this image contains text
opx is power.
ansi by rawlock! of opium in sept. 1996 the opx mafia rules . .
ansi made by rawlock of opium in
september 1996
o p i u m
this is for my very great friend g-child. good luck with the board!!
l e th a l mi n d s
Running on latestPCB With, Courier33k6 Modems.Operated By G-child / Opium GfxO
piumGfx Member Board, Mainstream Couriering Headquarter. This board rules big!
Node1 +46- 08 - 580XXXXX Node2 +46 - 08
thisansi is made byrawlock of opium one cold septembernight in the year1996
ansi by rawlock! of opium in sept. 1996 the opx mafia rules . .
ansi made by rawlock of opium in
september 1996
o p i u m
this is for my very great friend g-child. good luck with the board!!
l e th a l mi n d s
Running on latestPCB With, Courier33k6 Modems.Operated By G-child / Opium GfxO
piumGfx Member Board, Mainstream Couriering Headquarter. This board rules big!
Node1 +46- 08 - 580XXXXX Node2 +46 - 08
thisansi is made byrawlock of opium one cold septembernight in the year1996
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