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a very untamed ansi jasper rules and so does namistai bbs fuck you to anyone who thinks comic rips are shit..you try do one N A M I S T A I log on LOG OFF comment untamedjasper
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------after many attempts at the background, i finally got it right. this is my entry
for an ansi duel between myself and illusionx. im quite happy with the outcome
of this.. thanks to zeusII and catch22 for their support, comments, and general
suggestions while i was making this ansi, you guys rock.
apart from that, this is for aesthetics board namistai, hope you like it, because i know i do. greets to all the people i know and speak to.
this pic was taken from pitt 5, and slightly changed to my liking.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------after many attempts at the background, i finally got it right. this is my entry
for an ansi duel between myself and illusionx. im quite happy with the outcome
of this.. thanks to zeusII and catch22 for their support, comments, and general
suggestions while i was making this ansi, you guys rock.
apart from that, this is for aesthetics board namistai, hope you like it, because i know i do. greets to all the people i know and speak to.
this pic was taken from pitt 5, and slightly changed to my liking.
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