this image contains text
- Introducing myself ------------- Hi, i am soulphuree a.k.a
sOulphure to my irc friends of maiden brazil. I am a brazilian ascii artist not a good one! and this is just a 4logo-colly. I think that is pretty cool - for me. Well,
all the ascii colly is based in a single style. I do NOT know if someone have already created something like that. By the way, do : not think that im a FUCKING RIPPER.
---------------- - About this style ------
-- This is a cool style, actually, i love it. The main point is that you can play with the colors and sHadEs, that is
why it looks so nice. hum.. nothing more to say about it. hope you enjoy my work.. ------- --------
-- -------------- it was just a test! ------
requested by: nobody
p8! sssssssss ,l
l:. .: ssssssssssssss
to his warez/code group. ------ requested by: simon t. s.
: sss s sss l s
s l: ss
ss : :i :.ss,:. . s .
:. ,lsssssssssssssssssssssssssss :
ssssssssssssssss sss seed!s s sssssssssssssssss ssssss
ssss p8!ssssssssss
dryices ansi compo. ------ requested by: nobody
th e .. n e xt gene r .. a tion!
l: : : :
- : l
s :. sssssss p8!
ssssssss ..:3ssssssssssss:. .l .:sssssssssss
to a joint at ansi. ------ requested by: nobody
s : p8!
s .:l l:. sssss
s ssssssssssssssssssssssbraziliansgirl!sssssssssssssssssssssssssss
sOulphure to my irc friends of maiden brazil. I am a brazilian ascii artist not a good one! and this is just a 4logo-colly. I think that is pretty cool - for me. Well,
all the ascii colly is based in a single style. I do NOT know if someone have already created something like that. By the way, do : not think that im a FUCKING RIPPER.
---------------- - About this style ------
-- This is a cool style, actually, i love it. The main point is that you can play with the colors and sHadEs, that is
why it looks so nice. hum.. nothing more to say about it. hope you enjoy my work.. ------- --------
-- -------------- it was just a test! ------
requested by: nobody
p8! sssssssss ,l
l:. .: ssssssssssssss
to his warez/code group. ------ requested by: simon t. s.
: sss s sss l s
s l: ss
ss : :i :.ss,:. . s .
:. ,lsssssssssssssssssssssssssss :
ssssssssssssssss sss seed!s s sssssssssssssssss ssssss
ssss p8!ssssssssss
dryices ansi compo. ------ requested by: nobody
th e .. n e xt gene r .. a tion!
l: : : :
- : l
s :. sssssss p8!
ssssssss ..:3ssssssssssss:. .l .:sssssssssss
to a joint at ansi. ------ requested by: nobody
s : p8!
s .:l l:. sssss
s ssssssssssssssssssssssbraziliansgirl!sssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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