this image contains text
die infantrie kommt!
new year, fresh flush / / / -- / / / // /
germans finest cracks in town!
new year, new infofile
setting the controls.
we kicked out that gum, for gaining more speed. so what.
..this time..
/ / // we cracked the lightning joiner by busterblood /
/ / / just for your amusement... //
/ -- cracker .random released .02-29-1996 - -- -----.
/ / coder .n/a splitted arc .nope /
writer .n/a kind of stuph .cracked pex / /
/ / packager .gunman os .dos //
// // da mighty rating: xxxxxxxx.. / /.
/ the members.. / / / /
/ / -- leading staff ..blackcandle eisendraht
crackers/ ..big chief rain-in-face
/ / coders random raek.wuh // / //
/ / ascii/ansi ..doctor stefan frnk / :
couriers ..gunman frunga da mango /
/ // / internet! /
if you want to become part of the invisible force,
call our apply hq or contact gunman via some nets.
were accepting new members, esp. / /
// coders, crackers, ansi/ascii artists! / /
// / / ..the boards /
. world hq milc69 /
/ / apply hq die axt //
/ // memberboards - 187 -
your own one? //
/ / // / i
remember: we wont accept *any* / l
. distributionsites! / //
/ / greetsnstuff // / / i
/ // // / / l
// personal greets: tratefbk, dj jensen g / .
/ // pandur, 2mad, milkman, fuck tha lamers, /
/ / ref-u-g, randall flag, retaliator and l
all tha other dudes who boycot commercial i l
/ / warez-boards! . i
ive done .
. this phun .
i ky nfofile i / / group greets: fbk, nme, lammingz prd., . /
together / / dgu, obstsalat, willow, wuh.tang.clan, / /.
with doc // wick blau. // / // i
frnk, // l
just becau / / *no* greets to all the lame german groups which
se i liked / only suck our dicks 1000times a day! they suck!
the anti- /
buster rel //
l eases, and
i am not,
and wont
ever be pa
rt of this
group in a
ny way.
new year, fresh flush / / / -- / / / // /
germans finest cracks in town!
new year, new infofile
setting the controls.
we kicked out that gum, for gaining more speed. so what.
..this time..
/ / // we cracked the lightning joiner by busterblood /
/ / / just for your amusement... //
/ -- cracker .random released .02-29-1996 - -- -----.
/ / coder .n/a splitted arc .nope /
writer .n/a kind of stuph .cracked pex / /
/ / packager .gunman os .dos //
// // da mighty rating: xxxxxxxx.. / /.
/ the members.. / / / /
/ / -- leading staff ..blackcandle eisendraht
crackers/ ..big chief rain-in-face
/ / coders random raek.wuh // / //
/ / ascii/ansi ..doctor stefan frnk / :
couriers ..gunman frunga da mango /
/ // / internet! /
if you want to become part of the invisible force,
call our apply hq or contact gunman via some nets.
were accepting new members, esp. / /
// coders, crackers, ansi/ascii artists! / /
// / / ..the boards /
. world hq milc69 /
/ / apply hq die axt //
/ // memberboards - 187 -
your own one? //
/ / // / i
remember: we wont accept *any* / l
. distributionsites! / //
/ / greetsnstuff // / / i
/ // // / / l
// personal greets: tratefbk, dj jensen g / .
/ // pandur, 2mad, milkman, fuck tha lamers, /
/ / ref-u-g, randall flag, retaliator and l
all tha other dudes who boycot commercial i l
/ / warez-boards! . i
ive done .
. this phun .
i ky nfofile i / / group greets: fbk, nme, lammingz prd., . /
together / / dgu, obstsalat, willow, wuh.tang.clan, / /.
with doc // wick blau. // / // i
frnk, // l
just becau / / *no* greets to all the lame german groups which
se i liked / only suck our dicks 1000times a day! they suck!
the anti- /
buster rel //
l eases, and
i am not,
and wont
ever be pa
rt of this
group in a
ny way.
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