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Mankinds Curse
I looked up, the gloom was near
I saw a world cloaked in fear
Deaths cold hands were gripping mankin
dThe world falling to its devilis
h fateWhy stop the wars? Why mak
e peace with the world?Let the mortals die
, poisoned by their hate And Man wil
l lead the world to ruinAs I thought, I sta
rted walkingThe body moved, who
m I was stalkingWhy meddle in ma
ns affairs?Why retard their in
evitable demise?They are humans,
mortals! Who gives a damn?They l
ive lives full of cheating and lies
And Man will lead the world to ruinI kept
moving, ponderingFollowi
ng the person, wanderingI contem
plated these simple thoughtsWhen I
heard some children cryingMy eye
s flared with anger and my face flushed with rag
eAt seeing a perfect world dying
And Man will lead the world to ruin
From where evolved all this crime?
Why does one kill for less then a dime?
Why fight your fellow people?
Whats the purpose of a war?
Destroying the human race
Whats all the killing for?
And Man will lead the world to ruin
I walked on past and left my prey
My legs were hurting and approached the da
Man will lead the world to ruin
That phrase echoed within my brain
Mankinds curse conjured by the gods
A land of bloodshed, fear, and pain
And Man will lead the world to ruin
And as I rested within my abode
I let my mind wander, the answers unfold
People without feeling, it answered me
These are the reasons that all the hate do
th endure
People like you, my mind announced
The anger will not die, for this pain has n
o cure
And Man will lead the world to ruin ...
The Fugitive
I looked up, the gloom was near
I saw a world cloaked in fear
Deaths cold hands were gripping mankin
dThe world falling to its devilis
h fateWhy stop the wars? Why mak
e peace with the world?Let the mortals die
, poisoned by their hate And Man wil
l lead the world to ruinAs I thought, I sta
rted walkingThe body moved, who
m I was stalkingWhy meddle in ma
ns affairs?Why retard their in
evitable demise?They are humans,
mortals! Who gives a damn?They l
ive lives full of cheating and lies
And Man will lead the world to ruinI kept
moving, ponderingFollowi
ng the person, wanderingI contem
plated these simple thoughtsWhen I
heard some children cryingMy eye
s flared with anger and my face flushed with rag
eAt seeing a perfect world dying
And Man will lead the world to ruin
From where evolved all this crime?
Why does one kill for less then a dime?
Why fight your fellow people?
Whats the purpose of a war?
Destroying the human race
Whats all the killing for?
And Man will lead the world to ruin
I walked on past and left my prey
My legs were hurting and approached the da
Man will lead the world to ruin
That phrase echoed within my brain
Mankinds curse conjured by the gods
A land of bloodshed, fear, and pain
And Man will lead the world to ruin
And as I rested within my abode
I let my mind wander, the answers unfold
People without feeling, it answered me
These are the reasons that all the hate do
th endure
People like you, my mind announced
The anger will not die, for this pain has n
o cure
And Man will lead the world to ruin ...
The Fugitive
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