this image contains text
maiden news 05 // marc
h 1st 97 // 0,99
maiden news staff: ditatorials by rorshack
/ art by royal voomit rorshack
by Rorshack
If you look well, really well, you will see small difference
s between this
news file and the last month news file. Some layout changes
were made. :
This months review
by Rorshack
This will not be this month review. This will be the semeste
r review. :
This is our sixth month on the scene. We are completing our
first semester
beeing greater than ever. Not just the size of the packs is
increasing in
each skill, i.e. ascii or ansi, but also the quality and th
e number of
We have proved to be possible to start a group from almost n
othing the weak
brazilian scene and to make it become a good group. As
good you must
understand a team. A team. A group of friends intere
sted in doing art. Having
fun. Thats what were doing. We are happy. I am happy. So,
what can stop us?
Id like to make a better review, but now I am studying. I d
o not have time
for that. : But thats what Ive gotta say: we are increasi
ng each day.
A new world is available. A new world where people respect e
ach other and when
you have fun doing what you like. This world is available to
all of us. The
problem is, all of us must want to get there. And unfortunat
elly, most of the
people dont want that. I see a world where, one day, people
will understand
their mission. People will start to use the brain and we wil
l all reach higher
spiritual planes.
by Rorshack
Damn, what do I have to say? Thanx all. The pack is very goo
d again. Better
than ever. We are on the right way... I can only be proud to
be a member and
founder of this great group and proud to be a citizen of thi
s country.
although some polithics doesnt diserve that thought, but I
will ignore this
for now.
Long live and prosper, as Midori used to say.
Refraction -- Australian Sanctuary
This is one of the best affiliations I think I have done.
Refraction is our new australian sanctuary.
It is opered
by nutbutter, member or apocalyptic visions,
art group. Its cool because australian scene is as new
as brazilian acsne although brazilian scene is newer and
smaller and weaker..
I dont quite exactly know what is refraction, so don
bother about the photo. :
The Asylum -- Belgian Distribution Site
Insanelly applying this month, sike have forced rors
to accept his board affiliation. SO, here it is: the
asylum is the new maiden belgian distributio
n site. In
fact, his board is a little crazy, sos the world, so, in
the end, his board is normal, and all the normal boards
are crazy, and if so, if the normal boards are crazy, and
if there are more normal crazy boards in the world, so
this boards will be the normal, and the normal will be
the crazy boards, and there will be no crazy nor normal
boards, so the world will CRASH!@.@*!!@!@!
In a moment of seriousness, an asylu
m user gave his impressions about this
new affiliation: blaah bbblle this
rawshark guy must be crazy, he should
have done this board a sanctuary
not a distro site! blaakalahjtejr
Deep Space -- Russian Distribution Site
In a country really far away but not in the deep space
comes the litil divil that oppers deep space
. This board
is a new maiden distribution site located on rus
Demons den -- American Distribution Site
From north america comes demon, sysop of demons
His board seem to be cool, although it looks a little
hot. A master user of the bbs, satan, says the bbs isnt
cool, but we dont know how to understand that.
Anyways, another user, lucifer, say that it burns up the
Stagediving from the highest stage is mosh, ascii
artist from rio de janeiro. Mosh arrives to maiden i
a special moment for the group - were increasing
quality and quantity everyday - and we are sure that
this new artist will help us reaching our horizons.
Aleluia! Finally, the end.
h 1st 97 // 0,99
maiden news staff: ditatorials by rorshack
/ art by royal voomit rorshack
by Rorshack
If you look well, really well, you will see small difference
s between this
news file and the last month news file. Some layout changes
were made. :
This months review
by Rorshack
This will not be this month review. This will be the semeste
r review. :
This is our sixth month on the scene. We are completing our
first semester
beeing greater than ever. Not just the size of the packs is
increasing in
each skill, i.e. ascii or ansi, but also the quality and th
e number of
We have proved to be possible to start a group from almost n
othing the weak
brazilian scene and to make it become a good group. As
good you must
understand a team. A team. A group of friends intere
sted in doing art. Having
fun. Thats what were doing. We are happy. I am happy. So,
what can stop us?
Id like to make a better review, but now I am studying. I d
o not have time
for that. : But thats what Ive gotta say: we are increasi
ng each day.
A new world is available. A new world where people respect e
ach other and when
you have fun doing what you like. This world is available to
all of us. The
problem is, all of us must want to get there. And unfortunat
elly, most of the
people dont want that. I see a world where, one day, people
will understand
their mission. People will start to use the brain and we wil
l all reach higher
spiritual planes.
by Rorshack
Damn, what do I have to say? Thanx all. The pack is very goo
d again. Better
than ever. We are on the right way... I can only be proud to
be a member and
founder of this great group and proud to be a citizen of thi
s country.
although some polithics doesnt diserve that thought, but I
will ignore this
for now.
Long live and prosper, as Midori used to say.
Refraction -- Australian Sanctuary
This is one of the best affiliations I think I have done.
Refraction is our new australian sanctuary.
It is opered
by nutbutter, member or apocalyptic visions,
art group. Its cool because australian scene is as new
as brazilian acsne although brazilian scene is newer and
smaller and weaker..
I dont quite exactly know what is refraction, so don
bother about the photo. :
The Asylum -- Belgian Distribution Site
Insanelly applying this month, sike have forced rors
to accept his board affiliation. SO, here it is: the
asylum is the new maiden belgian distributio
n site. In
fact, his board is a little crazy, sos the world, so, in
the end, his board is normal, and all the normal boards
are crazy, and if so, if the normal boards are crazy, and
if there are more normal crazy boards in the world, so
this boards will be the normal, and the normal will be
the crazy boards, and there will be no crazy nor normal
boards, so the world will CRASH!@.@*!!@!@!
In a moment of seriousness, an asylu
m user gave his impressions about this
new affiliation: blaah bbblle this
rawshark guy must be crazy, he should
have done this board a sanctuary
not a distro site! blaakalahjtejr
Deep Space -- Russian Distribution Site
In a country really far away but not in the deep space
comes the litil divil that oppers deep space
. This board
is a new maiden distribution site located on rus
Demons den -- American Distribution Site
From north america comes demon, sysop of demons
His board seem to be cool, although it looks a little
hot. A master user of the bbs, satan, says the bbs isnt
cool, but we dont know how to understand that.
Anyways, another user, lucifer, say that it burns up the
Stagediving from the highest stage is mosh, ascii
artist from rio de janeiro. Mosh arrives to maiden i
a special moment for the group - were increasing
quality and quantity everyday - and we are sure that
this new artist will help us reaching our horizons.
Aleluia! Finally, the end.
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