this image contains text
dedication burns deep
o p i u m g f x - burningtrue since 1995
an ansi cluster made byrawlock!, it contains eleven logos. Rip any
ofthem and burn in fucking hell. Contact me on Sector Seven or through
email: Sector7@Algonet.Se. If you want a logo from me you better give me
something in return, likeuploading a couple of mbs to my board or give
me a logo in return draw for my board S7 . The only reason whyi have
todo like this is that i get to many requests, even ifi drawed all of my
freetime i couldntpossiblefinish all the requests that i receive, so
please dontbother me if you dont want to give something in return, or
if you are a very good friend of mine! Im sorry to let it be this way
but ihave a life beside thescene too!... well thats enough from me now
and i hope that you enjoy our 1 year anniversary pack..have a good time!
if you want to useany of the opx! logos feel free to do it
later yaws - signed rAwlOck! -
nOstalgica - 6 nodes2 isdn - ansi made by rawlock! ofop
ium inoctober 1996!.!.
f u c t - systemoperated by: cain system cooperated by: clavicle
rawlOck - OPIUM - drawed and colored this font - opium whq food shq -
Opium gfx a touch of class birthday greets flies out to all my opium buds!
ansi by rawlock! of opium in sept. 1996 the opx mafia rules . .
iK - thestrange bulletinboard system, with this little mystericalfeeling.
SectorSeven! Opium Whq Food Shq +46-225-20575, 205
77 !!
c 1996 opium productions
nostalgica - the fastest around . . .
ansi by -rawlock! opium
this cluster was made by rawlock! of opx 1996!
o p i u m g f x - burningtrue since 1995
an ansi cluster made byrawlock!, it contains eleven logos. Rip any
ofthem and burn in fucking hell. Contact me on Sector Seven or through
email: Sector7@Algonet.Se. If you want a logo from me you better give me
something in return, likeuploading a couple of mbs to my board or give
me a logo in return draw for my board S7 . The only reason whyi have
todo like this is that i get to many requests, even ifi drawed all of my
freetime i couldntpossiblefinish all the requests that i receive, so
please dontbother me if you dont want to give something in return, or
if you are a very good friend of mine! Im sorry to let it be this way
but ihave a life beside thescene too!... well thats enough from me now
and i hope that you enjoy our 1 year anniversary pack..have a good time!
if you want to useany of the opx! logos feel free to do it
later yaws - signed rAwlOck! -
nOstalgica - 6 nodes2 isdn - ansi made by rawlock! ofop
ium inoctober 1996!.!.
f u c t - systemoperated by: cain system cooperated by: clavicle
rawlOck - OPIUM - drawed and colored this font - opium whq food shq -
Opium gfx a touch of class birthday greets flies out to all my opium buds!
ansi by rawlock! of opium in sept. 1996 the opx mafia rules . .
iK - thestrange bulletinboard system, with this little mystericalfeeling.
SectorSeven! Opium Whq Food Shq +46-225-20575, 205
77 !!
c 1996 opium productions
nostalgica - the fastest around . . .
ansi by -rawlock! opium
this cluster was made by rawlock! of opx 1996!
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