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NewsLetter 2-96
Wellz, I got News for ya, Were still here. More or less, we havent
changed. Well, mabey a few things. like Im going to Clear up the Application
rules. ok, so here it goes:
1 For All You comic Book Artists out there that want to join,
All I Have to say is I dont want to see any ANSis of
The MAXX or of Spawn. Theyve been Drawn WAY too many times
If its gonna be a comic ansi, please dont use overly drawn
2 You will be accepted as a Trial member for a month. If your art
isnt liked, then youll be dropped. If its liked, you will
be accepted as a new member.
3 You will be booted from the group after 2 months of innactivity
so keep them ansis or other art a-flowing!
Glad thats out of the way. anyways, You can upload your stuff to the
Tranquil Destruction. Logon as INFECT, password is APPLY. Its Pretty simple to
figure out once youre on. Hopefully, there will be an App gen in this months
pack Would make life a tad bit easier.
Right Now Id Like To Clear something. There Have Been Rumors Going
Around, Saying that our art Isnt Origional. Its really Some Sick Demented
Lamers trying to Break up one of the best Groups that this area kode has seen
in a LONG time. The Only Reason why any of this happened was because that
We were the only ones with the Ballz to comment on a group that was releasing
Other peoples art as their own. As well as some other forms of plagerisim,
Such as Gif - ANSi pictures... For the Record, our art has NEVER been pulled
from ANY other groups. EVER.
Things Have Been Pretty Hectic with the iNFECTiOUS / Diamondnet
catfight going on in RoleNet. Hell, It Practically Rejuvinated RoleNet. Im Justwondering Why Jolt continued to stick up for that Ripper artist, Sub Zero.
hell, Members in Diamond AND iNFECTiOUS were finding ripped art from the bleach
pack... Ive Heard soooo many Different stories, which are pretty unbeliveable.
But, Thanks to Mercury Fear, Its all Been Cleared Up... He caught Him on IRC
the other day... LordJazz was Never under the alias Carrion Ant, And called
Sub Zero a Lame-ass prick for Ripping his art. So, Whirlpool, Sub- Ripper, and
any other fagot in Diamond Can Blow me. Your Lame ass group woulnt last,
Unless you at least admit to your mistakes. Until then your just another
wellfare wannabe group. Isnt It amazing, as Soon As I call the Fact SZ is a
Ripper, his Quality drops to what it really is? No Drawing talents, and a few
overly used fonts. And Then You threatened to fight me.. Real mature.
If you want to beat me, do it in ANSi. You can Take all your un-origional,
already been done ANSis and go fuck yourself. Oh, By the way, Stop bugging
the fuck out of me, becasue You destroyed yourselves. I just told everyone the
the truth.
Otherwise, Not much has been going on. The Only Other More Notable thingwas that iNFECTiOUS has had an offer from The Man in Black MYSTiC senior
to merge with MYSTiC. It is a tempting offer with MYSTiC being one of the oldestroups in the kode thats still here. It was thought about.. And promptly
rejected. No Hard Feelings, and the 2 founders of This beloved group G have
been invited to the next MYSTiC Meeting.
On a side note, SlaveNet will be delayed untill The WHQ can either
Obtain the iMPULSE 5.1 upgade or the iMPULSE 6.0 full install.. Sorry bout the
delay, people, but I cant do anything with a Mail program that corrupts
everything when run.
Also, Id like to celebate the addition to the iNFECTiOUS member
Boards. We would like to say welcome to Manic Depression and Thanatos.
Thier work in setting up a decent board in Manchester havent gone unnoticed.
Greetz go to: Mercury Fear, TMiB, Manic Depression, The Pharcyde, Rage
Wellz, I got News for ya, Were still here. More or less, we havent
changed. Well, mabey a few things. like Im going to Clear up the Application
rules. ok, so here it goes:
1 For All You comic Book Artists out there that want to join,
All I Have to say is I dont want to see any ANSis of
The MAXX or of Spawn. Theyve been Drawn WAY too many times
If its gonna be a comic ansi, please dont use overly drawn
2 You will be accepted as a Trial member for a month. If your art
isnt liked, then youll be dropped. If its liked, you will
be accepted as a new member.
3 You will be booted from the group after 2 months of innactivity
so keep them ansis or other art a-flowing!
Glad thats out of the way. anyways, You can upload your stuff to the
Tranquil Destruction. Logon as INFECT, password is APPLY. Its Pretty simple to
figure out once youre on. Hopefully, there will be an App gen in this months
pack Would make life a tad bit easier.
Right Now Id Like To Clear something. There Have Been Rumors Going
Around, Saying that our art Isnt Origional. Its really Some Sick Demented
Lamers trying to Break up one of the best Groups that this area kode has seen
in a LONG time. The Only Reason why any of this happened was because that
We were the only ones with the Ballz to comment on a group that was releasing
Other peoples art as their own. As well as some other forms of plagerisim,
Such as Gif - ANSi pictures... For the Record, our art has NEVER been pulled
from ANY other groups. EVER.
Things Have Been Pretty Hectic with the iNFECTiOUS / Diamondnet
catfight going on in RoleNet. Hell, It Practically Rejuvinated RoleNet. Im Justwondering Why Jolt continued to stick up for that Ripper artist, Sub Zero.
hell, Members in Diamond AND iNFECTiOUS were finding ripped art from the bleach
pack... Ive Heard soooo many Different stories, which are pretty unbeliveable.
But, Thanks to Mercury Fear, Its all Been Cleared Up... He caught Him on IRC
the other day... LordJazz was Never under the alias Carrion Ant, And called
Sub Zero a Lame-ass prick for Ripping his art. So, Whirlpool, Sub- Ripper, and
any other fagot in Diamond Can Blow me. Your Lame ass group woulnt last,
Unless you at least admit to your mistakes. Until then your just another
wellfare wannabe group. Isnt It amazing, as Soon As I call the Fact SZ is a
Ripper, his Quality drops to what it really is? No Drawing talents, and a few
overly used fonts. And Then You threatened to fight me.. Real mature.
If you want to beat me, do it in ANSi. You can Take all your un-origional,
already been done ANSis and go fuck yourself. Oh, By the way, Stop bugging
the fuck out of me, becasue You destroyed yourselves. I just told everyone the
the truth.
Otherwise, Not much has been going on. The Only Other More Notable thingwas that iNFECTiOUS has had an offer from The Man in Black MYSTiC senior
to merge with MYSTiC. It is a tempting offer with MYSTiC being one of the oldestroups in the kode thats still here. It was thought about.. And promptly
rejected. No Hard Feelings, and the 2 founders of This beloved group G have
been invited to the next MYSTiC Meeting.
On a side note, SlaveNet will be delayed untill The WHQ can either
Obtain the iMPULSE 5.1 upgade or the iMPULSE 6.0 full install.. Sorry bout the
delay, people, but I cant do anything with a Mail program that corrupts
everything when run.
Also, Id like to celebate the addition to the iNFECTiOUS member
Boards. We would like to say welcome to Manic Depression and Thanatos.
Thier work in setting up a decent board in Manchester havent gone unnoticed.
Greetz go to: Mercury Fear, TMiB, Manic Depression, The Pharcyde, Rage
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