this image contains text
wenn das verwhnaroma
ruft... o o
JA! / /
JA! / // /
/ kann keiner widerstehn? :
: JA!
l l JA!
cyz requested this
tv at the mekka 96
for some kind of an tr oneliner-ppe he wan- fbk ted to release..
a teevee for cyz - done in mekka as you can see, its
running a commercial
presentation on rtl.
wenn das verwhnaroma
ruft... o o
JA! / /
JA! / // /
/ kann keiner widerstehn? :
: JA!
l l JA!
cyz requested this
tv at the mekka 96
for some kind of an tr oneliner-ppe he wan- fbk ted to release..
a teevee for cyz - done in mekka as you can see, its
running a commercial
presentation on rtl.
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