathspell, blaze, blade,
4o, blaze, universe
and all others from:
black maiden, fire, fuel, boil, phat, mean scheme, rile, sr, infinite
and all i forgot!
if u have sum questions or so, reach me at:
eMail: bweasel@bigfoot.com
fido : 2:2452/276.13
for: myself//synthetic visions title: mailme
comment: this was my first ansi... hmmm, dunno...
for: myself//synthetic visions title: page
comment: i dont like it!
for: teacher//rOtbArt II title: logoff request
comment: this was only my third ansi, so i dont think its too bad!? its
for a friend outta scene and his bbs.
..ansi by black weasel
for: myself//sv title: no doubt
comment: i dont like it so much, because i hate this stupid shading!
okay, enough for this time... see my next cluster
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