this image contains text
nLost in
your mindWandering thro
ugh that morbid world called Ima
ginationYou see, yet you are
blindTo the madness
of your own creationT
he real world is out of r
eachYet you control your
own universeYoure a g
od, your words they preach
It may seem incredible,
yet it is a curseTime wil
l lengthenDays to mon
ths, months to yearsYet
you strengthenSuddenl
y, time dissapears
Outside the realm of
your creationYou lie there,
resting in peaceYouve
hidden to long in you
r imaginationIn the real world,
your life has ceasedThe p
ower was strongIt was
wonderful, you had to
remainYou stayed to long
You went beyond the poin
t of insane
The Fugitive EMPiRE
nLost in
your mindWandering thro
ugh that morbid world called Ima
ginationYou see, yet you are
blindTo the madness
of your own creationT
he real world is out of r
eachYet you control your
own universeYoure a g
od, your words they preach
It may seem incredible,
yet it is a curseTime wil
l lengthenDays to mon
ths, months to yearsYet
you strengthenSuddenl
y, time dissapears
Outside the realm of
your creationYou lie there,
resting in peaceYouve
hidden to long in you
r imaginationIn the real world,
your life has ceasedThe p
ower was strongIt was
wonderful, you had to
remainYou stayed to long
You went beyond the poin
t of insane
The Fugitive EMPiRE
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